Master of Architecture, Temple University, 2029 (expected).
M.A. & PhD, American Studies, The College of William & Mary, 2006
Dissertation: “Birthing Washington: Objects, Memory, and the Creation of a National Monument;” Scott R. Nelson (Chair), Barbara Carson, Cary Carson, Arthur Knight, Patricia West
Exam Fields: U.S. History, Colonial to present (primary); Material Culture; Object Theory
BA with highest distinction, American Studies and History, Minor in Pennsylvania Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, 1997
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
- Professor of History, 2023 to present.
- Affiliated Faculty, Program in Documentary Arts and Ethnographic Practice, School of Theater, Film, and Media, 2019 to present.
- Associate Professor of History, 2013 to present.
- Director, Center for Public History, 2008-15; 2018 to present.
- National Park Service Special Projects Coordinator, University College, 2015-17.
- Assistant Professor of History and American Studies, 2008-13.
Metropolitan Community College – Maple Woods, Kansas City, MO, History Instructor and Public History Coordinator, 2005-08
Germanna Community College, Fredericksburg, VA, History Adjunct Instructor, Spring 2005
College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA, Teaching Fellow, Spring 2003
Ashby M. Larmore Research Fellow, Maryland Center for History and Culture, Baltimore, MD, 2024-25.
U.S. National Park Service
- Administrative Historian, Boston National Historical Park, 2015-20.
- Administrative Historian, George Washington Birthplace National Monument, 2003-06
- Historian, Historic American Engineering Record, Montgomery, AL, Summer 1999
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, Jamestown, VA, Research Fellow, October 1999 to May 2000
Library of Congress Archive of Folk Culture, Washington, DC, Intern and Research Assistant, Summer 1995
Ships in Bottles: A History of American Maritime Preservation (manuscript in progress).
Of Men and Yachts: Manhood and Toxicity in the Age of Global Capital (manuscript in progress).
Lost on the Freedom Trail: The National Park Service and Urban Renewal in Postwar Boston (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2022). A volume in the Public History in Historical Perspective series. Selected for Winter 2023 Editor’s Choice Award by the Historical Journal of Massachusetts, and recipient of the 2023 Society for History in Federal Government Book Award
Ed., The Association for State and Local History Guide to Commemoration (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, October 2017). Listed as “recommended reading for public history courses” in 2020 by the National Council on Public History (
Ed., Born in the USA: Birth and Commemoration in American Public Memory (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2012). An edited volume in the Public History in Historical Perspective series. Listed as “recommended reading for public history courses” in 2020 by the National Council on Public History (
Here, George Washington was Born: Memory, Material Culture, and the Public History of a National Monument (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2008). Listed as “recommended reading for public history courses” in 2011 by the National Council on Public History.
““Save the Olympia!”: Preserving Dewey’s Flagship in Twentieth-Century Philadelphia,” The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 143:1 (January 2019), 56-101.
“NPS History 101: Toward Training a New Generation of Advocates,” The Public Historian 38:4 (November 2016), 190-205.
“A Most Complete Whaling Museum”: Profiting from the Past on Nantucket Island,” Museum History Journal 8:2 (July 2015), 188-208.
“A Century of Teaching with Pennsylvania’s Historic Places,” special joint issue of the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 139:1, and Pennsylvania History 82:1 (January 2015): 3-21.
“The New Labor History Museum: A Status Report,” which introduces a museum review section that I edited for Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas 9 (2012): 133-49.
“Reforming the Carceral Past: Eastern State Penitentiary and the Challenge of Twenty-First-Century Prison Museums,” Radical History Review 113 (Spring 2012): 171-86.
“The Shenandoah River Gundalow: Reusable Boats in Virginia’s Nineteenth-Century River Trade,” Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 118 (December 2010): 314-49.
“George Washington’s Birthplace and the Curious Case of ‘Building X,’” Northern Neck of Virginia Historical Magazine 55 (December 2005): 6599-6613.
“Pennsylvania Boatbuilding: Charting a State Tradition,” Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 65 (Spring 1998): 170-89.
“More than Ordinary Patriotism: Living History in the Memory Work of George Washington Parke Custis,” in Robert Aldrich, W. Fitzhugh Brundage, Clare Corbould, Michael A. McDonnell, eds., Remembering the Revolution: Memory, History, and Nation-Making from Independence to the Civil War (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2013): 127-43.
