November 9, 2004


Academic Assembly of Librarians 
General Assembly Meeting 
Paley Library Lecture Hall 
November 9, 2004 
2:00 PM 
Present: J. Baldwin, C. Bell, C. Brigham, M. Darby, C. Davis Cunningham, M. Edsall, S. Golding, A. Harlow, C. Lang, J. LeBreton, R. Lezenby, B. Mayes, G. McKinney, D. Murray, B. Schoolar, G. Sneff, K. Szigeti, M. Thomas, S. Thompson, A. Vara, T. Whitehead
Guests: Martha Cannon
Chairperson Greg McKinney called the meeting to order at 2:05 pm.
  1. Minutes of the General Assembly Meeting of September 21, 2004 were approved.
  2. Report from Jonathan LeBreton:
    1. VPL Search: Jonathan encouraged everyone to submit their comments on the candidates for Vice Provost as it is believed that the Search Committee will take them quite seriously.  Comments can be sent directly to Dick Englert via e-mail.  Jonathan reported that Englert was impressed with the attendance at the presentations and question/answer sessions.
    2. Statistics:  We are in the midst of our “typical” week for collecting statistics for ARL.  Temple’s administration is very interested in metrics, especially for strategic planning purposes.
    3. Library Prize:  Jonathan solicited volunteers for judges for the Library Prize contest.  Those interested should contact Gretchen Sneff.  Gretchen reported that Special Collections has put up a display case regarding the prize.  She has been receiving inquiries from faculty and students.  She noted that students can submit papers from independent study, as long as they have received credit for the course.  The contest rules prohibit “free-lance” entries.  Jonathan noted that there will most likely be an increase in the number of independent studies as the University is strengthening its Honors Program.
    4. Provost:  Jonathan reported that the Provost’s Office has been happy with how the Libraries have been operating.  He mentioned the newsletter initiative which will get news out to the campus.
    5. Questions:  It is unknown whether there will be more candidates for VPL.  Carol Lang indicated that an e-mail from Dick Englert implies that the process is finished for now unless none of the candidates are suitable or if suitable candidates decline the position.  Gretchen stated that comments made will be read by the President and Provost.  She mentioned that turnout at the faculty and student sessions hasbeen low.  Jonathan proposed a meeting to discuss the search process and the candidates.  When asked about the process, Gretchen said, that like a search for a dean, the Search Committee will not rank the candidates.
  3. Performance Development Plans & PARA
    1. Mark Darby, as Chair of PARA, made some comments and recommendations regarding the contract renewal and regular appointment process in light of the University’s Performance Development Plans (PDPs).  Mark noted that PARA will have access to the PDP since they are included in personnel folders.  PDPs are not very informative about professional activities.  Since PARA requires peer review, candidates should continue to solicit letters from peers.  Candidates should not hesitate to ask supervisors for an additional submission for the PARA process.  Mark reminded the group that the Merit Committee does not have access to personnel folders and therefore will not see the PDPs.  He said that he will be happy to give feedback to the AAL Membership at the end of the process regarding the role of the PDP.
    2. Jonathan also recommended that candidates request their supervisors write additional statements when there are other aspects of performance that ought to be addressed.
  4. Contract Negotiation:
    1. Mark Darby reported on the state of contract negotiations between TAUP and the University.  The TAUP contract expired on October 15th.  We are able to continue working under the terms and conditions of the old contract; the University cannot lock us out.  At present, no strike is planned.
    2. Mark noted that very little of the contract has to do with librarians.  He did note that the University has proposed changes to Article 15 (Promotion, Advancement, and Termination).  The University has changed the definition of years worked before being granted regular appointment.  The first contract year will be the first full fiscal year worked.  Therefore, the first contract year can be quite long for some – for example, a librarian hired on July 7, 2005 will not have completed his first contract year until June 30, 2007.  Mark also noted that the Provost wants more time (45 days) to make decisions on contract renewals and regular appointments.  If approved, all paperwork would need to be completed some time in October rather than December.
  5. Old Business:  There was no old business to discuss.
  6. New Business:
    1. Carole Bell introduced Martha Cannon, an intern from Drexel.  Martha is a Temple alumna and is helping with the management of our e-resources.
    2.  Anne Harlow announced that Sam Stormont is leaving Temple to take the Director’s position at Penn State Abington.  There will be a farewell party on December 22nd.
    3. Reminder:  The deadline for merit applications is December 15th.
    4. Gretchen Sneff reported that the Faculty Senate will be meeting on November 23rd at 1:40 to discuss the General Education proposal.  It will be an open meeting, but only elected representatives have voting privileges.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 PM.

Submitted by
Carol Brigham


This entry was posted in Minutes.