As a part of the TUJ Community Day Celebrations, we are organizing a special autumn Tea Gathering at the Showa Women’s University Garden Gazebo taking place on November 7th, 2019.

Place: Showa Women’s University Garden Gazebo

Date & Time:  Thursday, November 07, 2019

Three tea processions will take place:

  1. Temple Main Campus Guests reception                             10:00-11:00 AM
  2. TUJ Staff reception                                                                  11:00-12:00 AM
  3. TUJ Students reception                                                           12:00-01:00 PM

Attire:                                                                                     Bussines/Casual

Number of guests per session:                                                                  15

Tea proceedings (temae) will be done by TUJ instructors Yaeko Kabe and Jordanco Sekulovski. Guests will be served matcha tea and seasonal Japanese sweets wagashi for free as well as receive an explanation of the Urasenke Tea School history and tea procedure.

Note: The number of attendants is limited to 15 per session we thank you for your comprehension

Contact:; and

EVENT VIDEOS from the conference François Laruelle and Non-Standard Philosophy: The Path of Least Resistance

The EASt (East Asian Studies Institute) and ULB – Université libre de Bruxelles conference “François Laruelle and Non-Standard Philosophy: The Path of Least Resistance,” recently published the videos of my keynote speech entitled “Democracy in Thought: Laruelle’s Non-Standard Philosophy” …

… another take is available thanks to the effort made by Etienne Brouzes from ONPhI – Organisation Non-Philosophique Internationale …

… as well as the keynote speech of Anne-Françoise Schmid entitled “The Triptychs of Non-Philosophy” …

… reading of a poem written by François Laruelle himself present at the conference entitled “From the obscure universe into the human foundation of color” …

Many thanks to François Laruelle and Anne-Françoise Schmid for coming to ULB – Université libre de Bruxelles; as well as to Muriel Mambrini-Doudet for reading the poem; Big thanks go to Takeshi Morisato, Pierre Bonneels, Beaudoin Decharneux at EASt_ULB for making this possible as well as the support from Temple University, Japan Campus Temple University, and TUJ Research.