May 12, 2015

TUESDAY, May 12, 2015
Paley Library, Lecture Hall
Attending: Doreva Belfiore, Steven Bell, Brian Boling, Carla Davis Cunningham, Mark Darby, Matt Ducmanas, Erin Finnerty, Leanne Finnigan, Andrea Goldstein, Anne Harlow, Justin Hill, Josue Hurtado, Margaret Janz (recording), Noa Kaumeheiwa, Molly Larkin (chair), Jonathan LeBreton, Rick Lezenby, Rebecca Lloyd, Joe Lucia, Kate Lynch, Katy Rawdon, Cynthia Schwarz, Adam Shambaugh, Caitlin Shanley, Matt Shoemaker, Jackie Sipes, Margery Sly, Kim Tully, Nancy Turner.
  1. Approval of the minutes (Janz)
    The minutes from the March 2015 AAL General Assembly were not ready for approval.
  2. Remarks/Open Discussion with the dean (J. Lucia)
    Dean Lucia has been meeting with every department for the past few months to discuss their unique activities and challenges. He is writing up a document to describe what he’s seen and heard and what positions he sees as being priorities. He plans to make a bullet-pointed list of these observations and share it with everyone.

    Part of this comes from comments on the employee survey about a lack of clarity of the vision and story of the new library. The Strategic Action working group will be working on creating an annual cycle of vision and goal sharing. The Dean says he is committed to following through with the ideas and intentions of these actions.

    The building design for the new library is complete and the cost estimates are in process. One estimate is close to the original budget. Over the next month they will get all of the decision points together to make sure the budget estimate matches with the needs of the building.

    Soon the Dean hopes to get staff input on the design for the furniture and staff spaces. It is possible that some site visits will take place. He wants engagement from the staff but cautioned that there is a limit to the budget.

    The Digital Scholarship Center is waiting for its furniture delivery. We are still interviewing CLIR fellows.

  3. Vote of Proposed By-law Amendments
    1. AAL General Assembly Membership & Attendees The Assembly voted unanimously to approve the proposed amendments.
    2. Continuing Education Committee Composition The Assembly voted unanimously to approve the proposed amendments.
  4. Discussion on Application of Membership
    Two Library staff members requested consideration to be voted into AAL. The Assembly discussed any concerns about having a vote at the next General Assembly meeting to grant them membership.

    1. Andrew Diamond The Assembly expressed no concerns about voting this candidate into membership.
    2. Jessica Lydon The Assembly expressed no concerns about voting this candidate into membership.
  5. Annual Reports of Committees
    1. Continuing Education Committee (J. Hurtado) The Continuing Education Committee was comprised of Aslaku Berhanu, Josue Hurtado, Caitlin Shanely, and Richie Holland. The Continuing Education Committee hosted 3 events this year: one about the DPLA in which Temple University Libraries’ involvement with them was announced, Nancy Kranich spoke about Privacy in Academic Libraries, and the nGen Performance Group spoke about generational differences. The last event was co-sponsored by the Dean’s Office. The bylaws were changed at this meeting so the website can now reflect the current practices of the Continuing Education Committee.
    2. Faculty Senate Library Committee (E. Hsue) Eugene Hsue was absent from the meeting and the Assembly did not hear the report from this committee.
    3. Merit Committee (B. Boling)
      The Merit Committee this year consisted of Brian Boling, Kristia De Voe (Chair), Erin Finnerty, David Murray, and Caitlin Shanley.

      The Committee considered 15 applications for merit awards, the most in recent history. The Committee met twice in person to deliberate and rank them, and submitted their recommendations to the Office of the Dean of Libraries.

      Three applications were recommended in the Highest category of meritorious activity; eight were recommended in the Outstanding category; three were recommended in the Deserving category; and one applicant was not recommended. One application was later withdrawn due to a departure. Applicants were informed via email that the merit award recommendations submitted by the Dean of Libraries to the Provost had been approved as submitted. Letters confirming award units have yet to be received as of this writing. The available merit pool consisted of 64 units at $350 per unit.

      The merit calendar was similar to prior years as the committee decided to give applicants additional time to submit materials, selecting the day following the return from winter break as the submission deadline. Committee members fielded questions early on from newer librarians concerning available position descriptions, the submission of two most recent annual reports and supervisor recommendations. Supervisors had the rest of the month of January to review applications and write evaluations. The merit process was discussed in Steering Committee and General Assembly meetings.

    4. Promotion and Regular Appointment Committee (F. Rowland)
      The PARA Committee reviewed 12 applications for contract renewals this year and approved all. Doreva Befiore, Leanne Finnegan, and Matt Shoemaker were promoted from L1 to L2; Adam Shambaugh was promoted from L2 to L3; Jill Luedke earned permanent appointment.

      The contract was changed this year so that instead of four one-year contracts and a two- year contract, employees would have three two-year contracts before being eligible for permanent appointment. Six people who would have received a one year contract this year were given two year contracts. Carla Davis Cunningham and Rowland are working on revising the PARA procedures documentation to reflect the TAUP contract changes. There will be no more fall contract renewals. They are also looking into making the contract and promotion documentation one document, but there are some problems with that plan.

    5. Representative Faculty Senate (F. Rowland)
      The Representatives from the Libraries this year were Fred Rowland and Kristina DeVoe. One of the most discussed items on the Faculty Senate this year was the RCM budget model. There were also many questions about the promotion and tenure process that came up in the TAUP contract renewal process.

      Another issue that arose this year was the organization of adjunct faculty. There was a movement to have them form their own union and then a push to have them join TAUP. The Faculty Senate Steering Committee voted to remain neutral on the issue.

      Oher topics that came up included the Master Plan, the Fly in 4 promotion, and the reorganization of the calendar and curriculum. The Committee acknowledged that not all bylaws across Colleges are consistent and there’s an effort to correct this.

      Also this year the Provost spoke about a 2+2 program with a university in China.

      The topic of the new library came up a few times, but the Dean of Libraries was advised not to speak about it at the Faculty Senate.

    6. Selection and Appointment Committee (K. Rawdon)
      The Selection and Appointment Committee for 2014-2015 consisted of Katy Rawdon (Chair), Brian Boling, Latanya Jenkins, and Nancy Turner.

      One search begun in the 2013-2014 fiscal year was completed this year. Kimberly Tully accepted the position of Curator of Rare Books, Special Collections Research Center and began work in January 2015. Andrea Goldstein was the committee representative.

      During 2014-2015, one search was completed. Matthew Ducmanas accepted the position of Special Collections Cataloging Librarian, Cataloging & Metadata Services, and began work in January 2015.

      Katy Rawdon was the committee representative.

      Current searches are Collections Analysis Librarian, Acquisitions and Collection Development (committee representative is Nancy Turner), and Reference and Instructional Services Librarian, Reference and Instructional Services (committee representative is Katy Rawdon).

