Frequently Asked Questions

Applying to CTE 

How do I know if I qualify for the CTE Program? 

You are eligible for the CTE Program if you were recently hired as a CTE Teacher or; you are pursuing a Coop or Leadership certification; or you are pursuing a BCITE/ME Certification.  

Where should I apply? 

To get started in the CTE Program, send an email of introduction and inquiry to Mary Miller-Ettwein, the Director of CTE Certification ( 

How do I get a TUID # and Temple email? 

New CTE teachers must complete the CTE Program Application, which puts them into the CTE Center System. Once this is complete, you will be assigned a nine-digit TU ID number. Shortly thereafter, you will receive information about setting up your Temple Email. 

HINT: Keep track of all your identifying numbers and passwords. You will need them again. 

Is the New Teacher Orientation (NTO) required? 

Yes, attending a New Teacher Orientation is required. It is recommended that this be completed while you are still working under your emergency certificate. It is required before you can begin taking classes at Temple. 

What is the difference between the undergraduate track and the graduate track? 

If you currently possess a bachelor’s degree or higher, you will follow the Graduate track for certification. If your highest academic level is an associate degree or a high school diploma, you will follow the Undergraduate track. The total number of credits required does vary between the 2 tracks. *** Please see Advising Blueprints for further details 

What is my first step to getting started in the program? 

Several applications must be completed to enroll you in the CTE Certification Program. Once the applications are completed, we have created your profile and Temple account, you will complete the Occupational Competency Assessment and a New Teacher Orientation. 


How do I register for a course? 

To register for a course at Temple, you will complete an online registration form which is sent to all CTE students every semester prior to the opening of registration.  

How do I search for a course? 

You can search courses for each term by logging onto TUportal, and clicking the Student tab. Next, click on the Self-Service Banner link, choose the semester, then view courses that are offered for that term. You will be able to see the CRN #, when the course meets, the format of the course being held (online or on-campus), and your instructor. 

How do I reactivate my Temple Account if I am locked out? 

If you haven’t taken a course for some time, you might find yourself locked out of your TUPortal and email. If that happens, please contact the CTE Advisors at They will review your profile and let you know the next steps or what the CTE Team can do to assist. 

When do I apply for my ACT 48 credits? 

You are not required to apply for ACT 48 credits until AFTER you complete C&T I. An ACT 48 form must be completed and submitted through TUSafesend. The ACT 48 form is found on the Registrar’s webpage. You can find TUSafesend on the homepage of your TUportal. If you need an unofficial transcript to list the classes you completed, you can find an unofficial copy of your completed coursework under the Student tab of your TUportal or contact the CTE Advising Team. *** Please see How to Apply for Act 48 Credits document for instructions 

How do I contact a CTE Advisor for assistance? 

You can contact a CTE Advisor by sending a request through You will receive a response within 48 hours

Steps to Matriculate from Non-Degree to Degree  

If I am interested in seeking a degree at Temple, what are the steps? 

  • Bachelor’s Degree 

If you do not have a bachelor’s degree, you can matriculate into the Bachelor of Science of Education (BSED) in CTE program, before you complete 60 credit hours.  The first step is to talk with Elizabeth Diamond (Associate Professor and BSED Program Coordinator; and a CTE Advisor (Stacey Sangtinette; about your intentions.  The second step is to apply at the link:  

While filling out the application, apply to the College of Education, Career and Technical Education program and select “Transfer Student” when prompted. 

You may need to provide other documents such as official transcripts from any post-secondary schools you’ve attended (have these sent electronically from the institution(s) and select Temple University from the drop-down list), application fee, tuition deposit, etc. 

