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Refereed Journal Publications (Last update December 6, 2022)
- Yang, Y., Jiang, L., and Wang, Y. (forthcoming). Why do hotels go green? Understanding TripAdvisor GreenLeaders participation. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-02-2022-0252
- Mao, Z., Yang, Y., and Zhou, J. (forthcoming). Are GreenLeaders also performance leaders? An econometric analysis of TripAdvisor hotel certification of GreenLeaders. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. doi: 1080/09669582.2022.2127740
- Li, L., Chen, X., Zhang, L., Li, Q., Yang, Y., and Chen, J. (forthcoming). Space-time tourist flow patterns in community-based tourism: An application of the empirical orthogonal function to Wi-Fi data. Current Issues in Tourism, doi: 10.1080/13683500.2022.2106826
- Jiang, Y., Zhang, H., Cao, X., Wei, G. and Yang, Y. (forthcoming). How to better incorporate geographic variation in Airbnb price modeling. Tourism Economics. doi: 10.1177/13548166221097585
- Yang, Y., Zhang, L., Wu, L. and Li, Z. (forthcoming). Does distance still matter? Moderating effects of distance measures on the relationship between pandemic severity and bilateral tourism demand. Journal of Travel Research. doi: 10.1177/00472875221077978
- Zhang, X., Zhang, X., Liang, S., Yang, Y., and Law, R. (2023). Infusing new insights: How do review novelty and inconsistency shape the usefulness of online travel reviews? Tourism Management. 96, 104703
- Zhang, D., Wang, Q., and Yang, Y. (2023). Cure-all or curse? A meta-regression on the effect of tourism development on poverty alleviation. Tourism Management. 94, 104650
- Yang, Y. and Jiang, L. (2022). Who uses travel websites? A comparison of demand across websites. Journal of Smart Tourism. 2(3), 31-38.
- Yang, Y., Mao, Z, and Wen, Z. (2022). Pandemic severity, policy stringency, and tourism performance: A global analysis. Journal of Travel Research. 61(8), 1928-1946
- Yang, Y., Wang, C., and Xu, H. (2022). Challenge or chance? Understanding the impact of anti-corruption campaign on China’s hotel industry. Tourism Economics. 28(6), 1566-1588
- Yang, Y., García, M. N., Viglia, G., and Nicolau, J. L. (2022). Competitors or complements: A meta-analysis on the effect of Airbnb on hotel performance. Journal of Travel Research. 61(7), 1508-1527.
- Tian, F., Yang, Y. and Jiang, L. (2022). Spatial spillover of transport improvement on tourism growth. Tourism Economics. 28(5), 1416-1432
- Tan, K., Yang, Y., and Li. R. (2022). Catching a ride in the peer-to-peer economy: Tourists’ acceptance and use of ridesharing services before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Business Research. 151, 504-518
- Liu W., Wang, B., Yang, Y., Mou, N. Zheng, Y., Zhang, L. and Yang, T. (2022). Cluster analysis of microscopic spatio-temporal patterns of tourists’ movement behaviors in mountainous scenic areas using open GPS-trajectory data. Tourism Management. 93, 104614
- Xu, J., Yang, Y., and Jin, C., (2022). Tracking discrepancies between expected and actual flows of tourists in an urban destination: An application of user-generated data. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 52, 29-38
- Tian, Y., Zhang, H., Jiang, Y., and Yang, Y. (2022). Understanding trust and perceived risk in sharing accommodation: An extended elaboration likelihood model and moderated by risk attitude. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management. 31(3): 348-368
- Yang, Y. and Hua, N. (2022). Does hotel class moderate the impact of crime on operating performance? Tourism Economics. 28(1), 44-61
- Yang, Y., Fan, Y., Jiang, L. and Liu, X. (2022). Search query and tourism forecasting during the pandemic: When and where can digital footprints be helpful as predictors? Annals of Tourism Research. 93, 103365
- Xu, Y., Tian, Y., Xia, X., Chen, X., Yang, Y., Zhang, J., and Zhang, H. (2022). When technology meets heritage: A moderated mediation of immersive technology on the constraint-satisfaction relationship. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(5), 632-649
- Wu, L., Fan, A., Yang, Y., and He, Z. (2022). Tech–touch balance in the service encounter: The impact of supplementary human service on consumer responses. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 101, 103122
