Volume 37, Number 2 (Spring 2023)


Introduction: Looking and Listening, Seeing and Hearing

Mark A. Drumbl

Culpability in Atrocity and the Role of Complicit Observer

Haley S. Anderson

The Aesthetics is International Criminal Law

Daimeon Shanks

Beyond Aesthetics and Atrocity: A Radical Proposal

Margaret deGuzman

Rhetoric, Victims and International Law: Reflections on Randal DeFalco’s Invisible Atrocrities

Ashley Barnes

Aesthetics of Perpetration and Perpetrators in International Criminal Trials

Shannon Fyfe

The Aesthetic Narrative of An Execution

Scott E. Sundby

Legal Legitimacy and Aesthetic Bias

Adil Ahmad Haque

Spectacular Response: Mass Atrocities, Aesthetic Bias, and the Failure of the Prevention Agenda

Kerry Whigham

Aesthetics of Slavery & Slave Trade Crimes

Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum

Ecocide and the Atrocity Aesthetic

Rebecca Hamilton

Author’s Response: Invisible Atrocities and International Criminal Justice

Randle DeFalco

The Inaugural Henry J. Richardson III Lecture, Temple University, Beasley School of Law

Gay McDougall