This process can take 4-6 weeks to complete.  You can contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office to inquire as to the status of your application or with other questions at 215-204-7200 or toll-free at 888-340-2222 or 

  • Master’s Degree 

If you have a Bachelor’s degree, then you can matriculate into the Master of Education (MED) in CTE program (CTE Teachers) or the Master of Science in CTE program (Leadership – Director/Supervisor program) by the time you have completed 15 graduate credit hours.  For the MED, the first step is to speak with Elizabeth Diamond (Associate Professor and MED/MSED Program Coordinator; and a CTE Advisor (Stacey Sangtinette;  For the MSED, the first step is to speak with Ron Roth (Director of Leadership, Professional Development, and Cooperative Education; for general information.  The second step is to apply at the link: 

If you are a CTE (C&T certification) student, you will select the Master of Education in CTE program. If you are in the BCITE or Marketing Education program, select the Master of Education program and then BCITE or Marketing Education option when prompted. 

If you are in the Leadership program and working on a Supervisor/Director certification and want to matriculate to the degree program, select the Master of Science in CTE option. 

You will be asked to provide several documents.  These include: ordering and submitting your official transcripts from any post-secondary school that you have attended (must be sent to by the school – these cannot be sent by the student), a statement of intent or goals, at least 2 letters of recommendation or the email addresses of the people who will provide a recommendation, and the application fee. 

This process can take 4-6 weeks to complete.  You can contact Enrollment Management in the College of Education to inquire about the status of your application, or if you have other questions (

When do I apply to the College of Education for a bachelor’s or master’s degree? 

  • Bachelor’s Degree 

Apply by the time you complete 60 credit hours. Most students apply between 45-60 credit hours. 

  • Master’s Degree 

Apply by the time you complete 15 graduate credit hours.  Any graduate credit hours completed past 15 credit hours may not matriculate into the program (Graduate School policy). 

Do I have an advisor? 

Yes, you do have an advisor. In fact, you have no less than 2-4 people who will help you through the processes. The CTE Advisors ( will continue to register you for courses when you become a degree-seeking student (BSED, MED or MSED). Elizabeth Diamond, (Associate Professor, BCITE, Marketing Education, and Degree-seeking program coordinator; will be your degree advisor for BSED or MED programs. For the MSED program, Ron Roth (Director of Leadership, Professional Development, and Cooperative Education; ) will be your advisor.   

If I was once a degree-seeking student and would like to re-enroll, what is the process? 

  • Bachelor’s Degree 

If it has been 2 years or less since you were degree-seeking, you can complete a re-enrollment form (via email) to become an active student again.  Talk to a CTE Advisor ( to obtain a re-enrollment form. It may take 3-4 weeks to become an active student again. 

When are the 24 Exam Credits applied to my account? 

As a degree-seeking student, you can receive 24 credit hours for successful completion of your OCA written and performance exam.  These can be applied for when you have completed 90 credit hours towards the bachelor’s degree.  To apply for the 24 credit hours, contact the CTE Advisors for information regarding the cost ($10 per credit hour + a university services fee), where and how to pay for the credits, and the required form.  It may take 4-6 weeks for these credits to show as applied toward your degree.  

Who qualifies for the 24 Exam credits? 

Undergraduate students who are degree-seeking and have completed 90 credit hours toward the degree qualify to apply for the 24 exam credits. 

What is DARS? 

The DARS report explains the courses that will be considered to meet the requirements for the BSED degree.  It will include any courses you’ve taken at Temple and at other post-secondary institutions you’ve attended.  It is usually available to review on your TUPortal a week before the semester you are admitted.  

  • Master’s Degree 

If you skipped taking classes for a Fall or Spring semester and did not fill out a Leave of Absence form, you will need to reapply to the program and pay the application fee for a second time. There is no other way to re-enroll as a degree-seeking graduate student.  

What is the BSED Program? 

Bachelor of Science in Education (undergraduate program) in CTE 

What is the MED Program? 

Master of Education (graduate program) in CTE 

This program is specifically for students who are on the C&T I/II track. 

What is the MSED Program? 

Master of Science in Education (graduate program) in CTE 

This program is specifically for students in the Leadership program. 

Time Information Management System (TIMS) 

What is TIMS? 

Teacher Information Management System (TIMS) is the system that the Pennsylvania Department of Education has established to verify and maintain educator credentials. It is the responsibility of all educators to become familiar with this system. 

You are required to apply online through TIMS. 

When do I apply to TIMS? 

