2021 SPROUT Symposium 2021 SPROUT Presentations at the Science Education & Research Center in August 2021. Geonni GeeSLA Center CityMentor: Dr. ConstantinouCalculating the Mass of Microscopic Particles Using Numerical Simulations Kylee MitchellSLA BeeberMentor: Dr. CordesHow is biodiversity of deep-sea coral reefs related to cover of living coral? Kera McCarthyMasterman High SchoolMentor: Dr. ValentineTitanium in Proteomics: The Effects of Titanium (Ti(IV)) Citrate on Yeast Protein Regulation Maria AwadallaGAMP High SchoolMentor: Dr. ChroniFinding the evolutionary roots of cancer cell migrations Samar OubarriCentral High SchoolMentor: Dr. KulathinalThe Neurogenomics of Incipient Speciation in Drosophila Isaiah WeekesMasterman High SchoolMentor: Dr. BourgetImpact of Lewis Acidity of Metals in Metal-Organic Frameworks on DMNP Hydrolysis