Laura Biesiadecki

Laura Biesiadecki

Laura Biesiadecki is a doctoral student in the Department of English at Temple University. She worked as a Graduate Research Fellow in the Loretta C. Duckworth Scholars Studio (2019-2020) and is currently serving as the Graduate Assistant for Temple’s First-Year Writing Office (2021-2022). Her teaching and research interests include American modernist fiction, gender studies, spatial studies, and digital humanities.

She has taught first-year writing, general education, and literature courses at Temple University and Neumann University, and is a senior lecturer at the University of the Arts. Her essay, “Laughing with Them: Comedy in the First-Year Writing Classroom” is forthcoming in an installment of the MLA Options for Teaching series.

Laura is working on her dissertation, a literary and cultural study of domestic space and its impact on the creative lives of American women (Emily Dickinson, Edith Wharton, Gertrude Stein, and Shirley Jackson, among others). The project will provide a theoretical framework by which to evaluate the contributions of iconic American women writers to fictional representations of space, as well as their influence on various iterations of the “home” and national trends of architecture and design.

Laura holds a BA in English from Loyola University-Maryland and an MA in English from Rutgers University-Newark.


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