After completing Level I and Level II certifications and Praxis assessments, candidates submit an online form, Audit by Advisor for Certification. The link to this form is available from your FRA or by contacting Once the audit is completed (coursework is verified along with Praxis assessments) by an advisor, candidates will be sent instructions for applying online to TIMS. As soon as the application is completed and the candidate has paid the fee, the application is cleared and sent to PDE to be approved. When the application has been cleared and sent to PDE, candidates can check their status on the TIMS website. 

Who do I contact when I’m ready? 

When you are ready to apply to TIMS for certification, please contact the CTE Advisors ( to request an audit of your coursework and Praxis assessment. 


When do I take the Praxis Exams? (Reading, Writing, and Math) 

Candidates following the undergraduate track successfully complete the Reading Praxis exam and the Writing praxis exam while they are teaching under their Intern certificate. 

The Math Praxis exam is required in both the undergraduate and graduate track while working under the Career and Tech I certificate.  

What is meant by the Praxis composite scores? 

The best way to understand this is by referring to the How to Register for Praxis Exams document for instructions. 

How many times may I take the Praxis exam? 

There is no cap on the number of times you can take a Praxis exam. However, you cannot take them more frequently than every 21 days not counting the original test date. 

Is there a math course that I can take in lieu of the Math Praxis exam? 

Yes – PDE has published a list of acceptable courses that may be taken in lieu of the Math Praxis exam. You are required to contact the CTE Advisors at prior to enrolling in one of the equivalent courses. Please refer to the document named Math Course to Substitute for Math Praxis. This document lists all the Math course options. 

Occupational Competency Assessment & Credential Review (OCA) 

When do I take the OCA? 

The Occupational Competency Assessment (OCA) must be completed while you are still teaching under your emergency certificate. This is typically during the first year of teaching. 

When do I take the Written and Performance Assessment? 

When you complete the OCA application you will then be ready for either the credential review (for those teaching certain programs as identified by PDE) or the complete exam, which includes a written exam and a performance exam. The credential reviews are completed as needed, the written exams are given 3 times per year – October, February and April – and the performance exams are scheduled individually in three cycles per year – October-December, February-March, April-June. There is an option to take the written exam using a remote proctoring service for an additional fee. 

What do I do for the OCA Credential Review? 

You complete the OCA application providing all the required information. Once the application has been reviewed and approved, you will then receive your OCA Certificate of Completion.  

Is there a time limit for completing the OCA? 

It is expected that you complete the OCA during the time you are teaching under your emergency certification. 

If I do not pass, what are my next steps? 

If your score does not meet the required passing score, you will be required to complete a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). You will be sent the information for this process when you receive your scores, if applicable. The first failed assessment requires 250 hours of targeted remediation. If you fail to pass the assessment the second time, you will need to show 500 hours. If you fail to pass the exam a third time, you will become ineligible to earn a teacher certification in this area. 

What is a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)? 

A PIP is a remediation plan designed by the candidate to address the specific areas of deficiency represented by the scores earned on the Occupational Competency Assessment (OCA). There are very specific requirements that must be met for the PIP plan to be accepted. 

When do I apply for my C&T Intern Certification? 

Once you have successfully completed the Occupational Competency Assessment and completed the required Induction Program at your school, you are eligible to apply for your Intern Certificate using TIMS. You must first complete an online Audit by Advisor for Certification request. The link is available by contacting your FRA or CTE Advising at Ideally, you will have also attended the New Teacher Orientation while you are working under your emergency certificate. If not, you may proceed with applying for your Intern certificate but will not be eligible to start classes until you have completed the New Teacher Orientation program. 

Field Resource Associates (FRA)  

What is a Field Resource Associates (FRA)?  

The Field Resource Associate is a Temple CTE liaison assigned to CTE Centers that assist the school community and the teacher intern through the certification process.  

What do they do?  

A Field Resource Associate will visit you at your teaching location as you begin to work your way through the courses required to earn the Career and Technical Education Certifications. 

What support do they give to Interns?   

A Field Resource Associate will monitor new CTE teacher interns and provide individualized support to all CTE teacher interns in the Career and Technical certification program.   