- Zhang, X., Yang, Y., Qiao, S., and Zhang, Z. (2022). Responsive and responsible: Customizing management responses to online traveler reviews. Journal of Travel Research. 61(1): 120-135
- Yang, Y., Zhang, X., and Fu, Y. (2022). Foreign tourists’ experiences under air pollution: Evidence from big data. Tourism Management. 88: 104423
- Wu, L., Fan, A., Yang, Y., and He, Z. (2021). Robotic involvement in the service encounter: A value-centric experience framework and empirical validation. Journal of Service Management. 32(5), 783-812
- Falk, M. and Yang, Y (2021). Hotels benefit from stricter regulations on short-term rentals in European cities. Tourism Economics. 27(7), 1526-1539
- Wang, Y., Chen, X., Yang, Y., Cui, Y., and Xu, R. (2021). Risk perception and resource scarcity in food procurement during the early outbreak of COVID-19. Public Health. 195, 152-157
- Yang, Y., Zhang, C., and Rickly, J. (2021). A review of early COVID-19 research in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. 91,10331
- Yang, Y., Altschuler, B., Liang, Z., and Li, X. (2021). Monitoring the global COVID-19 impact on tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. 90, 103120 (Research Note)
- Tian, F., Yang, Y., Mao, E., and Tang, W. (2021) Forecasting daily attraction demand using big data from search engines and social media. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 33(6), 1950-1976
- Zhou, B., Wen, Z. and Yang, Y. (2021). Agglomerating or dispersing? Spatial effects of high-speed trains on regional tourism economies. Tourism Management. 87, 104392
- Tang, W., Zhang, L. and Yang, Y. (2021). Can red tourism construct red memories? Evidence from tourists at Mount Jinggang, China. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 20, 100618
- Yang, Y., Jiang, L. and Zhang, Z. (2021). Tourists on shared bikes: Can bike-sharing boost attraction demand? Tourism Management. 86, 104328
- Hu, H., Yang, Y., and Zhang, J. (2021). Avoiding panic during pandemics: COVID-19 and tourism-related businesses. Tourism Management. (Short Communication) 86, 104316
- Li, S., Yang, Y., Zhong, Z, and Tang, X. (2021). Agent-based modeling of spatial spillover effects in visitor flows. Journal of Travel Research. 60(3), 546-563
- Yang, Y., Mao, E. and Zhang, X (2021). Better sleep better trip: The effect of sleep quality on tourists’ experiences. Annals of Tourism Research. 87, 103153
- Hu, X. and Yang, Y. (2021). What makes online reviews helpful in tourism and hospitality? A bare-bones meta-analysis. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management. 30(2), 139-158
- Hu, H., Qiao, X., Yang, Y. and Zhang, L. (2021). Developing a resilience evaluation index for cultural heritage site: Case study of Jiangwan Town in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 26(1), 15-29
- Zhang, Z., Li, H., Yang, Y. and Xu, Y (2021). Not all words are beneficial: The impact of management response contents on customer engagement behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 93,102805
- Zhang, H. and Yang, Y. (2021). Does tourism contribute to real estate boom? A DSGE modeling in small open economy. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 45(1), 257-279.
- Yang, Y. and Chen, G. (2021). In search of fresher air: The influence of relative air quality on vacationers’ perceptions of destinations’ restorative qualities. International Journal of Tourism Research. 23(4), 504-516
- Dutta, A., Mishra, T., Uddin, G. S., and Yang, Y. (2021). Brexit uncertainty and volatility persistence in tourism demand. Current Issues in Tourism. 24(16), 2225-2232 (Research Note)
- Hu, X. and Yang, Y. (2021). Do lower costs necessarily induce higher value ratings? An analysis of online hotel reviews. Current Issues in Tourism. 24(16), 2357-2373
- Yang, Y., Liu, H., and Chen, X. (2020). COVID-19 and restaurant demand: Early effects of the pandemic and stay-at-home orders. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 32 (12), 3809-3834
- Zhang, X., Yang, Y., Zhang, Y., and Zhang, Z. (2020). Designing tourist experiences amidst air pollution. Annals of Tourism Research. 84c, 102999.