      Brian Boling will be the committee representative for a forthcoming search: Digital and Web Services Librarian, Digital Library Initiatives.

    7. Steering Committee (M. Larkin)
      The Committee met monthly. Meetings generally consisted of the Dean’s report, which often led to further discussion, and the reports of other AAL committees. The Committee also made appointments of 3 TAUP librarians to help compose the Merit Committee. Following discussions on what constitutes a professional in today’s academic libraries, the Committee recommended that a by-law amendment be proposed that would open guest attendance at General Assembly meetings to be more inclusive of those serving the Libraries in professional-level positions but whose job titles do not fall into the traditional definition of a librarian. The Committee also requested that the Continuing Education committee review their committee composition and make necessary by-law changes to reflect the Assistant Director for Administration’s permanent membership on this committee. Both these by-law changes were discussed at the March 2015 General Assembly meeting and will be put to vote at the May 2015 General Assembly meeting. In addition, the Committee discussed the applications of two library personnel, Andrew 
      Diamond and Jessica Lydon, who requested full membership into the AAL. The Steering Committee wholeheartedly concurred with their requests. Their applications for membership will be discussed at the May 2015 General Assembly meeting and, if there are no objections, voted on at the September 2015 General Assembly meeting. Finally, the Committee addressed concerns raised regarding the merit process and the proposed elimination of the Librarian annual report.

      Ongoing issues for the Steering Committee include:
      Electronic voting for AAL elections. The Nominations and Elections committee did not have the opportunity to explore this any further this year. 
      Ensuring that the PARA process is in agreement with changes agreed to in the latest TAUP contract
      Establishing a means for storing archives of the organization and to efficiently transmit information from one committee to the next
      Emeritus status. The Dean has made several inquiries, but has not received any response from Temple’s administration.

      General Assembly Meetings
      The General Assembly met 5 times, in September, November, January, March, and May. In November, Caitlin Shanley spoke about the ACRL Assessment in Action program, which the Libraries are participating in. Also at that meeting, Kristina De Voe and Fred Rowland led a discussion on the direction of the Libraries following concerns raised at the Faculty Senate meeting. This discussion resulted in a separate meeting being held on December 9, 2014 to allow members of the AAL to continue an open discussion with the Dean about the future of the Libraries both in terms of the physical building and the Dean’s vision of what a 21st century library should be.

      Following the departure of David Murray, a special election was held as part of the regular May elections to elect a chair for next year’s Committee. The person elected to this position will serve one year as chair.

    8. Nomination and Election Committee (J. Sipes)
      The Nominations and Elections Committee met once in March and the annual election was the only business.
  6. Election of Officers (J. Sipes)
    No nominations from the floor.

    Election results as follow:
    Steering Committee Chair: Fred Rowland
    Steering Committee Vice Chair/Chair Elect: Kristina DeVoe
    Steering Committee Member at Large: Matt Ducmanas
    Representative Faculty Senate: Katy Rawdon
    Continuing Education Committee (2 year): Rebecca Lloyd
    Continuing Education Committee (1 year): Doreva Belfiore
    Nominations & Elections Committee: Erin Finnerty
    Selection & Appointment Committee: Justin Hill and Jackie Sipes
    Promotion and Regular Appointment Committee: Andrea Goldstein and Molly Larkin

  7. Pet photos 
    The Assembly generally agreed that everyone’s pet photos were adorable.
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business/Announcements
    Matt Ducmanas announced that the Staff Recognition Award nominations are due by May 29, 2015.
  10. Adjournment

March 10, 2015

TUESDAY, March 10, 2015
Paley Library, Lecture Hall
Attending: Doreva Belfiore, Steven Bell, Brian Boling, Carla Davis Cunningham, Mark Darby, Kristina DeVoe, Matt Ducmanas, Erin Finnerty, Leanne Finnigan, Andrea Goldstein, Justin Hill, Josue Hurtado, Margaret Janz (recording), Noa Kaumeheiwa, Delphine Khanna, Molly Larkin (chair), Jonathan LeBreton, Joe Lucia, Jill Luedke, Jessica Lydon, Kate Lynch, David Murray (vice-chair), Katy Rawdon, Fred Rowland, Adam Shambaugh, Matt Shoemaker, Margery Sly, Gretchen Sneff, Kim Tully, Nancy Turner.
  1. Approval of the minutes (Janz)
    One typo noted. Minutes approved with changes.
  2. Remarks/Open Discussion with the dean (J. Lucia)
    Dean Lucia announced that the Teaching & Learning Center will not be in the new library as originally planned. In its place will be the Math Science Resource Center (MSRC) in its entirety. The idea behind this is to make the new library a “learning commons” which will be largely student focused. Finalization of the MSRC’s space has not yet been finalized, but it will likely operate as it operates in its current location in 1810 Liacouras Walk. Lucia acknowledged the disappointment at not having the faculty space originally planned, but expressed optimism about working with the MSRC.

    In addition to looking at the MSRC spaces, they have begun to look at the furniture for the new library.

    Lucia is also looking at the documents that resulted from last year’s Strategic Guidance activities. He created what will be a standing group to work with departments to move towards goals identified by those activities. Steven Bell and Nancy Turner are co-chairs of the group. Three library employees will rotate onto the group. Currently Leanne Finnigan, Kate Lynch, and Aaron Javsicas.

    The Libraries are in a cycle of creating new positions. The Executive Committee is moving through the new positions to evaluate which are priorities and think about next steps. Currently, we are looking for a Collections Analyst, Instructional Designer, Web and Graphics Designer, Digital Libraries Applications Developer, Project Archivist, Assistant Editor of the Press, a writer/editor, an RIS librarian to fill David Murray’s position, two diversity fellowship residents, a biomedical & research services librarian, and someone to work in the Digital Scholarship Center.

    The funds for these positions are coming from unallocated funds for vacant positions that have existed for some time. Some meeting attendees expressed concern that filling those vacant positions is in contrast to developing collections, as those funds had been floating the collections budget.

  3. Merit Process Concerns and Discussion (K. De Voe) This year 15 people applied for merit. The Merit Committee received a recommendation from the Libraries’ Assistant Director for Administration to more evenly distribute the merit points because they felt too many had been recommended as Outstanding (rankings are Highest, Outstanding, Deserving, and Not Recommended). The Merit Committee does not feel that even distribution would fairly reflect the levels of achievement by applicants and would prefer to continue evaluating applications individually instead of in relation to each other. Concern about the amount of funds available for distribution was also expressed.. Some felt that it doesn’t matter what the funds are as they are divided by percentage anyway. The next Merit Committee will take this up this issue.

