January 11, 2005


Academic Assembly of Librarians 
General Assembly Meeting 
Paley Library Lecture Hall 
January 11, 2005 
2:00 PM 
Present: D. Badman, C. Bell, C. Brigham, M. Darby, C. Davis Cunningham, D. Dillard, M. Edsall, S. Golding, A. Goldstein, F. Immler, L. Lane, C. Lang, M. Larkin, J. LeBreton, G. McKinney, D. Murray, F. Rowland, B. Schoolar, K. Szigeti, S. Thompson, A. Vara, T. Whitehead
Guest: Kevin Delaney
Chairperson Greg McKinney called the meeting to order at 2:05 pm.
  1. Minutes of the General Assembly Meeting of November 9, 2004 were approved.
  2. Report from Jonathan LeBreton:
    1. Jonathan predicts that there will be a lot of movement forward once Larry Alford arrives – there is a lot to do in the way of strategic planning, including refining those plans we have already worked on.  Those separate plans need to be formed into a cohesive document.
    2. The E-Resources Librarian position has been posted.  The Search Committee’s members are Carole Bell (Chair), Phil D’Andrea, Frank Immler, Barbara Kuchan, Molly Larkin, and Rick Lezenby.
    3. Jonathan has been compiling a set of updated procedures for searches for use by search committees and administrative staff, e.g., incorporating mechanical changes in Human Resources processes.  Rick Lezenby, Chair of the Selection and Appointment Committee, had expressed interest in such procedures and Jonathan will forward to him for discussion and clarification.
  3. PARA Update
    1. Mark Darby, as Chair of PARA reminded the assembly that it is promotion season.  He will send out an e-mail reminder for applications along with deadlines.
    2. Mark also reminded members that contract renewals for newly hired librarians are due at the end of February.
  4. Contract Negotiation:
    1. Mark Darby reported on the state of contract negotiations between TAUP and the University.  TAUP agreed to a contract extension to last through February 15th.  Most points being negotiated are of interest to faculty: promotion and tenure standards and procedures, study leaves, contract renewal for Dean’s Appointments, and salary and benefits.  The process is still in informal negotiation.
    2. Mark noted points of interest to librarians:  the administration decided to extend the period of time before regular appointment is attained to seven years (4 one-year contracts and 1 two-year contract).  Mark asked that members inform them of their opinions about this.
  5. Old Business:  There was no old business to discuss.
  6. New Business:  There was no new business to discuss
  7. Forum:   Kevin Delaney of the Sociology Department spoke about his book Public Dollars, Private Stadiums.  The development of downtown stadiums does not really help the area in which they are built.  Major league football generally only fills the stadium ten times per year while baseball holds about eighty-five games a year.  Stadiums tend to close down local business and create a “game day” economic zone that caters to those going to the games.  Arenas, on the other hand, are indoor spaces that can be used for other events and, thus, are more able to pay for themselves. Dr. Delaney also spoke about his philosophy of teaching and how to engage students in the learning process.  He believes in “teaching from the inside out” – that relating to students first then instructing them works well.  High context teaching is better than abstract teaching.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 PM.

Submitted by
Carol Brigham
This entry was posted in Minutes.