How do I sign up for the foreign language test?

About Forums English Grad Program FAQs How do I sign up for the foreign language test?

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  • #1953
    Riley Thomas

    Hello, everyone! I have to pass my foreign language requirement soon, and I was wondering how to start that process. Where do I sign up for the test? Also, how are the tests usually structured? Any advice is appreciated! ????

    Sidney Ro

    Hi Riley! The foreign language exam for the English department here at Temple is quite casual. The first thing you’ll want to do is to select the language you would like to take the exam in and then contact the head of that department. Either the chair or someone in the department is responsible for handling the exam. It is quite different for each department but usually they’ll schedule your exam and you’ll translate a passage or so and they’ll inform you if you’ve passed or failed. I took mine in Latin, and because I was rusty, they even let me sit in on a class that matched the level of difficulty of the exam. As of when I took mine in early 2020, there wasn’t a formal form or anything to fill out but as long as you have written evidence of the passing grade, the department will take it. I hope this is helpful!

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