    The Merit Committee also expressed concerns that the final decisions were handled by a human resources professional rather than by the Dean of Libraries or other library professional. Dean Lucia said he been involved in the process to review the Merit applications and the Committee’s recommendations.

  4. By-Law Amendments, Proposals and Discussion
    1. AAL General Assembly Membership and Attendees (D. Murray/M. Larkin) Recent discussions between the Academic Assembly of Librarians and Dean Lucia highlighted the circumstances of the growing number of Temple Library employees who are hired in professional positions, but do not hold traditional librarian positions. Although these professionals hold credentials similar to those of professional librarians, the current bylaws of the AAL exclude them from simply attending the General Assembly meetings unless they petition for membership. The proposed changes to the bylaws, indicated below, would allow these individuals to attend the regular Assembly meetings so that they may engage in the flow of information and participate in conversations that directly affect the Libraries on a professional level. Current language:

      II. Membership
      All full-time professional librarians of the Temple University Libraries or covered by the TAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement shall be voting members. Other librarians serving Temple University who have advanced degrees in librarianship are invited to attend but may not vote or serve on committees.

      Proposed language (changes in red):

      All full time professional librarians of the Temple University Libraries or covered by the TAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement shall be voting members. Other librarians serving Temple University who have advanced degrees in librarianship, as well as non-librarian professionals with advanced degrees whose positions are funded by Temple University Libraries, are invited to attend the General Assembly meetings as guests at the discretion of the AAL Steering Committee but may not vote or serve on committees.

      Concerns were raised about people without advanced degrees being excluded from the AAL. Members of the Steering Committee and others noted that AAL General Assembly meetings do not have the same purpose of All Staff meetings, where staff without advanced degrees can contribute to conversations about the library. The AAL is supposed to resemble a collegiate assembly and our composition affects our relationship with the Faculty Senate.

      The changes to the bylaws will be voted on at the May 2015 AAL General Assembly.

    2. Continuing Education Committee Composition (J. Hurtado) The Continuing Education Committee had discussed in the February Steering Committee meeting that they’d like to change the wording on the website about their composition to reflect current practices. Because the wording is official language of the AAL, the changes must be approved by the Assembly. Currently, the wording reads:

      III. Structure

      B) Standing Committees.

      7. The Continuing Education Committee shall consist of three librarians and one support staff member nominated by the Dean of the Libraries. Librarians will be elected at the regular meeting of the Academic Assembly in May to serve for one year, except the person who receives the highest number of votes will serve two years.

      Recommended language (changes in red):

      7. The Continuing Education Committee shall consist of three librarians, one library staff member nominated by the Dean of the Libraries, and the Assistant Director for Administration. Librarians will be elected at the regular meeting of Academic Assembly in May to serve for one year, except the person who receives the highest number of votes will serve two years. The Assistant Director for Administration shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Committee.

      The Continuing Education Committee would like to add a library staff member to their composition to broaden the Committee’s scope. These changes will be voted on at the May AAL General Assembly Meeting.

  5. Old Business
  6. New Business
Adjournment at 3:10pm.

JANUARY 13, 2015

Paley Library, Lecture Hall
Attending: Jenifer Baldwin, Doreva Belfiore, Steven Bell, Brian Boling, Mark Darby, Kristina DeVoe, Matt Ducmanas, Lauri Fennell, Erin Finnerty, Leanne Finnigan, Anne Harlow, Justin Hill, Josue Hurtado, Margaret Janz (recording), Latanya Jenkins, Noa Kaumeheiwa, Delphine Khanna, Molly Larkin (chair), Jonathan LeBrenton, Joe Lucia, Jessica Lydon, Kate Lynch, David Murray (vice-chair), Fred Rowland, Caitlin Shanley, Jackie Sipes, Margery Sly, Gretchen Sneff, Kim Tully, Nancy Turner.
  1. Approval of the minutes (Janz)
    Minutes from November 2014 meeting scrutinized and approved with changes.
  2. New Staff Introductions (Darby & Sly)
    1. Matthew “Matt” Ducmanas is the new special collections cataloger in Cataloging & Metadata Services. Matt has been working at Temple Libraries as part-time cataloger of the McGlinn Theater Collection.  He has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Ohio State University and his MSLIS from Drexel. While he was working here, he also served as a librarian at the Moore College of Art & Design. He also has experience at the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and the Free Library of Philadelphia. He has no pets, but has been nurturing the same spider plant since the third grade.
    2. Kimberly “Kim” Tully is the new curator of rare books in the SCRC. Kim was previously at Miami University in Oxford, OH, where she was Curator of Special Collections.  Her BA is from UPenn, and she holds an MLIS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and an MA in History from the University of Notre Dame. She is interested in opera and Bollywood.
  3. Remarks/Open Discussion with the dean (J. Lucia)
    Another story about the new library will be appearing in the Inquirer on January 24th. The article will focus on the exterior of the building and be written by Inga Saffron. 

    A fund raising plan is being seriously designed. A naming gift could be an endowment for future funding of the library.

    Conversation turned to professional librarianship and staff eligibility for TAUP and AAL. Lucia expressed concern that the various professional staff members who don’t hold a master’s degree in library science are being excluded from conversations at AAL. Some examples given of positions that fit this category were given and included post doc positions, potential scholarly communications position, digital library initiatives positions, and potential CLIR fellow positions. 

    Through the course of the discussion some official definitions were brought up. The definition of “librarian” from the TAUP bargaining agreement is: “All full-time professional librarians functioning primarily as librarians, on the Paley Library budget or in a College or School included in the bargaining unit.” 

    Additionally, the AAL bylaws regarding membership were read: “All full-time professional librarians of the Temple University Libraries or covered by the TAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement shall be voting members. Other librarians serving Temple University who have advanced degrees in librarianship are invited to attend but may not vote or serve on committees. Any interested full-time staff member of the Temple University Libraries who is considered to have academic qualifications comparable to a librarian may be voted into membership.” 

    It was noted that non-TAUP librarians, such a department heads and HSL and Law librarians and are represented in AAL and they and support staff are represented on committees.

    A question was raised about whether the Libraries or the University could provide assistance for staff who would like to pursue an MLS or otherwise continue their LIS education in programs outside of Temple. This was attempted in the past as a partnership with Drexel, but Drexel was not very cooperative about it. Some people expressed concern about how this type of thing would be defined as a benefit and how it would be determined what kinds of classes would be acceptable.

    The conversation returned to the issue of getting more ideas from more people to official bodies. Some expressed that having a group of professional librarians is a good thing and some felt that the All Staff meetings were sufficient opportunities to bring ideas from other staff to the organization. Others felt that the All Staff meetings are too big to have a consequential conversation. A suggestion of having another group for more broadly defined professional staff was given but there were concerns about having too many official groups. The Assembly was reminded that the AAL bylaws state that any full time staff with professional credentials can attend AAL meetings and the Assembly can vote new members in. Revised wording of membership to AAL could be written and voted on in upcoming meetings.

