

Ph.D.   1987-1991       Sociology        University of Maryland, College Park
M.A.    1985-1987       Sociology        University of Missouri, Kansas City
B.A.     1979-1983       Sociology        Shanghai University, Shanghai, China


2016 –
Professor (secondary appointment), Center for Asian Health, Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University

2008 –
Professor, Department of Sociology, Temple University

2000 -2008
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Temple University

1997 -2000
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Temple University

1994 -1997
Research Fellow, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan

1991 -1994
Postdoctoral Trainee, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan

1989 -1991
Research Intern, Survey Research Center, University of Maryland

1983 -1985
Instructor, Department of Sociology, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China

Publications (selected)


Zhao, Shanyang. 2022. Advanced Introduction to the Sociology of the Self. Cheltenham, UK: Elgar.

For examination copies:

Self & Self-Concept

Zhao, Shanyang. 2022. “Human Agency and Social Structure: From the Evolutionary Perspective.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior 52:473-493.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2022. “Human Self-Selection as a Mechanism of Human Societal Evolution: A Critique of the Cultural Selection Argument.” European Journal of Social Theory 25(3):386-402.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2019. “Bringing Self-values Back In: From Reflected Appraisal to Appraised Appraisal.” Pp. 126-140 in Updating Charles H. Cooley: Contemporary Perspectives on a Sociological Classic, edited by Natalia Ruiz-Junco and Baptiste Brossard.  Routledge.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2017. “What Is Reflective Self-Awareness For? Role Expectation for Situational Collaboration in Alliance Animal Society.” Philosophical Psychology 31(2):187-209.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2017. “Self as a Second-order Object: Reinterpreting the Jamesian ‘Me’.” New Ideas in Psychology 46:8-16.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2015. “Reconceptualizing the Self Phenomenon: Toward an Emic Conception of the Self.” Symbolic Interaction 38(2):235-260.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2014. “Self as an Emic Object: A Re-reading of William James on Self.” Theory & Psychology 24(2): 199-216.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2005. “The Digital Self: Through the Looking Glass of Telecopresent Others.” Symbolic Interaction 28(3): 387-405.  Reprinted in 2015 in Presence 2.0 – Bodily Performances in Media Cultures (pp. 205-226), edited by Kornella Hahn and Martin Stempfhuber.  Wiesbaden, Springer VS.

New Media

Zhao, Shanyang, Aleksandr V. Shchekoturov, and Svetlana D. Shchekoturova. 2017 “Personal Profile Settings as Cultural Frames: Facebook vs. Vkontakte.” Journal of Creative Communications 12(3):1-14.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2015. “Constitution of Mutual Knowledge in Telecopresence: Updating Schutz’s Phenomenological Theory of the Lifeworld.” Journal of Creative Communications 10(2):105-127.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2014. “Content Analysis of Facebook Pages: Decoding Expressions Given Off.” In SAGE Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom: SAGE.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2009. “Parental Education and Children’s Online Health Information Seeking: Beyond the Digital Divide Debate.” Social Science & Medicine 69:1501-1505 [Republished in 2010 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics]

Zhao, Shanyang. 2009. “Teen Adoption of MySpace and IM: Inner-City versus Suburban Differences.” CyberPsychology & Behavior 12(1):55-58.

Zhao, Shanyang and David Elesh. 2008. “Copresence as ‘Being With’: Social Contact in Online Public Domains.” Information, Communication & Society 11(4):564-583.

Zhao, Shanyang, Sherri Grasmuck, and Jason Martin. 2008. “Identity Construction on Facebook: Digital Empowerment in Anchored Relationships.” Computers in Human Behavior 24:1816-1836. [Top-10 most-cited article published in Computers in Human Behavior during the period 2007-2011]

Zhao, Shanyang and David Elesh. 2007. “The Second Digital Divide: Unequal Access to Social Capital in the Online World.” International Review of Modern Sociology 33(2):171-192.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2007. “Internet and the Lifeworld: Updating Schutz’s Theory of Mutual Knowledge.” Information Technology & People 20(2):140-160. [2008 Emerald Literati Network Highly Recommended Paper Award]

Zhao, Shanyang. 2006. “The Internet and the Transformation of the Reality of Everyday Life: Toward a New Analytic Stance of Sociology.” Sociological Inquiry 76(4):458-474.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2006. “Humanoid Social Robots as a Medium of Communication.” New Media & Society 8(3): 401-419.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2006. “Do Internet Users Have More Social Ties? A Call for Differentiated Analyses of Internet Use.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 11(3).

Zhao, Shanyang. 2004. “Consociated Contemporaries as an Emergent Realm of the Lifeworld: Extending Schutz’s Phenomenological Analysis to Cyberspace.” Human Studies 27(1): 91-105.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2003. “Toward a Taxonomy of Copresence.” Presence 12(5): 445-455.

Mental Health

Minsun Lee, David Takeuchi, Zvi Gellis, Philip Kendall, Lin Zhu, Shanyang Zhao, Grace X. Ma. 2017.  “The Impact of Perceived Need and Relational Factors on Mental Health Service Use among Generations of Asian Americans.” Journal of Community Health 42(4):688-700.

