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Justin Braveboy-Wagner

Graduate Student (PhD Candidate)

Justin’s education has given him experience as a Biomedical Engineer since the early 2000s. He has nine years of academic graduate-level laboratory experience which has left him with an amalgamated skillset which includes cell culture techniques, pharmaceutical/drug assays, metabolic characterizations, PCR and gene expression analysis, PDA (photodiode array) and mass spectrometry, microgravity bioreactor cell culture and assay, project management (including PMI certification), and 3D printing and modeling.

Research Interests

  • Osteoblast dysfunction in low gravity environments
  • Gene expression

Published Work


  1. “Design of an In-Vitro Model System for Evaluating the Degradation of Collagen Sponges Using Nuclear MRI.”  WPI, 2005, 26. Thesis Project – B.S: Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  2. “A Study of the Continued Viability of NATO: Military and Cultural Aspects.”  WPI, 2003. Thesis – for completion of Humanities Requirement in advance of degree application
  3. “Science and Technology and the Dilemmas of Sustainable Development: The Caribbean.”  WPI, 2005, 40. Thesis Project – B.S: Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  4. “Proteomic Arrays and Microdevices: a Research Review.”  2008, 28. Research Project for Submission – M.S: University of Chapel Hill, NC
  5. “Metabolic Effects of Rosiglitazone and Pioglitazone on Complex I and Complex II Respiration in Isolated Rat Mitochondria.”  ProQuest/UMI, 2010, 30. Thesis Project – M.S: University of Chapel Hill, NC
  6. “Inhibition of Osteogenic Differentiation in Simulated Partial Gravity: Mitigation by Phytonutrients” BMES 2019
  7. “Mineralization and Cytoskeletal Dysfunction of Osteoblasts under Varied Simulated Partial Gravity Conditions” PhD Proposal Defense, October 2019