  4. Old Business
  5. New Business


Adjournment at 3:10pm.


NOVEMBER 11, 2014

Paley Library, Lecture Hall

Attending: Jenifer Baldwin, Doreva Belfiore, Brian Boling, Jim Bongiovanni, Mark Darby, Carla Davis Cunningham, Krisitina De Voe, Erin Finnerty, Leanne Finnigan, Andrea Goldstein, Ann Harlow, Josue Hurtado, Margaret Janz  (recording), Noa Kaumeheiua, Delphine Khanna, Molly Larkin (chair), Jonathan LeBrenton, Rick Lezenby, Joe Lucia, Jill Luedke, David Murray (vice-chair), Katy Rawdon, Fred Rowland, Brian Scholar, Adam Shambaugh, Caitlin Shanley, Margery Sly, Gretchen Sneff, Nancy Turner.

1.     Approval of the minutes

Minutes from May and September 2014 meetings approved.

2.     Report by the dean (J. Lucia)

Dean Joe Lucia deferred his report in order to move to the next agenda item regarding concerns about the future of the library.

3.     Library Planning: Hopes and Concerns (K. De Voe)

This agenda item was added after Fred Rowland and Kristina De Voe attended a recent Faculty Senate meeting. The subject of the new library was brought up by faculty who had concerns about the book bot, open spaces, and whether or not the new library represented students’ preferences. De Voe and Rowland felt that these issues as well as concerns being discussed in library departmental meetings should be addressed in this forum. De Voe then directed those in attendance to begin the discussion with any questions they had.

Discussion began with questions relating to some resources that Lucia had sent to ADC that Jenifer Baldwin had forwarded to the RIS department[1]. Some felt that the materials suggested a criticism of RIS librarian activities such as staffing the reference desk and doing instruction.

Lucia said he only meant for the article to promote conversation about the evolving role of liaison librarians. He wants to know how to be more effective in helping undergraduates to succeed, something that is also important to TU’s president. He noted, however, that the number of people being served at one time has to be taken into account. He questioned the role of the reference desk and what things could be done to liberate more time for RIS librarians.

Baldwin noted that within RIS that question had been raised and RIS librarian time at the desk was cut in half and now their consultation times had increased greatly. David Murray noted that no amount of training can prepare support staff to handle all reference questions and warned that if service quality decreased then patrons would no longer see the value in seeking help from staff at the library.

Lucia questioned how many questions were too deep for support staff and noted that perhaps losing contact with those small number of patrons was worth it if more students could be helped elsewhere. He pointed out that students will be missed no matter what and questioned other ways they might be caught.

Baldwin agreed that another path to supporting patrons could be beneficial, but asked what that path might be.

Nancy Turner suggested user testing on the website to determine if that’s another path to service. She also wanted to point out that technical services people consider themselves public facing and that their work has evolved as well. She brought up another document Lucia had sent from OCLC.[2] Lucia briefly described the OCLC document about the changing ecosystem of how research is produced and how libraries fit with these new models then returned to Baldwin’s question.

Lucia feels that the Libraries are doing a good job in instructional efforts, but questioned if we are using enough technology and deploying all the tools necessary to go beyond foundational courses. He feels there is a higher level we’re not reaching and wants to know how we could reach it and if it would all be in person.

Concern was expressed about the idea that tools could replace face to face teaching and reference. Lucia questioned the scalability of reaching all departments on the same level that some RIS librarians reach any one of their departments, noting the large time investment that is compounded by how many things a librarian may want to do.

Some RIS librarians commented that what they want to be doing is continuing their efforts in instruction.

Lucia said he didn’t think great instructors should stop being instructors, but those who want to explore other roles should be supported. He feels people should be doing what they are strongest at.

Relief at hearing RIS librarians would not be turned into technologists was expressed; within the department there had been a sense that their roles were underappreciated and they are happy to hear this is not the case.

Lucia stressed that he doesn’t think everyone needs to become technologists, but he does feel that TUL need to push the envelope in many areas, which is a separate issue. He acknowledged the importance of this conversation and continuing it.

4.     Update on the TAUP Contract/PARA Process (F. Rowland)

Fred Rowland, David Murray, and TAUP president Art Hochner negotiated with Richie Holland, Joe Lucia, and Sharon Boyle. Several things have changed with this contract. First, instead of four separate 1-year contracts and a 2-year contract, there will be three 2-year contracts for new librarians. Because of this, we’ll have to be careful to keep new hires on track with documentation. There will no longer be any springtime contract renewals. The PARA Committee is trying to change things so that promotion and contract renewal will be applied for at the same time.

Another change to the TAUP contract is that the Provost will have less time and the Dean of Libraries will have more time to review contract renewals.

The 35 hour work week wording has been removed from contract. TAUP librarians are exempt employees but the limit on time in the library is still 35 hours a week.

No changes were made to the STO policy.

Previously, temporary employees could be hired with grant or foundation funding. Now temporary or project employees can be hired so long as the number of these employees are not more than 20% of regular appointment librarians staff. 60% of that 20% can do the same work as TAUP librarians.

No parental leave was granted with the new contract. No one is pleased by this, but if anyone wants to express concerns, Rowland encourages them to contact him. He noted that flextime can be used creatively for people with new babies, although this is not as preferable as actual parental leave.

5.     ACRL Assessment in Action Activities (C. Shanley)

TU Libraries is participating in the ACRL Assessment in Action program. The idea is to help communicate the value of libraries. It’s one of ACRL’s professional development programs. Group includes Caitlin Shanley, Ken Finkle, Nancy Turner, Jenifer Baldwin, and Gina Calzaferri. The project runs from May 2014 to June 2015. They will be presenting a poster at ALA’s Annual Conference about it. So far this program is free and the participants are varied. 70 participating libraries are from the USA and a few are from Canada. It promotes cross campus partnerships and gets the Libraries involved in campus assessment projects. Shanley will be teaching a class for Ken Finkle and will get the students’ papers to assess information literacy learning demonstrated in them based on a rubric Shanley is designing.

Jenifer Baldwin asked how the group is addressing the fact that the students in Finkle’s class will be doing the same assignment three times. Shaley said that according to Finkle, there has always been great improvement between the students’ first and second papers, but no improvement on the third.

Nancy Turner commented that the project has been great for bringing awareness on a campus level of assessment happening in the libraries.

6.     Old Business
7.     New Business

Erin Finnerty asked if the AAL Steering Committee can set up a special meeting to continue the conversation with Joe Lucia. Jill Luedke also felt that continuing the conversation would be very important, especially since it seemed there had been a lot of miscommunication. Molly Larkin had looked into this and found that the Steering Committee could set up a special meeting and she will be looking into setting one up before the next scheduled General Assembly meeting.