“Memorials and Monuments,” in Modupe Labode, Bob Weible, and Will Walker, eds., The Inclusive Historian’s Handbook (Co-sponsored by the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) and the National Council on Public History (NCPH), 2019), Reprinted in Parks Stewardship Forum 36:3 (September 2020): 465-70.
“National Parks,” The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia, Charlene Mires, Howard Gillette, and Randall Miller, eds. (Camden, NJ: Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities, Rutgers University-Camden, 2015),
“Public History,” Oxford Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History, Paul Boyer, Scott Casper, and Joan Shelley Rubin, eds. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013).
“Trails to Freedom: An Administrative History of Boston National Historical Park,” prepared for the National Park Service, U.S Department of the Interior, Northeast Region History Program, under cooperative agreement with the Organization of American Historians (2019).
“Visualizing the Past: William F. Macy and the Nantucket Historical Association,” research paper (24 pp) prepared for the Nantucket Historical Association, September 2013 (NHA Library call# RP 141).
“Toward a History of Toeing the Line at Boston National Historical Park,” site review solicited by the National Park Service and Organization of American Historians, August 2011.
“USS Olympia Summit Report,” with Carly Goodman on behalf of the Temple University Center for Public History, commissioned by the Independence Seaport Museum, August 2011.
Harry S Truman Birthplace Statement of National Significance, Draft Peer Review, solicited by National Park Service and Organization of American Historians, December 2010.
“Thinking About Memory at Minute Man National Historical Park,” site review solicited by the National Park Service and Organization of American Historians, December 2009.
“Administrative History of the George Washington Birthplace National Monument,” (Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 2006).
“A Crisis of Trust in the Classroom,” Inside Higher Ed (January 14, 2025),
“When History Tourism Puts Profit Before the Past,” TIME (August 1, 2024),
“Teaching Historians with Tools: Toward a Subversive Pedagogy,” Decorating Dissidence, Issue 15: Tools, Use, Mastery (July 1, 2022),
“Reimagining Teaching,” The Temple University Faculty Herald (June 2022): 10-11,
“A New Future for History in the National Park Service,” Cross Ties: News and Insights for Humanities Professionals, newsletter of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities at Rutgers University-Camden 8:6 (Nov/Dec 2013).
With Mary Rizzo, “Collegial Questioning: A New Forum on History in the US National Park Service (Part 2),” History@Work: A Public History Commons from the National Council on Public History, 25 November 2013,
“So-and-So Born Here, So What?,” Historic House Museums: The Newsletter of the American Association for State and Local Historians House Museum Affinity Group (May 2013),
With Charlene Mires and Robert Kodosky, “Building a Public History Community in Philadelphia,” Public History News 31:4 (September/October 2011), 5-6.
“Possibilities for Public History in Community Colleges,” Public History News 28:4 (September 2008), 12-13.
“Don’t Build on a Cherry-Tree Myth—Again,” Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star (25 July 2008), A7 [reprinted in “Roundup: Talking About History,” History News Network,
“The Pennsylvania Boatbuilders Project: Shaping a Tradition,” in Robert D. Yearout, ed., Proceedings, Tenth National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Volume I (Asheville: The University of North Carolina at Asheville, 1996), pp. 101-05.
“Boatbuilding Documentation in the Archive of Folk Culture” (finding aid), Archive of Folk Culture, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, 1995.
Matthew Dennis, American Relics and the Politics of Public Memory (2023), in the Journal of the Early Republic 44:1 (2024), 150-153.
Clarissa J. Ceglio, A Cultural Arsenal for Democracy: The World War II Work of US Museums (2022), in The Public Historian 46:1 (2024),199-201.
Jon Waterman, National Geographic Atlas of the National Parks (2019), in The Public Historian 42 (August 2020), 162-64.
Roger C. Aden, Upon the Ruins of Liberty: Slavery, the President’s House at Independence National Historic Park, and Public Memory (2014), in The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 141 (April 2017), 203-204.
Jesse Swigger, “History is Bunk”: Assembling the Past at Henry Ford’s Greenfield Village (2014), in Winterthur Portfolio 50:1 (Spring 2016), 91-92.