Steve E. Shive, Grace X. Ma, Jamil Toubbeh, Yin Tan, and Shanyang Zhao. 2003. “Social Influences and Smoking Behaviors among Four Asian American Subgroups.” Californian Journal of Health Promotion 1(3): 123-134.

Kessler, Ronald C. and Shanyang Zhao. 1999. “The Prevalence of Mental Illness.” Pp.58-78 in A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health, edited by Allan V. Horwitz and Teresa L. Scheid. N.Y.: Cambridge University Press.

Kessler, Ronald C., Shanyang Zhao, Steven J. Katz, Anthony C. Kouzis, Richard G. Frank, Mark Edlund, and Philip Leaf. 1999. “Past Year Use of Outpatient Services for Psychiatric Problems in the National Comorbidity Survey.” The American Journal of Psychiatry 156(1): 115-123.

Kessler, Ronald C., Hans-Ulrich Wittchen, Jamie M. Abelson, Katherine McGonagle, Norbert Schwartz, Kenneth S. Kendler, Barbel Knauper, and Shanyang Zhao. 1998. “Methodological Studies of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) in the U.S. National Comorbidity Survey.” Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 7(1): 33-55.

Kessler, Ronald C., Jamie M. Abelson, and Shanyang Zhao. 1998. “The Epidemiology of Mental Disorders.”  Pp. 3-24 in Advances in Mental Health Research, edited by Janet Williams and Kathleen Ell. Washington, D. C.: NASW Press.

Kessler, Ronald C. and Shanyang Zhao. 1998. “Epidemiology: Psychiatric.” Pp.127-135 in Encyclopedia of Mental Health, edited by Howard Friedman. San Diego: Academic Press.

Kessler, Ronald C., Kristin D. Mickelson, and Shanyang Zhao. 1997. “Patterns and Correlates of Self-help Group Membership in the United States.” Social Policy 27: 27-46.

Kessler, Ronald C., David R, Rubinow, Cathryn Holmes, Jamie M. Abelson, and Shanyang Zhao. 1997.  “The Epidemiology of DSM-III-R Bipolar I Disorder in a General Population Survey.” Psychological Medicine 27: 1079-1089.

Kessler, Ronald C., Shanyang Zhao, Dan G. Blazer, and Marvin Swartz. 1997. “Prevalence, Correlates, and Course of Minor Depression and Major Depression in the National Comorbidity Survey.” Journal of Affective Disorders 45: 19-30.

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Shanyang Zhao, Jamie M. Abelson, James L. Abelson, and Ronald C. Kessler. 1996. “Reliability and Procedural Validity of UM-CIDI DSM-III-R Phobic Disorders.” Psychological Medicine 26: 1169-1177.

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Ronald C. Kessler, Shanyang Zhao, and Jamie M. Abelson. 1995. “Reliability and Clinical Validity of UM-CIDI DSM-III-R Generalized Anxiety Disorder.” Psychiatry Research 29 (2): 95-110.

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Shanyang Zhao, Ronald C. Kessler, and William W. Eaton. 1994. “DSM-III-R Generalized Anxiety Disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey.” Archives of General Psychiatry 51: 355-364.

Kessler, Ronald C., Katherine A. McGonagle, Shanyang Zhao, Christopher B. Nelson, Michael Hughes, Suzann Eshleman, Hans-Ulrich Wittchen, and Kenneth S. Kendler. 1994. “Lifetime and 12-month Prevalence of DSM-III- R Psychiatric Disorders in the United States: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey.” Archives of General Psychiatry 51: 8-19.


Zhao, Shanyang. 2014. “Ethnographic Studies of Social Causation: Observing Conjunctures of Action Sequences in Particular Settings.” Quality & Quantity 48(5): 2791-2800.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2004. “Metatheory.” Pp.500-501 in Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Volume I, edited by George Ritzer. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Ritzer, George, Shanyang Zhao, and Jim Murphy. 2001. “Metatheorizing in Sociology: The Basic Parameters and the Potential Contributions of Postmodernism.” Pp.113-131 in Handbook of Sociological Theory, edited by Jonathan H. Turner. New York: Plenum.

Zhao, Shanyang. 2001. “Metatheorizing in Sociology.” Pp.386-394 in Handbook of Social Theory, edited by George Ritzer and Barry Smart. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Zhao, Shanyang. 1996. “The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning? The Theory Construction Movement Revisited.” Sociological Forum 11(2): 305-318.

Zhao, Shanyang. 1993. “Realms, Subfields, and Perspectives: On the Differentiation and Fragmentation of Sociology.” The American Sociologist 24(3/4): 5-14.

Zhao, Shanyang. 1991. “Metatheory, Metamethod, Meta-data-analysis: What, Why, and How?” Sociological Perspectives 34(3): 377-390.

Zhao, Shanyang. 1991. “Rhetoric as Praxis: An Alternative to the Epistemic Approach.” Philosophy and Rhetoric 24(3): 255-266.

Falk, William and Shanyang Zhao. 1989. “Paradigms, Theories and Methods in Contemporary Rural Sociology: A Partial Replication and Extension.” Rural Sociology 54(4): 587-599.