Month: September 2013

Welcome New Faculty

The CPH welcomes three new faculty members this year.  Hilary Iris Lowe joined the HIstory Depatment this semester.  She holds  a Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Kansas. Her book, Mark Twain’s Homes and Literary Tourism (2012), is part of the Mark Twain and his Circle Series at the University of Missouri Press. She is currently co-editing a collection of essays concerning American literary tourism, which explores the history of literary sites in the U.S and their connections to authors and their writing.  Hilary is at work on a digital humanities project that explores and documents Literary Philadelphia.  Upcoming public history courses include the History of the National Park Service for undergraduates and Material Culture for graduate students.

Also, Ken Finkel and Deb Boyer will be joining us during spring to introduce two new course: Non-Profit Management and Digital History.  Learn more about them here.