Adjournment at 2:58pm.

[1]Jaguszewski, J.J. & Williams, K. (2013, August). New Roles for New Times: Transforming Liaison Roles in Research Libraries. Report prepared for the Association of Research Libraries. Retrieved from and

TheDruckerSchool. (2011, September 1). Appreciative Inquiry: A Conversation with David Cooperrider [Video file]. Retrieved from

[2] Lavoie, B., Childress, B., Erway R., Ixchel F., Malpas, C., Schaffner, J.,

& van der Werf, T. (2014). The Evolving Scholarly Record. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Research. Retrieved from






Paley Library, Lecture Hall


Attending: Doreva Belfiore, Aslaku Berhanu, Brian Boling, Jim Bongiovanni, Mark Darby, Kristina De Voe, Erin Finnerty (recorder), Leanne Finnigan, Justin Hill, Josue Hurtado, Latanya Jenkins, Noa Kaumeheiua, Molly Larkin (Chair), Jonathan LeBreton, Rick Lezenby, Joe Lucia, Jill Luedke, Katy Rawdon, Caitlin Shanley, Matt Shoemaker, Margery Sly, Gretchen Sneff, Nancy Turner.

Meeting called to order at 2:07pm.

1.      Approval of Minutes (M. Larkin)

Minutes from last meeting are not yet available.  Molly Larkin will double check on status, and email once available.

2.      Remarks by the Dean of Libraries (J. Lucia)

A new sound system has been installed in the Lecture Hall.  This will provide additional options for different types of presentations.

The Temple University President will be meeting with all deans in this academic year.  Dean Joseph Lucia has an appointment for 9/19/2014.  They will possibly discuss Kardon and take a tour.  Dean Lucia has asked ADC for input on potential topics/issues to share with the President.  They may also take tour of Paley Library, but is more likely that this visit will be used as a chance to share issues, concerns and challenges.  Dean Lucia invited AAL members to email any contributions or thoughts to be shared with the President on his visit.

In mid-August, Dean Lucia received some cost and schematic design information from Snohetta in regard to the new library. This information covered structural systems, flooring, layouts, material options, and other topics  The week of September 15 there will be a next phase of budget review to determine how close to the original financial target the provided plans are.  In Spring 2014, Dean Lucia met with Snohetta’s architects and the Temple University President and Provost to share the current state of the design.  At that time, the main concern was that the building structure not look like an oddity on Temple’s campus.  There will be one more round of presentations to President Theobald, then the Trustees, and then the Board for final authorizations and administrative approval in order to move forward.

Additionally, further refinements are being made on the procurement of the Automatic Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) since it has such a large impact on the shape of the final structure. Once the ASRS and its funding source are finalized, the provided building schematics will be more reliable, and Dean Lucia can gather further staff input on the available plans.  They will likely be looking at additional ASRS drawings and information in mid- to late September 2014.

Dean Lucia informed the AAL that a plan has been proposed for layout of the Digital Scholarship Center (DSC).  The project is in the Capital Expenditure approval process now.  Dean Lucia is hoping that work will begin in October 2014, and take around 3 months to complete.  The DSC group will start meeting again next week and will begin discussing relevant, potential new hires.

Dean Lucia reported that Jonathan LeBreton is heading a group to determine a future Temple University Libraries ILS/library system to replace III Millennium. Dean Lucia outlined the ideal timeline as: one study year, one planning year, and then system migration over the following Summer.  Ultimately, Dean Lucia would like for system migration to occur early enough to leave one year to work with the new ILS before we move to the new building.

The search for a new Health Sciences Library Director is starting.  Stephen Bell is the committee chair.

            Mary Rose Muccie will be running a University Press staff retreat on Thursday, 9/11/14. 

Dean Lucia will be meeting with the new Vice President of Institutional Advancement, James Dicker, to discuss fundraising opportunities for the new library.  They will discuss potential opportunities for both large (example: reading room) and small gifts (example: study areas).   Dean Lucia is hopeful that TUL will be able to begin soliciting alumni gifts by Spring 2015.

Dean Lucia is working on compiling a spreadsheet of results from Strategic Planning exercises and will circulate these to the staff once completed.  As a result, he is also focusing on unmet staffing needs and is interested in additional, global analysis of how we will meet changing priorities in coming years.  This analysis will likely take a couple of years to fully implement. 

During the question and answer period of Dean’s Lucia’s report, Jill Luedke, on behalf of Fred Rowland, asked about a potential decrease in the amount of purchased print books.  Mr. Rowland had noticed a 22% decrease in amount of print books that have come in over the past year and was curious if this is a trend that will continue.  Dean Lucia said that Brian Schoolar would need to weigh in on such perceived patterns, as it may just be an anomaly.  Jonathan LeBreton said that there was an 11% budget cut to the base TUL budget over 2 years ago, leaving less money for everything.  Print books have received less of the budget, partially to sustain online materials, but also because more book titles are switching to electronic.  Mr. LeBreton felt that 22% sounded high, but did project a continued decrease in print book purchasing.

Ms. Luedke asked if the approvals are also decreasing. Mr. LeBreton stated that some of the approval shipments retracted over last year, but that wasn’t necessarily instigated by our instruction to do so.  Mark Darby then mentioned that the Coutts approval plan may include holding off on purchasing print approvals to see what will be available in electronic format. This could mean about 30% fewer things than are coming through approval on first shipment.  Mr. Darby noted that individual ebooks cost more money than print books, and cataloging processed more titles (including those from MyiLibrary) this past year.  Also, electronic books are paid from different funds than print books.  He mentioned being surprised when he saw how much came through cataloging despite the perception that less is being purchased.

Mr. LeBreton stated that in terms of the budget, there was a 10% restriction for those types of materials, and that the remainder of the perceived 22% drop is likely made up by the replacement of or diversion to electronic.  Dean Lucia stated that the new book count annually is about 15,000 acquired, without gifts.  Mr. Darby mentioned that there was a very large backlog of gift books.

Jill Luedke asked if 2019 was still projected to be the first functional year of the new library. Dean Lucia stated there is some ‘softness’ around that date.  The current project timeline allows for a 30 month build phase, and about three months to move in.  There might be a delay in the Barton building cleanout and take down.  Some of the timeline hinges on the completion of the new SERC building and the time it will take to clear out Barton and demolish it.  Dean Lucia mentioned that if we are delayed too long before moving to the new building (over the Summer), that it could be pushed back as much as a semester.  Dean Lucia projected that the whole project may take a year longer than original expected

3.       Old Business


4.       New Business / Announcements


Adjournment at 2:46pm.

