
Tropical Marine Ecology (Biology 3316 – Undergraduate / 5416 – Graduate)

A survey of marine biology focusing on coral reefs of the Atlantic Ocean. Course lectures given at Temple University include regular meetings during the fall semester; the course work at Temple is supplemented by a required week of lectures, field trips and field projects on Ambergris Caye in Belize (Central America). Lecture topics include coral biology, reef geology and ecology, coral reef biota, food webs and nutrient transfer in coral reefs, reef community organization, the biology of reef fishes, commensal and symbiotic interactions of reef organisms, and other appropriate topics. Group projects and presentations are required. Additional requirements include a current passport and snorkeling equipment. Prerequisite: Special authorization; permission of instructor; Biology 1111 and 1112 or 2112 with a grade of C or better in each. Note: Not offered every year; next expected to be offered Fall 2026.

Polar Biology – Life at the Extremes (Biology 3335 – Undergraduate / 5335 – Graduate)

An introduction to polar environments and the biology of aquatic and terrestrial organisms adapted to live in the Arctic and Antarctic. Similarities and differences between the poles as well as anthropogenic impacts on these remote environments will be addressed. Not offered every year.

Freshwater Ecology (Biology 3336 – Undergraduate / 5436 – Graduate)

The interrelationships between biological, chemical, and physical factors in freshwater environments. Lectures and laboratories address general ecological principles (population dynamics, community structure, energy flow, and nutrient cycling) as they apply to plants and animals in lakes, ponds, streams and wetlands. Prerequisite: Biology 1111 (0101) and 2112 (0102) with a grade of C or better in both, Biology 2227 (0227) with a C- or better. Note: Students are required to participate in up to two field trips, one of which may include weekend travel. Not offered every year.

Principles of Ecology (Biology 2227 – Undergraduate)

This course provides an overview of ecology from the level of the individual organism to populations, communities and ecosystems. It examines the physical, chemical, and biological components of ecological interactions, and includes a comparative treatment of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. It is one of the required courses for a BA or BS in Biology. Prerequisite: Biology 1111 (0101) with a grade of C or better.

Graduate Seminars (Biology 8250/8450)

Topics, which vary from semester-to-semester, have included: Topics in Protistology; Symbiosis; Roles of UV Radiation in Biological Systems; Trends in Ecology, Photosynthesis.