Mouse Effects in Elementor

Mouse Effects – Mouse Track

Set an element to move in relation to the visitor’s mouse movement.


Advanced or Style > Background

Motion Effects

  1. Mouse Effects: Slide to ON
  2. Mouse Track: Click pencil edit icon
    Direction: Choose from Opposite or Direct. Opposite will move the element in the opposite direction of the mouse movement. Direct will move the element in the same direction as the mouse movement.
    Speed: Set the speed from 0 to 10
  3. Apply Effects On: Select to apply the motion effects on Desktop, Tablet, and/or Mobile devices.

Elementor Templates

Template Library

Elementor Template Library gives you access to hundreds of designer-made Page layouts and Blocks, all with premium high-end stock images, which you can use freely on your site.

Inserting Templates

  1. Click the  icon to add a Page template, Block, or your own saved template from the editing screen.
  2. Click the magnifying glass icon   to preview a template.
  3. Click INSERT to select the required template.
  4. Give your favorite templates a heart and save them to MY FAVORITES.
  5. Click the arrow in the top right corner  to upload a .json or .zip file.

Saving Pages as Templates

  1. Click the green button located at the bottom of the panel
  2. Choose Save Template
  3. Give a name to your template and save

Saving Sections as Templates

  1. Choose the section you want to save and right-click the Section Settings 
  2. Give it a name and click Save

How to Export Templates

You can export your saved templates.

  1. Click the  icon in the Elementor editor
  2. Under My Templates click the 3-dots  and click Export

How to Import Templates

You can import templates you’ve exported or downloaded.

  1. Go to Templates > Saved Templates or Templates > Theme Builder or Templates > Popups
  2. Click the Import Templates button
  3. Choose the file you want to import and click the Import Now button
  4. Your imported template will now be displayed in your Templates list

Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – CoBlocks


CoBlocks is the most innovative collection of page building WordPress blocks for the new Gutenberg WordPress block editor.

With additional blocks and true row and column building, CoBlocks gives you a true page builder experience for Gutenberg.

CoBlocks is powerful but lightweight: it adds functionality to the WordPress editor without bloat. This is the plugin you’ve been waiting for, and it will make you rethink what WordPress is capable of.



CoBlocks is the last page builder you’ll ever need: you get a winning mix of additional WordPress blocks, and page builder functionality. With CoBlocks you have everything you need to make beautiful web pages with the new block editor:

  • Resizable Row/Columns Blocks
  • Shape Divider Block
  • Hero Block (New!)
  • Buttons Block (New!)
  • Features Block
  • Media Card Block
  • Icon Block
  • Map Block
  • Accordion Block
  • Alert Block
  • Author Profile Block
  • Click to Tweet Block
  • Dynamic Separator Block
  • Gif Block
  • GitHub Gist Block
  • Highlight Block
  • Pricing Table Block
  • Social Sharing Block

And we’re adding new Gutenberg blocks all the time!


CoBlocks features an innovative block system that allows you to create stunning web pages, and even entire websites, with the new WordPress editor.

You get the extra blocks you need and the layout and design functionality for a true page builder experience.

Use the exceptional Row and Columns blocks to add dynamically generated content areas with specific responsive margin and padding settings that only CoBlocks provides.

Style these with innovative new blocks such as the Shape Divider, which lets you split up your content with beautiful dividers.

Each of the WordPress blocks within CoBlocks have been precisely fined tuned to offer a familiar, yet powerful, customization experience. Tailor each block to your taste using our custom controls and settings. Change fonts, set margin and padding, pick colors and more.


The breakthrough Typography Control Panel within CoBlocks lets you design web pages with alluring typographic elements. Set fonts, sizes, weights, transformations and more, in our CoBlocks blocks, and in core WordPress blocks.


Easily toggle off any WordPress block in the Gutenberg editor with the new CoBlocks Block Manager. No more unnecessary WordPress Gutenberg blocks standing in the way for you, or your clients.



The vision for CoBlocks is to create a suite of Gutenberg blocks to help folks make beautiful websites easily. These newest releases of CoBlocks is the ultimate expression of that vision.

Gutenberg Blocks and Template Library by Otter


Gutenberg Blocks and Template Library by Otter is a lightweight WordPress plugin that brings extra Gutenberg blocks to your site. So if you want to create complex pages and posts optimized for e-commerce, business, social media, blogs – you name it -comes with dozens of Gutenberg blocks that are all you need to build beautiful pages.

Live Demo

See what you can do with Otter:

A feature that is worth mentioning is the Section Block that allows you to build columns and various layouts in Gutenberg. Moreover, aside from the Gutenberg blocks, the plugin provides a beautiful library of pre-built Gutenberg-compatible templates that you can simply import via one click. The templates have block-friendly layouts that can be customized with no effort.

Every block can be customized in a few seconds, as they come with an easy and intuitive user

It has:

  • Section Block
  • Advanced Heading Block
  • Button Group
  • Service Block
  • Pricing Block
  • Testimonial Block
  • Google Maps Block
  • About Author Block
  • Post Grid Block
  • Font Awesome Block
  • Sharing Icons Block
  • Plugin Card Block

Block Gallery – Photo Gallery Gutenberg Blocks


Block Gallery is a suite of beautiful gallery Gutenberg blocks for photographers, artists, writers and content marketers. This is the smartest, most powerful photo gallery plugin for WordPress. Block Gallery is absolutely brilliant any way you look at it.

Good news! Block Gallery was selected as this year’s winner in the Best Solution category of the Automattic Design Awards at WordCamp US 2018. ????????



The first of its kind, Block Gallery offers an unrivaled drag and drop gallery building experience in Gutenberg. Drop your images in your choice of photo gallery block, customize display settings, hit publish.


An innovative transform system lets you instantly change your photos galleries into another form. Go from a fullscreen masonry gallery to a casual carousel, with just a single click. You won’t find another Gutenberg gallery plugin with this kind of capability. Guaranteed.


Our Gutenberg gallery blocks are second-to-none, featuring fullscale responsive support. And with fine controls for mobile and desktop styles, you can set custom styling for each gallery.


We’ve built a highly interactive and intuitive experience with a focus on speed and ease of use. Drag. Drop. Transform. Style.


  • Masonry Gallery – (demo)
  • Fullscreen Stacked Gallery – (demo)
  • Carousel Slider – (demo)



Atomic Blocks

Atomic Blocks is a collection of content blocks for the new Gutenbergblock editor. Blocks are chunks of content such as paragraphs, images, galleries, columns, and more. Building with blocks gives you more control to quickly create and launch any kind of site you want!

Adding the customizable Atomic Block plugin adds a collection of beautiful, site-building blocks to help you customize page layouts, increase engagement, and get results for your business.

Along with the content blocks you’ll find in Atomic Blocks, we’re also publishing helpful articles and tutorials to help you get started with Gutenberg.



We’ve created a handy help file that you can check out here. The help file covers how to setup the plugin and get started with the blocks.

The help file is also available in the plugin once activated. Click the Atomic Blocks admin menu item to visit the Getting Started page.

View the plugin help file


How to use

After activating this plugin on your site, you will be able to see all the added blocks directly in the Gutenberg (Block) Editor.

How to add blocks in Gutenberg

There are four main ways to add blocks from within the Gutenberg editor.


By hitting enter, you automatically create a new paragraph block (which can be changed)

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Hovering your mouse at the middle-top of any block brings up an “insert block” button.

add block button



Clicking the upper-left “plus” button adds a block below your currently selected block.

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After you’ve hit enter to add a new block–you can then select a few commonly-used block options (located on the lower-right of the block)

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