March 11, 2014



TUESDAY, March 11, 2014

2:00 PM

Law School, Klein Hall 7A

(Please note the location!)


Attending:  Jenifer Baldwin, Brian Boling (recorder), Carla Davis Cunningham, Mark Darby (Chair), Erin Finnerty, Leanne Finnigan, Anne Harlow, Margaret Janz, Noa Kaumeheiwa, Molly Larkin, Joe Lucia, Jill Luedke, Kate Lynch, Katy Rawdon, Fred Rowland, Adam Shambaugh, Caitlin Shanley, Matt Shoemaker, Margery Sly, Sandi Thompson, Eugene Tsue, Nancy Turner

Meeting called to order at 2:06pm.

  1. New Staff Introductions (J. Lucia)
  1. Nancy Turner comes to us most recently from Syracuse.  She grew up in Philadelphia and studied at UPenn, then went to graduate school at University of Chicago.  Following that, she lived in Maine, Albequerque, Atlanta (earning her MLS at Clark University), Louisville, and Las Cruces.  She likes dogs and cats.  She has three cats, two of which live with her.
  1. Remarks by the Dean of Libraries (J. Lucia)

Dean Lucia reported on two meetings at the Snohetta office in New York.  The design is proceeding from vague premises and broad concepts to, at the second meeting, five detailed renderings of conceptual shapes.  Snohetta is unique in its iterative design process; they have listened to feedback from Library Administration and will use this information to refine their concept.  The library is going for a minimum of LEED gold certification.

The plans for the Digital Scholarship Center are proceeding and there has already been faculty interest in working on projects.  Liaisons can expect to be mediators for the center’s services.  Dean Lucia states that the DSC will be transformative to the library’s service mission.

Dean Lucia reported that the Temple University Press Executive Director search is proceeding well.  We have hosted Dean Smith, currently with Project Muse, who was a strong candidate.  Mary Rose Muccie, currently with JSTOR, is expected to be equally strong.

  1. Approval of Minutes

The General Assembly approved the minutes from January’s GA meeting.

  1. Guest speaker, Professor Hector Postigo, Department of Broadcasting, Telecommunications, and Mass Media in, School of Communications and Theater, Temple University. “Libraries as Creative Citizen Advocates:  Looking Beyond Institutional Roles.”

Dr. Postigo is the author of The Digital Rights Movement (M.I.T. Press, 2012), as well as several articles on gaming, crowdsourcing, and their relationship to commercial enterprise.  He spoke about the need for librarians to act as the “voice of the people,” advocating for all users and not just institutional stakeholders.  He encouraged us to think of systems that will continue to allow users to engage creatively with cultural materials, pointing out that the design of platforms reflect the politics of the designers.

  1. Old business

Mark Darby will contact the PARA committee about procedural changes related to January’s mentorship discussion.

  1. New business/announcements

Anne Harlow announced that there are two lunchtime concerts featuring the music of Debussy planned for March 26th and April 2nd in the Lecture Hall.

Adjournment at 3:07pm

JANUARY 14, 2014




2:00 PM



Attending:  Jenifer Baldwin, Doreva Belfiore, Steven Bell, Brian Boling (recorder), Jim Bongiovanni, Carla Davis Cunningham, Mark Darby (Chair), Kristina DeVoe, Lauri Fennell, Erin Finnerty, Leanne Finnigan, Anne Harlow, Justin Hill, Richie Holland (invited speaker), Josue Hurtado, Margaret Janz, Latanya Jenkins, Delphine Khanna, Molly Larkin, Jonathan LeBreton, Rick Lezenby, Joe Lucia, Jessica Lydon, Kate Lynch, David Murray, Katy Rawdon, Fred Rowland, Caitlin Shanley, Matt Shoemaker, Jackie Sipes, Margery Sly, Gretchen Sneff.

Meeting called to order at 2:06pm.

  1. Approval of Minutes (B. Boling)

The General Assembly approved minutes from November’s GA meeting.

  1. New Staff Introductions
  1. Caitlin Shanley

Caitlin Shanley is our new Instruction Team Leader.  She received her Masters in Library Science from UNC Chapel Hill and her undergraduate degree in literature from UNC Asheville.  She enjoys empowering young women through involvement in Girls Rock Philly.  She has two cats: Maisie and Miss Mandible.

  1. Remarks by the Dean of Libraries (J. Lucia)

We now have a beta of the program for the new library.  Jonathan will be sending corrections and amendments to Bright Spot tomorrow and they will incorporate these changes into a final document that the architects will consult during the design of the building.  The Design Committee (Joe Lucia, Jonathan LeBreton, Steven Bell, Richie Holland, and Sherri Stahler) recently had a first meeting with the architects.  In 4-5 months, we should start to see drawings of the new building.

In response to a question about digital browsing, Joe mentioned the promise shown by ShelfLife, an Open Source software being developed by the DPLA and Harvard.

There will be an All-Staff meeting on Thursday.  On the agenda is a planning and guidance process to encourage creative engagement among library staff.

Dean Lucia mentioned that a Digital Scholarship Center is slated to open in early 2015.

  1. Hiring Process for Librarians and Prospects for the Future (R. Holland and All)

Richie Holland discussed the steps involved in the hiring process.  HR does not currently screen librarian applicants except checking for MLS degrees.  They also have a “rule” whereby 50% of referred candidates for a job must be interviewed.  This 50% rule guards against nebulous hiring decisions being used to eliminate candidates.  These factors mean that search committees often need to do many phone interviews to screen librarian candidates.

Richie next discussed issues with the hiring process.  He indicated that Temple’s administrative process is not likely to change significantly.  He also discussed the small candidate pools we’ve seen for librarian jobs.  On the positive side, these small pools do typically have solid candidates.  Future searches may involve the use of more creative and intentional outreach to attract additional candidates.

David Murray asked whether the library had considered offering fellowships to increase the diversity of library staff.  Dean Lucia indicated that he is meeting with the ARL director of diversity fellowships during ALA Midwinter.  Some problems with this approach were mentioned, such as fixed-term librarian contracts contradicting the TAUP contract, issues that can arise for libraries that want to retain fellows after their term, and general uncertainty in libraries with a large staff of short-term employees.

  1. Mentor Program for Librarians? A discussion (All)

During Larry Alford’s time as Dean, some librarians had complained about the not knowing what to do regarding the PARA process and a formal mentorship program was discussed.  The issue of mentorship has been raised again, both for PARA support and for other professional development.

David Murray mentioned that PARA has always encouraged candidates to ask questions of any committee member.  The committee has also sponsored information sessions.  At a recent session, candidates had access to PARA documents from the four committee members, allowing them to see the general structure and level of detail used in previous applications.  Various proposals for PARA support were made, such as:  following up with people who asked questions, providing a made-up sample application, an FAQ.

