
Professor Dunoff’s primary areas of research include public international law, international regulatory regimes, international organizations and courts, and interdisciplinary approaches to international law.  Current projects include papers on the law and politics of interactions among international organizations, the causes and consequences of divergent practices of dissent across international courts (with Mark A. Pollack), and what international legal theory has to offer international relations scholars (with Mark A. Pollack).

Links to many of his published and unpublished writings on international trade, international organizations, international courts, interdisciplinarity, the constitutionalization of international law, fragmentation and regime interaction, economic analysis of international law, and other topics, can be found below.


International Courts

International Judicial Performances and the Performance of International Courts, in The Performance of International Courts and Tribunals 261 (Theresa Squatrito, et al eds., Cambridge University Press, 2018) (with Mark A. Pollack)

The Judicial Trilemma, 111 American Journal of International Law 225 (2017) (with Mark A. Pollack)

A Typology of International Judicial Practices, in The Judicialization of International Law – A Mixed Blessing? (Geir Ulfstein & Andreas Follesdal, eds., Cambridge University Press, forthcoming) (with Mark A. Pollack)

The Causes and Consequences of Dissent in International Tribunals(with Mark A. Pollack)

Does the United States Support International Tribunals?  The Case of the Multilateral Trade System, in The Sword and the Scales: The United States and International Courts and Tribunals 322 (Cesare Romano, ed., Cambridge University Press 2009)


International Trade

Footloose and Duty Free?  Reflections on European Union – Antidumping Measures on Certain Footwear from China, 13 World Trade Review 149 (2014) (with Michael Moore)

China’s Role in the Evolving Global Order: Reflections on Ten Years of Membership in the World Trade Organization, 18 (Chinese) Journal of International Economic Law, No. 3 (2012)

Hudec’s Methods – and Ours, 20 Minnesota Journal of International Law 437 (2011)

How Not to Think about Safeguards, in Law and Economics of Contingent Protection in International Trade 401 (Kyle Bagwell et al, eds., Cambridge University Press 2010)

North American Regional Economic Integration: Recent Trends and Developmentsin 1 European Yearbook of International Economic Law 297 (C. Herrman & J.P. Terhechte, eds., Springer-Verlag 2010)

Dysfunction, Diversion and the Debate over Preferences: (How) Do Preferential Trade Policies Work? in Developing Countries in the WTO Legal System 45 (Chantal Thomas & Joel P. Trachtman, eds., Oxford University Press 2009)

Linking International Markets and Global Justice, 107 Michigan Law Review 1039 (2009)

Less Than Zero: The Effects of Giving Domestic Effect to WTO Law6 Loy. U. Chi. International Law Review (2009)

When — and Why — Do Hard Cases Make Bad Law? The GSP Disputein The WTO and Developing Nations 283 (George Bermann & Petros Mavroidis eds., Cambridge University Press 2007)

Developing Countries and the WTO: What’s Wrong with Inactivity? in The WTO and Developing Nations 186 (George Bermann & Petros Mavroidis eds., Cambridge University Press 2007)

The Many Dimensions of Softwood Lumber45 Alberta Law Review 319 (2007) Translated into Chinese and published as 朱榄“软木案”的多维透视 in 19 Chinese Journal of International Economic Law (2013)

Lotus Eaters: The Varietals Dispute, the SPS Agreement, and WTO Dispute Resolution, in Trade and Human Health and Safety 153 (George Bermann & Petros Mavroidis eds., Cambridge University Press 2006)

Compliance at the WTO: Seduced by the Dispute Settlement System?, in The Measure of International Law: Effectiveness, Fairness and Validity 196 (Canadian Council on International Law ed., 2004)

Public Participation in the Trade Regime: Of Litigation, Frustration, Agitation and Legitimation, 56 Rutgers Law Review 961 (2004)

Translated into Turkish and published as Ticaret Rejiiminde Kamu Katilimi: Hukuki Ihtilâf, Engelleme, Çalkanti Zemini ve Meşruiyet, 56 Ankara Law Journal 315 (2007)

Is Trade Law Fair?, 8 Chinese Journal of International Economic Law 8 (2004)(published in both English and Chinese)

The Post-Doha Trade Agenda: Questions About Constituents, Competence and Coherence, in The WTO and the Doha Round:  The Changing Face of World Trade 59 (Ross Buckley ed., 2003)

International Dispute Resolution: Can the WTO Learn from MEAs? in Trade and Environment, the WTO and MEAs: Facets of a Complex Relationship 63 (2001)

The WTO’s Legitimacy Crisis: Reflections on the Law and Politics of WTO DisputeResolution, 13 American Review of International Arbitration 197 (2002)

Is the WTO Fair to Developing States?, 97 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 153 (2003)

How Should International Economic Disputes Be Resolved?, 42 South Texas Law Review 1219 (2001)

The WTO in Transition: Of Constituents, Competence and Coherence, 33 George Washington International Law Review 979 (2001)

Civil Society at the WTO: The Illusion of Inclusion?7 ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 275 (2001)

The NAFTA Experience, in Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development (P. Konz et al. eds., 2000)

Globalization and the Environment: The Limits of the Law, in Security, Trade and Environmental Policy: A US/European Union Transatlantic Agenda 187  (C. Bonser ed., 2000)

The Death of the Trade Regime, 10 European Journal of International Law 733 (1999)

Border Patrol at the WTO, 9 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 20 (1998)

The Misguided Debate Over NGO Participation at the WTO1 Journal of International Economic Law 433 (1998)

Understanding Asia’s Economic and Environmental Crises, 37 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 265 (1998)