- Leung, X. and Yang, Y. (2020). Are all five points equal? Scaling heterogeneity in hotel online ratings. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 88, 102539.
- Yang, Y., Zhang, H., and Chen, X. (2020). Coronavirus pandemic and tourism: Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium modeling of infectious disease outbreak. Annals of Tourism Research. 83, 102913 (Research Note) .
- Hu, X. and Yang, Y. (2020). Determinants of consumers’ choices in hotel online searches: A comparison of consideration and booking stages. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 86,
- Yang, Y. and Mao, E. (2020). Location advantages of lodging properties: A comparison between hotels and Airbnb units in an urban environment. Annals of Tourism Research. 81, 102861.
- Mao, Z., Li, D., Yang, Y., Fu, X. and Yang, W. (2020). Chinese DMOs’ engagement on global social media: Examining post-related factors. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 25(3), 274-285.
- Zhang, X., Zhang, Z., Yang, Y., and Qiao, S. (2020). Exploring the impact of personalized management responses on tourists’ satisfaction: A topic matching perspective. Tourism Management. 76, 103953.
- Hu, X., Yang, Y. and Park, S. (2019). A meta-regression on the effect of online ratings on hotel room rates. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 31(12), 4438-4461.
- Yang, Y. and Mao, E. (2019). Welcome to my home! An empirical analysis of Airbnb supply in U.S. cities. Journal of Travel Research. 58(8), 1274-1287.
- Zhang, H. and Yang, Y. (2019). Prescribing for the tourism-induced Dutch disease: A DSGE analysis of subsidy policies. Tourism Economics. 25(6), 942-963
- Deng, T., Hu, Y., and Yang, Y. (2019). How geographic, cultural, and institutional distances shape location choices of China’s OFDI in tourism—An empirical study on B& R countries. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 24(8), 735-749
- Lin, S., Yang, Y., and Li, G. (2019). Where can tourism-led growth and economic-driven tourism growth occur? Journal of Travel Research. 58(5), 760-773 [link to pdf]
- Yang, Y., Jiang, L., and Schwartz, Z. (2019). Who’s hiding? Room rate discounts in opaque distribution channels. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 80, 113-122
- Masiero, L., Yang, Y., and Qiu, R. T. (2019). Understanding hotel location preference of customers: Comparing random utility and random regret decision rules. Tourism Management. 73, 83-93
- Yang, Y. and Zhang, H-L. (2019). Spatial-temporal forecasting of tourism demand. Annals of Tourism Research. 75, 106-119
- Deng, T., Wang, D., Yang, Y., and Yang, H. (2019). Shrinking cities in growing China: Did High Speed Rail further aggravate urban shrinkage? Cities. 86, 210-219.
- Yang, Y., Liu, H. and Li, R. (2019). The world is flatter? Examining the relationship between cultural distance and international tourist flows. Journal of Travel Research. 58 (2), 224-240. [link to pdf] [interactive map] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Lan, X., and Jones, T. (2019). Tourism-enhancing effect of world heritage sites: Panacea or placebo? A meta-analysis. Annals of Tourism Research. 75, 29-41.