In terms of professional development, Steven Bell mentioned that term “mentor” implies a certain type of relationship that may be unnecessary.  Instead of formal mentors, the library could have “specialists” willing to share knowledge of areas such as publishing, professional organization involvement, etc.

  1. Old business


  1. New business/announcements

Kristina DeVoe announced that PARA reviewed nine contract renewal applications and one application for regular appointment.  All were approved.  A message about the promotion process will be sent shortly.

Adjournment at 3:23pm.



November 12, 2013



TUESDAY, November 12, 2013

2:00 PM



Attending:  Doreva Belfiore, Steven Bell, Aslaku Berhanu, Brian Boling (recorder), Carla Davis Cunningham, Mark Darby (Chair), Kristina DeVoe, Erin Finnerty, Leanne Finnigan, Andrea Goldstein, Anne Harlow, Eugene Hsue, Josue Hurtado, Margaret Janz, Latanya Jenkins, Delphine Khanna, Molly Larkin, Jonathan LeBreton, Rick Lezenby, Joe Lucia, Jill Luedke, Jessica Lydon, David Murray, Katy Rawdon, Fred Rowland, Adam Shambaugh, Matt Shoemaker, Jackie Sipes, Margery Sly, Sandi Thompson.

Meeting called to order at 2:02pm.

  1. Approval of Minutes (B. Boling)

The General Assembly approved minutes from September’s GA meeting.

  1. Remarks by the Dean of Libraries (J. Lucia)

Dean Lucia spoke about Alex Holzman’s retirement from the University Press.  In the lead-up to Alex’s retirement, the press will be holding a symposium on University Publishing.

A search firm has been hired to seek a new press director. Fred Rowland will represent the library on the search committee.  The rewritten position description will now include scholarly communications duties, with a more integrated role such as at Purdue or Michigan. Joe is looking for space in Paley for the incoming press director’s office, as working at TASB might prove a disincentive for the caliber of candidates we hope to attract.  A possible March 1st start date would allow for a month overlap with Alex.

Library Journal interviewed Dean Lucia about the library cancellation rumors in the Inquirer.  He announced that the site is officially Barton Hall, but the University is waiting to announce this publicly during the unveiling of the campus master plan.

  1. New Staff Introductions
  1. Margaret Janz (D. Murray)

Margaret Janz comes to us from the Lilly Library at Indiana University where she worked as a cataloging assistant while pursuing her MLS.  She has worked for many years in various support roles in libraries.  She has a dog named Gadget and enjoys being in the woods, making things, and silly ideas.

  1. HathiTrust at Temple University Libraries (D. Murray, J. LeBreton)

Jonathan LeBreton and David Murray spoke about concrete aspects of our Hathitrust membership.  About 1/3 of the 10.8 million volumes in the collection are in the Public Domain.  Works under copyright are available to us on a limited basis, according to the following triggers:

a.  In accordance with Section 108 of Copyright Law, we can be granted access if a copy we previously owned is damaged, lost, or stolen.

b.  Some books marked MISSING in our catalog have full-views available, but this depends on OCLC Accession Number as a match point.

c.  Print-disabled patrons certified through the Office of Disability Services or Human Resources can obtain screen-reader accessible copies of in-copyright works.

David Murray gave a demo of a MISSING book available in Hathitrust, as well as showing the functionality of saved collections.  He mentioned possible digital humanities applications for data mining Hathitrust texts, provided that the OCR was acceptable.  David is making a research guide to help patrons better understand this resource.

  1. Old business


  1. New business/announcements


Adjournment at 2:54pm.

SEPTEMBER 10, 2013




2:00 PM



Attending:  Doreva Belfiore, Aslaku Berhanu, Brian Boling (recorder), Jim Bongiovanni (acting Chair), Carla Davis Cunningham, Mark Darby, Kristina DeVoe, Erin Finnerty, Leanne Finnigan, Andrea Goldstein, Eugene Hsue, Latanya Jenkins, Noa Kaumeheiwa, Molly Larkin, Jessica Lydon, Katy Rawdon, Fred Rowland, Matt Shoemaker, Jackie Sipes, Courtney Smerz, Sandi Thompson.

Meeting called to order at 2:10pm.

  1. Approval of Minutes (B. Boling)

All outstanding General Assembly minutes from Fall 2012 to Spring 2013 have been approved.

  1. Special Election

AAL Steering Committee Chair (C. Cunningham, J. Sipes)

A special election was held to fill a vacancy left by Krystal Lewis’ departure.  Mark Darby was elected Chair of the AAL Steering Committee.

  1. Remarks by the Dean of Libraries (J. Lucia)

Due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, Dean Lucia was unable to attend the General Assembly meeting.

  1. New Staff Introductions
  1. Leanne Finnigan (M. Darby)

Leanne Finnigan is the new Database Management Librarian, a long-vacant position formerly held by Mark Darby.  She previously worked at Montgomery County Community College library.  Leanne has a degree in history from UNC Charlotte and an MLIS from an online program based in Valdosta, Georgia.  She knows Spanish and Portuguese and has traveled in Brazil.  She has four cats, one of which is named Scooter.

  1. Old Business


  1. New Business / Announcements

Penelope Myers expressed her appreciation of colleagues in the AAL.  She inquired if any progress had been made on Emeritus Status for librarians.  The Faculty Senate has not yet discussed this issue, nor has a vote gone to the Board of Trustees.

Kristina DeVoe announced that a PARA information session would be held on Thursday at 3pm in room 309.  The deadline for contract renewal applications is Wednesday, September 18th.

AAL members enjoyed coffee, cookies, and two cakes–a “Welcome Joe” and a “Goodbye Penelope” cake.

Adjourned at 2:21pm.



May 14, 2013



TUESDAY, May 14, 2013



Attending: Doreva Belfiore, Brian Boling (Recorder), Jim Bongiovanni (Chair),  Carla Davis Cunningham, Mark Darby, Kristina DeVoe, Erin Finnerty, Andrea Goldstein, Justin Hill, Eugene Hsue, Joshue Hurtado, Delphine Khanna, Carol Lang, Molly Larkin, Krystal Lewis, Jill Luedke, Katherine Lynch,  Gerald Mahlman, Gregory McKinney, Penelope Myers, Katy Rawdon, Jackie Sipes, Adam Shambaugh, Matt Shoemaker, Margery Sly, Sandi Thompson.

Meeting called to order at 2:06 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes (B. Boling)

All minutes are drafted, but currently in early stages of the review process.

  1. Introduction of New Staff

Delphine Khanna introduced Matt Shoemaker, the Digital and Web Services Librarian in Digital Library Initiatives.  He comes to us from the Pennsylvania Historical Society where he was Director of Systems and Digital Collections.  Prior to earning his MLIS degree, he worked in the IT sector.  He has a dog, several geckos, and is a beekeeper; thus, he has over 10,000 pets.

