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Who We Are

We are a part of Temple’s Office of Sustainability. But that’s only the start.

We are environmental stewards.

This is the lens through which we see the world around us. We are responsible and hold ourselves accountable for the protection of our natural environment. We do this through conservation and sustainable actions and ways of thinking.

We are innovators and thinkers.

In and out of the classroom we are constantly gaining knowledge and staying up to date with what’s happening surrounding our environment. We are constantly exploring new ways to spread the word and make changes.

We are leaders.

It’s our job to step up, be heard, and take action! Let’s be fearless and not wait around for others to take charge. We’ve got this!

We are making a difference.

And so can you!

Our mission.

Our goal is to make our campus, and the world, a little greener. We are here to share student and faculty stories, campus and city events, breaking environmental news, and even break down a bit of environmental policy for you all. We want this to be a space for learning and growth. Most of all, we want sustainability to be a conversation! Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team and share any of your thoughts, questions, or brilliant ideas!