When do we meet? 

The Field Resource Associate will contact you upon registering for your first CTE course.  

Career & Technical Programs… Career & Technical Certification [C&T I and C&T II] 

How do I apply? 

The first step to applying is to complete the CTE Program Application using the following link:

This will get you into the system and alert a member of the CTE Team to contact you. 

What are the requirements? 

You need to be a CTE Teacher in one the schools in Temple’s region. During the application process you are required to show 4 years or 8000 hours of experience in your trade. This does not include teaching or supervising. 

You will be required to complete a Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) sanctioned program to earn a teaching certification within a specific period of time. 

Who do I contact? 

Contact Mary Miller-Ettwein, Director of Career and Technical Certification at 

Leadership & Cooperative Education Teacher Certification  Programs 

How do I apply? 

Contact Dr. Ronald Roth, Director of Leadership, Professional Development, and Cooperative Education at for general information. 

Applications are available at  

What are the requirements? 

Leadership: Students are required to possess a bachelor’s degree and a Level 1 or 2 teaching certificate.  Teachers are required to have at least three years of teaching or related instructional experience in a CTE environment.  We require a Letter of Recommendation from a school administrator and college transcripts showing receipt of a bachelor’s degree.  

Cooperative Education: Students are required to have a valid PA teaching certificate. 

Whom do I contact?  

Dr. Ronald Roth, Director of Leadership, Professional Development, and Cooperative Education.

Business, Computer, Information Technology, and Education (BCITE) and Marketing Education (ME), both UG and GR 

How do I apply? 

If you are an undergraduate student, you need to apply to Temple University (  The College of Education Shimada Advising Center will help you design your academic plan and register for classes.   

If you are a graduate student, you can contact Dr. Elizabeth Diamond ( for information about the program, including required Praxis exams, course requirements, etc. You can apply to the College of Education Graduate School ( Select the program “Career and Technical Education”, option Business, Computer and Information Technology Education or Marketing Education. The application will not be processed until all required documents and fees are complete. If you have questions about your application, contact

What are the requirements? 

Undergraduate requirements are listed on the Undergraduate Admissions website. 

Graduate requirements are listed below: 

  1. An undergraduate or graduate degree related to Business and/or Marketing 
  1. Apply to the College of Education Graduate School ( 
  1. Pass the Praxis exam 5511 (Fundamental Subject: Content Knowledge), and then depending on the program you want to pursue, the Business Praxis exam (5101) or Marketing Education Praxis (5561) 
  1. Complete an application for the CTE program.  The CTE Advisors can provide you with the link (

Who do I contact? 

Undergraduate Level – The Temple University Admissions office (215-204-7200 / 888-340-2222 or email

Graduate Level-  

To discuss requirements, opportunities, courses, etc., contact: 

Elizabeth Diamond, Associate Professor of CTE, Program Coordinator for BCITE/ME (  

For questions specific to your application, contact: 

Enrollment Management Office, College of Education ( or 215-204-8011) 


When do I apply for clearances? 

You should upload your current clearances that you have on file with your school administration. If those clearances are expired or close to expiring, you should apply for new clearances. Information on Clearances can be found at the following link:

How do I upload clearances? 

*** Please see Clearance Policy for CTE for further details  

How long do they last? 

Typically, clearances are good for 5 years from the date of issue.  

What is the cost? 

PA State Police Background Check Clearance is $22. 

Child Abuse Clearance is $13. 

FBI Fingerprint Clearance is $22.60 

TB Tests typically range from $10 and up. 

Are Clearances required? 

All CTE students are required to have clearances on file with the College of Education. Clearances must be current, meaning the expiration date must be within 5 years. 

In addition, for certain courses requiring fieldwork, the CEHD requires CTE students whose clearances are older than 1 year old to submit an Employer Clearance Verification for On-the-Job Fieldwork form. The form requires a signature from your administration granting permission for you to complete the fieldwork in your own classroom and verifying that you will be continuously employed through the end of the academic year. If the course for which you are requesting registration requires this form, it will be sent to you by CTE Advising.