  1. Remarks by the Interim Dean of Libraries (C. Lang)

Library space planners from the consulting firm Brightspot visited the library on May 2nd and 3rd to do unobtrusive observation of library users.  They also did interviews with 6 representative students, including undergraduate students from various disciplines (including engineering) and graduate student researchers.  They met with Joe Lucia and the Library Executive Group to explain the planning process.  This process will consist of structured workshops on topics such as collections, community, learning, research and scholarship.  They will visit once per month during June through August.

Dean Lang discussed the Visualize Temple campaign, a master planning effort started under President Theobold.  As part of the effort, the Provost is putting together working groups, including one on “Library & Learning Commons”.  This separate effort will be occurring simultaneously with the Snohetta/Brightspot planning for the new library building.  Steven Bell will co-convene the campus master plan’s library working group, as Dean Lang will retire prior to the deadline for submitting recommendations.  In response to a question about Temple 2020, Dean Lang mentioned that some of the older plan had been accomplished, but this new campaign hopes to incorporate current information about campus and its needs.

  1. May Elections (C. Cunningham)

Jim learned the day prior to the meeting that Eugene Hsue was appointed to the Faculty Senate Library Committee, a position that was previously elected by AAL members.  Discussion with the Faculty Senate Vice President Mark Rahdert revealed that their Steering Committee felt the Faculty Senate Constitution trumped the published committee bylaws that indicate that this is an elected position.  Eugene apologized for his honest mistake.  It was agreed that he would be the library representative on the committee, but that the Library’s Representative Senators would need to press for clarification on the committee constitution in light of librarians being accepted into the Faculty Senate.

Other election results were as follows:

Vice Chair/Chair Elect of AAL Steering Committee: Molly Larkin

At Large member of AAL Steering Committee: Erin Finnerty

Continuing Education Committee: Joshue Hurtado (two year term), Doreva Belfiore (one year term)

Nominations and Elections Committee: Jackie Sipes

Selection and Appointment Committee: Katy Rawdon, Latanya Jenkins

Promotion and Regular Appointment Committee: Adam Shambaugh, Fred Rowland.

  1. Review and Vote on Proposed Bylaws changes pertaining to AAL Representation on Faculty Senate (J. Bongiovanni, C. Cunningham)

The bylaw change included information on the election of members to the Faculty Senate Library Committee.  The bylaw vote was postponed until the AAL Steering Committee determines what additional changes are required by new understandings of committee make-up.

  1. Annual Reports from Standing Committee Chairs

PARA Committee (Molly Larkin):

Molly Larkin chaired the committee, also composed of Carla Cunningham, Kristina DeVoe, and David Murray.  During the fall, the committee reviewed three applications for contract renewal and one application for regular appointment and submitted positive recommendations for all four candidates.  Dean Lang and Provost Dai concurred.  Adam Shambaugh was granted Regular Appointment

The committee reviewed three additional applications for contract renewal in the spring and submitted positive recommendations for all.  The committee also reviewed one application for promotion and recommended that Jim Bongiovanni be promoted to L2 rank.  Dean Lang and Provost Dai concurred with all of these decisions.  Molly consulted on eight occasions to determine the rank for new hire librarians.  She and Krystal Lewis also met twice with new hires to explain AAL and the PARA process.

Merit Committee (Adam Shambaugh):

Adam Shambaugh chaired the committee, also composed of Rick Lezenby, Doreva Belfiore, Jackie Sipes, and Aslaku Behanu.  They reviewed eight applications for merit awards and submitted their recommendations on January 26th.  Applicants have received merit letters from Dean Lang, but the Provost’s office is waiting to send their final decision until faculty merit units are distributed.

Continuing Education Committee (Adam Shambaugh, on behalf of Jenifer Baldwin):

Jenifer Baldwin chaired the committee, also composed of Adam Shambaugh and Penelope Myers.  The committee presented a December 16th presentation on research undertaken by Jenifer Baldwin, Anne Harlow, and Rick Lezenby on how faculty share course content.  They also organized an April 17th trip to the Barnes foundation and a tour of the Barnes Library.  A final program (date to be determined) will include a tour of the Kardon Library Depository space.

Faculty Representative Senate (Kristina Devoe):

Kristina DeVoe and Noa Kaumeheiwa served as library representation on the Faculty Senate.  President Joan Shapiro considered this senate to be serving a transitional era for Temple in which to promote shared governance.

Faculty took part in the successful searches for University President, Provost, and Library Dean.  Dean searches for the College of Education, College of Media and Communication, and College of Health Professions and Social Work are still underway.

Frequent topics of discussion at Faculty Senate Meetings were the new budget model adopted by the university and how to improve student access, intervention (meaning advising), and retention.  Another issue of note was the numerous vacancies on various Faculty Senate Committees.  In spite of librarian interest in serving on these committees, it is unclear in which cases librarians may serve.

            Faculty Senate Library Committee (Penelope Myers):

The Faculty Senate Library Committee met four times.

On October 17th, the group discussed the Library Dean Search and the new building.  Jonathan Lebreton presented on the library budget and Steven Bell presented on the LIBQUAL results.

On December 5th, the group discussed improvements in ARL ranking, while noting that staffing rankings were still low.  Jonathan Lebreton presented on the change from print to electronic materials.

On February 20th, the group discussed the need for the new building, noting that studies indicated the current building would cost more to renovate.  Fred Rowland attended and presented on the Library Prize competition.

On May 9th, Joe Lucia attended and discussed the planning process for the new building, the location of the new library, and fielded feedback on the future direction of the Faculty Senate Library Committee.

Selection and Appointment Committee (Fred Rowland):

Fred Rowland chaired the committee, also composed of Rick Lezenby, Andrea Goldstein, and Krystal Lewis.  Three searches begun in fiscal year 2011-12 were completed this year.  Doreva Belfiore accepted her position in September 2012 and Jackie Sipes and Katy Rawdon accepted positions in October 2012.  Five searches were completed in the fiscal year, with Joshue Hurtado, Latanya Jenkins, Erin Finnerty, Justin Hill, and Matt Shoemaker accepting positions.  The CAMS Librarian Search is nearing completion and searches are underway for the Science and Engineering Librarian and Curator of Rare Books.  Fred mentioned that the large number of searches meant that one search, for Access Services Librarian, did not include a Selection and Appointment Committee member.  This search did include three representatives from the AAL Steering Committee.

  1. Pet Photos (K. Lewis)

A slideshow of librarian pets, created by Krystal Lewis and scored by Brian Boling, was viewed.

  1. Old Business


  1. New Business / Announcements

Jim thanked Dean Lang for her service to the library and AAL.  A surprise sheet cake was announced.

Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.