Carolyn Kitch, Pennsylvania in Public Memory: Reclaiming the Industrial Past (2012), in The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 137 (April 2013), 219-20.
Erika Doss, Memorial Mania: Public Feeling in America (2010), in The American Historical Review 117 (April 2012), 568-69.
Edward Lengel, Inventing George Washington: America’s Founder, in Myth and Memory (2011), in the Journal of American History 98 (December 2011), 819.
Gary B. Nash, The Liberty Bell (2010), in The Public Historian 33 (February 2011), 105-7.
Jeremy Packer, Mobility without Mayhem: Safety, Cars, and Citizenship (2008) and David Blanke, Hell on Wheels: The Promise and Peril of America’s Car Culture, 1900-1940 (2007) in American Studies 50 (Spring/Summer 2010), 196-97.
Christof Mauch and Thomas Zeller, Rivers in History: Perspectives on Waterways in Europe and North America (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2008) in Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 76 (Summer 2009).
Mark B. Sandberg, Living Pictures, Missing Persons: Mannequins, Museums, and Modernity (2003) in Pioneer America Society Transactions (P.A.S.T.) 28 (2005), 28-31.
The President’s House, Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia, PA, in the Journal of American History 100 (June 2013): 155-58.
“Spies, Traitors and Saboteurs: Fear and Freedom in America,” National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, PA, March 4 – August 21, 2011, in The Public Historian 33:4 (November 2011): 142-44.
“Mystic Seaport: The Museum of America and the Sea,” The Public Historian 31:4 (Fall 2009): 128-31.
The Bygone Object, June 2008 to present,
National Council on Public History, Off the Wall: Critical Reviews of History Exhibit Practice in an Age of Ubiquitous Display(conversant, 2010-11),
Fields: U.S. Cultural History, Material Culture, Museum and Memory Studies, Public History
Undergraduate Courses:
- The Historian’s Craft
- History of the National Park Service
- Introduction to Heritage Interpretation
- The Road: Mobility and Memory in American Lives
- Retro America: Historical Simulation in the United States
- American Memory and Commemoration
- Museums and American Culture
- Tourism in America
- American Revolutions
- Reading Culture
- Cold War Culture
- US History I and II
- Fieldwork in History (internship)
Graduate Courses:
- Managing History: Introduction to Public History
- Studies in American Material Culture
- Introduction to American History I
- The Public History Practicum
- The Historian and Society (internship)
Guerrero, Anthony, “Forgotten Lessons: The Creation of U.S. Military Memory of the 1965 Dominican Intervention,” Temple University, History Department, PhD in history in progress (committee).
Dostie, Donald, “Private Matter, Public Good: Urban Privies, Social Anxieties, and the Remaking of Philadelphia, 1793-1854,” Temple University, History Department, PhD in history in progress (committee).
Gruber, Abigail, “Memory’s Handmaids: The National Society of Colonial Dames & the Politics of Historic Preservation in Philadelphia,” Temple University, History Department, PhD in history in progress (chair).
Dabek, Dana, “The Legacy of Second Wave Feminism in Public Interpretations of U.S. Women’s History,” Temple University Klein College of Media and Communications, PhD in Media and Communications in progress (committee).
Claire Herhold, “In Search of an Authentic Past: Negotiating Authenticity in Living History Interpretation,” Western Michigan University, Department of History, PhD in History in progress (committee).
Gary Scales, “Sensory Service Stations: Gasoline Retailing and the Making of Neurocapitalism,” Temple University, History Department, PhD in history defended May 2024 (committee).
Dilmar Mauricio Gamero Santos, “The Power of Losing Control: Deconstructing Elfreth’s Alley Documentary Archive-Based Aesthetics Using Image-Making Experimentation,” Temple University School of Theater, Film and Media Arts, PhD in Documentary Arts and Visual Research defended November 2022 (committee).
Rooney, Shannon McLaughlin, “Memory, Margins, and Materiality: The Philadelphia Move Bombing,” Temple University, Department of Journalism, PhD in Journalism defended October 2020 (committee).
Devin Manzullo-Thomas, “Exhibiting Evangelicalism: Commemoration, Conservative Christianity, and Religion’s Presence of the Past,” Temple University, History Department, PhD in history defended April 2020 (chair).