Rethinking International Trade, 19 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law 347 (1998)

“Trade and”: Recent Developments in Trade Policy and Scholarship — And Their Surprising Political Implications, 17 Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business 759 (1996-97)

Resolving Trade/Environment Issues:  The Case for Trading Institutions27 Cornell International Law Journal 607 (1994)

Institutional Misfits: The GATT, the ICJ & Trade-Environment Disputes, 15 Michigan Journal of International Law 1043 (1994)

Reconciling International Trade with Preservation of the Global Commons: Can We Prosper and Protect?, 49 Washington & Lee Law Review 1407 (1992)


International Organizations

Mapping a Hidden World of International Regulatory Cooperation, 78 Law and Contemporary Problems 267 (2015)

The Law and Politics of International Organizations, Oxford Handbook of International Organizations (Jacob Katz Cogan, et al eds. 2014)

Is Sovereign Equality Obsolete?  Understanding Twenty-First Century International Organizations43 Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 99 (2013)



The Politics, Promise and Perils of Interdisciplinarity: The Curious Case of International Law and International Relations, in The Power of Legality: The Practices of International Law and their Politics (N Rakovjick et al eds 2015)

From Interdisciplinarity to Counterdisciplinarity: Is there Madness in Martti’s Method, 27 Temple International and Comparative Law Journal 309 (2013)

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations: The State of the Art (co-editor with Mark A. Pollack, Cambridge University Press 2013) Reviewed at 62 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 771 (2013); 24 European Journal of International Law 987 (2013); 4 Asian Journal of International Law 227 (2014)

International Law and International Relations: An Introduction to an Interdisciplinary Dialogue (with Mark A. Pollack), in Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations: The State of the Art 3 (Jeffrey L. Dunoff & Mark A. Pollack, eds., Cambridge University Press 2013)

International Law and International Relations: What We’ve Learned, What’s Next (with Mark A. Pollack) in Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations: The State of the Art 626 (Jeffrey L. Dunoff & Mark A. Pollack, eds., Cambridge University Press)


The Constitutionalization of International Law

The Multifaceted Relationship between Functionalism and Global Constitutionalism,” in Handbook on Global Constitutionalism (Anthony F. Lang, Jr. & Antje Wiener, eds, Edward Elgar, forthcoming)

Ruling the World? Constitutionalism, International Law and Global Governance (ed., with Joel P. Trachtman, Cambridge University Press 2009)

A Functional Approach to International Constitutionalization (with Joel P. Trachtman), in Ruling the World?  Constitutionalism, International Law & Global Governance 3 (Jeffrey L. Dunoff & Joel P. Trachtman, eds., Cambridge University Press 2009)

The Politics of International Constitutions: The Curious Case of the WTO, in Ruling the World?  Constitutionalism, International Law & Global Governance 178 (Jeffrey L. Dunoff & Joel P. Trachtman, eds., Cambridge University Press 2009)

The WTO Constitution, Judicial Power and Changing Patterns of Authority, in Changing Patterns of Authority in the Global Political Economy 55 (Martin Nettesheim & Volker Rittberger eds., Palgrave Macmillan 2008)

Constitutional Conceits: The WTO’s A Constitution and the Discipline of International Law, 17 European Journal of International Law 647 (2006), Translated into Chinese and published in 14 Chinese Journal of International Economic Law 28 (2007)

Why Constitutionalism Now? Text, Context and the Historical Contingency of Ideas1 Journal of International Law &  International Relations 191 (2005)

Fragmentation and Regime InteractionMapping a Hidden World of International Regulatory Cooperation, 78 Law and Contemporary Problems 267 (2015)

A New Approach to Regime Interaction, in International Law: Facing Fragmentation 136 (Margaret A. Young, ed. Cambridge University Press 2012)


Economic Analysis of International Law

Economic Analysis and International Law, in Economic Analysis of Law: A European Perspective  (with Joel P. Trachtman) (Aristides N. Hatzis & Richard Posner eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2006)

The Law and Economics of Humanitarian Law Violations in Internal Conflict, in The Methods of International Law 211 (with Joel P. Trachtman)(Steven Ratner & Anne-Marie Slaughter eds., 2004)

Some Costs and Benefits of Economic Analysis of International Law, 94 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 185 (2000)

The Law and Economics of Humanitarian Law Violations in Internal Conflicts, 93 American Journal of International Law 394 (1999) (with Joel P. Trachtman)

Economic Analysis of International Law, 24 Yale Journal of International Law 1 (1999) (with Joel P. Trachtman), reprinted in part in B. Carter, et al, International Law (5th ed., 2007; 4th ed., 2003)



What is the Purpose of International Law?, 3 International Theory 326 (2011)

International Law in Perplexing Times, 25 Maryland Journal of International Law 11 (2010)

The Political Geography of Distributive Justice, in Global Justice and International Economic Law: Opportunities and Prospects 153 (Chios Carmody, Frank J. Garcia, and John Linarelli, eds., Cambridge University Press 2012)

Levels of Environmental Governance, in Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law 85 (Daniel Bodansky, et al. eds., Oxford University Press 2007)

International Legal Scholarship at the Millennium, 1 Chicago Journal of International Law 85 (2000)

Does Globalization Advance Human Rights?, 25 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 125 (1999)

Against Market Rationality: Moral Critiques of Economic Analysis in Legal Theory, 17 Cardozo Law Review 431 (1996) (with Jane Baron)

From Green to Global: Towards the Transformation of International Environmental Law, 19 Harvard Environmental Law Journal 241 (1995)