- Park, S., Yang, Y., and Wang, M. (2019). Travel distance and hotel service satisfaction: An inverted U-shaped relationship. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 76, 261-270 [link to pdf]
- Yang, Y., Tan, K., and Li. R. (2019). Antecedents and consequences of home-sharing stays: Evidence from a nationwide household tourism survey. Tourism Management. 70, 15-28. [link to pdf]
- Yang, Y., Li, D, and Li, X. (2019). Public transport connectivity and inter-city tourist flows. Journal of Travel Research. 58(1), 25-41 . [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Leung, X., Yang, Y., and Dubin, E. A. (2018). What are guests scared of? Crime-related hotel experiences and fear of crime. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 35(8), 1071-1086. [link to pdf]
- Yang, Y., Liu, H., Li, R., and Harrill, R. (2018). A shrinking world for tourists? Examining the changing role of distance factors in understanding destination choices. Journal of Business Research. 92 350-359. [link to pdf]
- Zhang, H., Li, L., Yang, Y, Zhang, J-H. (2018). Why do tourists choose to consume local food? The differential and non-monotonic moderating effect of subjective knowledge. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management.10,68-77. [link to pdf]
- Mao, E., Yang, Y., and Wang, M. (2018). Sleepless nights in hotels? Understanding factors influencing hotel sleep quality. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 74, 189-210. [link to pdf]
- Zhang, H-L., Zhang, J., Yang, Y., and Zhou, Z. (2018). Bargaining power in tourist shopping. Journal of Travel Research. 57(7), 947-961. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y. and Leung, X. Y. (2018). A better last-minute hotel deal via app? Cross-channel price disparities between HotelTonight and OTAs. Tourism Management. 68, 198-209. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Liu, H., Li, X., Cárdenas, D. A., and Yang, Y. (2018). Perceived cultural distance and international destination choice: The role of destination familiarity, geographic distance, and cultural motivation. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 9, 300-309. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Wu. L. and Yang, W. (2018). Does time dull the pain? The impact of temporal contiguity on review extremity in the hotel context. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 75, 119-130 [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y. and Mao, Z. (2018). Learning From “Alien Monks?” The Productivity Spillovers of Foreign-Invested Hotels in China. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 42(4), 649-670. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Park, S. and Hu, X. (2018). Electronic word of mouth and hotel performance: A meta-analysis. Tourism Management. 67, 248-260. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Jones, T. and Yang, Y. (2018). Comparing automated and manual visitor monitoring methods: Integrating parallel datasets on Mount Fuji’s north face. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. 36, 25-41. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y.; Mao, Z. and Tang, J. (2018). Understanding Guest Satisfaction with Urban Hotel Location. Journal of Travel Research, 25(2), 243-259. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Timothy, F. J., and Altschuler, B. (2018). Explaining regional economic multipliers of tourism: does cross-regional heterogeneity exist? Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(1): 15-23. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Huang, J-H. and Roehl, W. (2017). Understanding and projecting the restaurantscape: Influence of neighborhood sociodemographic characteristics on restaurant location. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 67: 33-45 [link to pdf] [interactive map] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y. and Mao, Z. (2017). Do independent hotels benefit from the presence of branded ones?. Journal of Business Research, 76: 108-117. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Hua, N. and Yang, Y. (2017). Systematic effects of crime on hotel operating performance. Tourism Management, 60: 257-269. [link to pdf] [interactive map] [researchgate]
- Jones, T. E.; Yang, Y.; and Yamamoto, K. (2017). Assessing the recreational value of world heritage site inscription: A longitudinal travel cost analysis of Mount Fuji climbers. Tourism Management, 60: 67-78. [link to pdf] [interactive map] [researchgate]
- Yang, X.; Zha, Y.; Lu, L. and Yang, Y. (2017). An evolutionary economic geography perspective on types of operation development in West Lake, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 27(3): 482-496. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Cao, Y., and Yang, G. (2017). Product diversification and property performance in the urban lodging market: The relationship and its moderators. Tourism Management, 59: 363-375. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Pan, B., and Yang, Y. (2017). Forecasting destination weekly hotel occupancy with big data. Journal of Travel Research, 56(7), 957-970. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Fik, T., and Zhang, H-L. (2017). Designing a Tourism Spillover Index Based on Multidestination Travel: A Two-Stage Distance-Based Modeling Approach. Journal of Travel Research, 56(3): 317-333. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Jones, T. E.; Yang, Y.; and Yamamoto, K. (2016). Inbound, expat, and domestic climbers: A segment-based expenditure analysis of Mount Fuji’s summer season. Tourism Review International, 20(2/3): 155-163. