Resume tips

Download some example resumes:  example_resume, example_resume2

No typos

Email address:  based on your name; don’t use TUID, too hard to read

Don’t bother listing an objective, not used anymore

One page only

Don’t say “references available on request”   This is obvious.

Education:  needs to be at the top for fresh graduate, you can move down later after you get more experience

INCLUDE SOME EXAMPLE COURSES upper level and GIS especially

GPA if over 3.0

Job experience – not too much detail; even if it is a service job, show steady work habits

Independent research – not required!!

Volunteer and club experience

Ok to list some lab activities as experience as long as you make it clear they were classroom not job experience (don’t oversell)

Maybe hobbies, maybe not

Clean layout

No repetition

You can download these tips