Acronym Dictionary

Are you looking to demystify the CTE alphabet soup? Uncover the most commonly used acronyms in the field.

ACTE: Association for Career and Technical Education (our field’s national association)

ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act

BCITE: Business Computer Information Technology Education

CBL: Competency Based Learning

CCS: Common Core Standards

CEW: Career Education and Work Standards

CIP: Classification of Instructional Program (codes)

CTC: Career and Technical Center, formerly Area Vocational Technical School

COE: Council of Educators

CTSO: Career and Technical Student Organization

CTE: Career and Technical Education

C&T 1 or 2 (CTE I/II): Career and Technical Certification

ELL: English Language Learner

FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

FRA: Field Resource Associate

GPA: Grade Point Average

IPA: Intermediate Performance Assessment

IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IEP: Individual Education Plan, a legally binding document that addresses the special education needs of a student

IPEP: Individualized Professional Education Plan

IU: Intermediate Unit

JOC: Joint Opening Committee

LE: Learning Experience

NTO: New Teachers Orientation

NOCTI: National Occupational Competency Testing Institute

NTHS: National Technical Honors Society

OAC: Occupational Advisory Committee

OCA: Occupational Competency Assessment

OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration

PACTA: Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Administrators

PB: Project-Based Learning (may also refer to problem-based learning)

PDE: Pennsylvania Department of Education

PIMS: Pennsylvania Information Management System POS: Program of Study

PPID: Professional Personal Identification number

SPA: Senior Performance Assessment

SOAR: Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration

SSID: Statewide Student Identifier

STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (if STEAM, A is for Arts)

SDI: Specially Designed Instruction

TUID: Temple University Identification

TIMS: Teacher Information Management System

WBE: Work-Based Education

WBL: Work-Based Learning