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Luo, H. and Yang, Y. (2016). Intra-metropolitan location choices for star-rated and non-rated budget hotels: The role of agglomeration economies. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 59: 72-83. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Mueller, N., and Croes, R. (2016). Market accessibility and hotel prices in the Caribbean: The moderating effect of quality-signaling factors. Tourism Management, 56, 40-151. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z. and Yang, Y. (2016). The power of expert identity: How website recognized expert reviews influence travelers’ online rating behavior. Tourism Management, 55, 15-24. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Zhang, H-L., Yang, Y., Zheng, C-H. and Zhang, J. (2016). Too dark to revisit? The role of past experiences and intrapersonal constraints. Tourism Management, 54, 452-464. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Mao, Z. and Yang, Y. (2016). FDI spillovers in the Chinese hotel industry: The role of geographic regions, star-rating classifications, ownership types, and foreign capital origins, Tourism Management, 54, 1-12. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y. and Zhang, H-L. (2015). Modeling tourists’ length of stay: Does one model fit all? Tourism Analysis, 20(1), 13-23. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y. , Tang, J., Luo, H., and Law, R. (2015). Hotel location evaluation: A combination of machine learning tools and web GIS. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 47, 14-24. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Guo, Y., Zhang, J., Yang, Y. and Zhang, H-L. (2015). Modeling the fluctuation patterns of monthly inbound tourist flows to China: A complex network approach. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 20(8), 942-953. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Luo, H., Yang, Y. and Law, R. (2014). How to achieve a high efficiency level of the hotel industry? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(8), 1140-1161 [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y.and Wu, X. (2014). Chinese household demand for outbound travel: Evidence from the China Family Panel Studies. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19(10), 1111-1126. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Pan, B. and Song, H. (2014). Predicting hotel demand using destination marketing organizations’ web traffic data. Journal of Travel Research, 53(4), 433-447. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y. and Fik, T. (2014). Spatial effects in regional tourism growth. Annals of Tourism Research, 46, 144–162. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Liu, Z-H.and Qi, Q. (2014). Domestic tourism demand of urban and rural residents in China: Does relative income matter? Tourism Management, 40, 193–202. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Luo, H. and Law, R. (2014). Theoretical, empirical, and operational models of hotel location research. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, 209-220. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Luo, H.and Yang, Y.(2013). Spatial pattern of hotel distribution in China. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 13(1), 3-15. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Fik, T.and Zhang, J. (2013). Modeling sequential tourist flows: Where is the next destination? Annals of Tourism Research, 43, 297–320. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y.and Wong, K. (2013). Spatial distribution of tourist flows to China’s cities. Tourism Geographies, 15(2), 338-363. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Qi, Q., Yang, Y.and Zhang, J. (2013). Attitudes and experiences of tourists on calligraphic landscapes: A case study of Guilin, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 113, 128-138. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y. and Wong, K. (2012). A spatial econometric approach to model spillover effects in tourism flows. Journal of Travel Research, 51(6), 768-778. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Wong, K.and Wang, T. (2012). How do hotels choose their location? Evidence from hotels in Beijing. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3), 675-685. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y.and Wong, K. (2012). The influence of cultural distance on China inbound tourism flows: A panel data gravity model approach. Asian Geographer, 29(1), 21-37. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Mao, L., Yang, Y., Qiu, Y.and Yang, Y. (2012). Annual economic impacts of seasonal influenza and vaccination on US counties: Spatial heterogeneity and patterns. International Journal of Health Geographics, 11:16. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Yang, Y., Wong, K.and Zhang, J. (2011). Determinants of length of stay for domestic tourists: Case study of Yixing. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 16(6), 619-633. [link to pdf] [researchgate]
- Shi, C.and Yang, Y. (2008). A review of shift-share analysis and its application in tourism. International Journal of Management Perspective, 1(1), 21-30. [link to pdf]
- Shi, C., Zhang, J., Yang, Y.and Zhou, Z. (2007). Shift-share analysis on international tourism competitiveness—A case of Jiangsu Province. Chinese Geographical Science, 17(2): 173-178. [link to pdf] [researchgate]