This research presents an adaptive control scheme to achieve optimal sailing maneuvers for an AC75 foiling sailboat competing in America’s Cup, the world’s premier sailboat race. The innovative sailboat design introduces extra degrees of freedom and articulations in the boat that result in nonlinear, high-dimensional, and unstable switching dynamics. These complex dynamical characteristics make the optimization of this MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) system via traditional methods prohibitive. Therefore, we presented an adaptive learning scheme to learn the Jacobian of the system from measurement data, and adapt the commands at each time step to achieve the optimal maneuvers.
- Rodriguez, R., Wang, Y., Ozanne, J., Morrow, J., Sumer, D., & Filev, D. (2022). Adaptive Learning and Optimization of High-speed Sailing Maneuvers for America’s Cup. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 1-12,
- Rodriguez, R., Wang, Y., Ozanne, J., Sumer, D., Filev, D., & Soudbakhsh, D. (2022). Adaptive Takeoff Maneuver Optimization of a Sailing Boat for America’s Cup. Journal of Sailing Technology, 7(01), 88-103,
- Rodriguez, R., Wang, Y., Ozanne, J., Sumer, D., Filev, D., & Soudbakhsh, D. (2022). Adaptive Learning for Maximum Takeoff Efficiency of High-Speed Sailboats. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(12), 402-407,
- Rodriguez, R., Wang, Y., Ozanne, J., Sumer, D., Filev, D., & Soudbakhsh, D. “Adaptive Learning Optimization of A High-Speed Sailboat for the America’s Cup”, European Control Conference, 2022 2022,
- Rodriguez, R. (2021). OPTIMAL CONTROL OF THE AC75 SAILBOAT FOR THE AMERICA’S CUP RACE (Master’s Thesis, Temple University. Libraries),