Faculty Resources
- Video Production
- The CST-ODL Center can assist faculty with high-resolution video lectures and ensure that the videos are accessible directly from our Video Vault.
- All video lectures placed on our Video Vault include captioning for accessibility.
- Canvas
- Assistance in understanding the functionalities of the CST Canvas templates.
- Assistance with embedding the CST Canvas template in faculty courses.
- Instructional Design
- Consultations are offered in various topics such as assignment design, student engagement and activities, exam proctoring resources, and more.
- Workshops
- In addition to hosting a few workshops throughout the year for all CST Faculty, the CST-ODL can also offer a customized workshop just for your department.

Recommended Readings of the Week
6 Keys for Filming Quality DYI (do it yourself) Videos
Learning about Google Jamboard (if you would like to incorporate this tool into your class, please note that CAT has a workshop about it).
In this Proctorio Recording (48 min) you will learn the following:
- How to request to have the Proctorio tool enabled in your canvas course
- Detailed information about the various options that you can choose for monitoring your students during exam time
- Important tips for your students on what browser to be use and downloading the Proctorio plugin prior to taking an exam
We thank Jonah Chambers from the Center for the Advancement for Teaching (CAT) for having recorded this presentation and documents offered to assist CST Faculty who have a need for using Proctorio during exams.