January 10, 2017







Attending: Rachel Appel, Doreva Belfiore, Aslaku Berhanu, Brian Boling, Anastasia Chiu, Carla Davis Cunningham, Mark Darby, Kristina De Voe (chair), Matt Ducmanas, Fobazi Ettarh, Leanne Finnigan, Erin Finnerty, Justin Hill, Josue Hurtado, Dave Lacy, Molly Larkin, Rebecca Lloyd, Jill Luedke, Jessica Lydon, Delphine Khanna, Karen Kohn (recording), Fred Rowland, Cynthia Schwarz, Caitlin Shanley, Matt Shoemaker, Jackie Sipes, Margery Sly, Gretchen Sneff, Emily Toner, Nancy Turner, Sarah Yerger

  1. Approval of minutes from the November meeting (K. Kohn)

Minutes were approved.


  1. Special Election (E. Finnerty/J. Bongiovanni)

Sarah Yerger was elected as member-at-large to the AAL Steering Committee. She will complete Leanne’s term.


  1. New staff introductions
  2. Rachel Appel (D. Khanna)

Delphine introduced Rachel, who is the new Digital Projects and Services Librarian in the department of Digital Library Initiatives and comes to us from Bryn Mawr College.


  1. Emily Toner (C. Schwarz)

Cynthia introduced Emily Toner, who is the new Technology Projects Librarian in the department of Library Technology Development and comes to us from Boston College.


  1. Change in Bylaws — vote (K. De Voe)

The changes were passed.


  1. Update on Alma and discovery project (C. Schwarz)

There are two major parts to the migration project: the ILS migration from Millennium to Alma, and the creation of a new discovery layer. Temple will provide the first data load to Ex Libris in January and will have an instance of Alma running in March with our own data. We will do the final cutover to Alma in June, after an early fiscal year close.

The planned go-live date for both Alma and the discovery layer is June 29, although the discovery layer will initially only have the functionality to replace Diamond (the catalog search). Article searching will be added by December 2017.

[NOTE: This has been changed since the meeting. The Libraries will go live with Alma on June 29, using Primo as the discovery layer. Development of the Blacklight discovery layer will continue, and a beta will be available in December 2017. Development and testing will continue throughout the spring 2018 semester with Blacklight replacing Primo in June of 2018.]


There will be training on Alma for all staff during Spring break (week of March 13), [NOTE: This has been changed since the meeting. More details will be forthcoming.] with sessions in room 130 each day.


Cynthia provided a handout with a timeline for the migration, an organizational chart of personnel involved in the migration, and links to online documentation of the project.


  1. Old Business



  1. New Business/Announcements



  1. Adjournment