Minju Bae, “One Rise, One Fall: Labor Organizing in New York’s Asian Communities, 1970s to the Present,” Temple University, History Department, PhD in History defended March 2020 (committee).
Lucas J. Scheaffer, “Damming the American Imagination,” Temple University, English Department, PhD in English defended April 2019 (outside reader).
Stephen R. Hausmann, “Inventing Indian Country: Race and Environment in the Black Hills Region, 1851-1981,” Temple University, Department of History, PhD in History defended March 2019 (committee).
Jean-Pierre Beugoms, “The Logistics of the United States Army, 1812-1821,” Temple University, Department of History, PhD in History defended December 2018 (committee).
Keri J. Sansevere, “”Anything but White”: Excavating the Story of Northeastern Colonoware,” Temple University, Department of Anthropology, Ph.D in Anthropology defended December 2018 (committee).
Levi Fox, “Not Forgotten: The Korean War in American Public Memory, 1950-2017,” Temple University, Department of History, PhD in history defended April 2018 (chair).
John Crider, “Printing Politics: The Emergence of Political Parties in Florida, 1821-1861,” Temple University, Department of History, PhD in History defended March 2017 (committee).
Simpson, Jenna Anne, “Living in the Past: Community and Change in Historical Commemorations at Plymouth, Williamsburg, and Salem,” College of William & Mary, American Studies, PhD defended June 20, 2016 (outside reader).
Deirdre Kelleher, “Immigration, Identity, and Ethnicity: The Urban Archaeology of Elfreth’s Alley, Philadelphia,” Temple University Department of Anthropology, PhD dissertation defended May 26, 2015 (committee).
Anne C. Reilly, “Birthplaces of a Nation: Public Commemorations of American Origins in the Early Twentieth Century,” University of Delaware, Department of History, PhD dissertation defended March 26, 2015 (outside reader).
Kelly C. George, “The Birth of a Haunted “Asylum”: Public Memory and Community Storytelling,” Temple University School of Media and Communications, PhD Dissertation defended November 2013 (committee).
Laura Macbride, “Digging up Interest in the Past: An Evaluation of Public Archaeology at Graeme Park with an Approach for Future Interpretation,” Temple University, Department of Anthropology, PhD dissertation defended November 2013 (committee).
Stephen Nepa, “Restaurant-led development” in Postindustrial Philadelphia, 1945-2005,” Temple University, Department of History, PhD dissertation defended April 2012 (committee).
Matthew Hunter, “Liberation in White and Black,” Temple University, Department of Religion, PhD dissertation defended August 2010 (outside reader).
Laurie Robins, “Campus,” Temple University, School of Theater, Film and Media Arts, MFA in Film and Media Arts defended May 2024 (committee).
William Blake, “A Grand Review,” Temple University, Tyler School of Art, MFA in painting defended April 2018 (committee).
Samantha Nemazie, “Facilitating Stakeholder Discussion to Create Ever Changing monuments that Represent Present Day Communities,” The University of the Arts, Department of Museum Studies, MFA theses defended April 2018 (reader).
Charlette Hove, “Untitled”: Observing Access Portals in Contemporary Art Museums,” The University of the Arts, Department of Museum Studies, MFA theses defended May 2016 (defense chair).
Meaghan A. Gorman, “Adding to History: The Potential of Special Events to Support Missions in Historic House Museums,” The University of the Arts, MFA Program in Museum Exhibition, Planning, and Design, MFA thesis defended May 2015 (committee).
Jordan Klein and Renee Wasser, “Points of interSECTion: Interdisciplinary Collaboration and the Site-Specific Exhibition,” The University of the Arts, MFA Program in Museum Exhibition, Planning, and Design, MA thesis defended April 2013 (committee).
Sarah E. Crawford, “A Place in History: Can Students Shape Their Community’s Future by Exploring its Past?,” The University of the Arts, Department of Museum Studies, MA thesis defended April 2011 (committee).
Jaimie S. Masino, “The Power of Objects: A Case Study of Visitors’ Affective Responses to Objects from the Holocaust,” The University of the Arts, Department of Museums Studies, MA thesis defended April 2010 (committee).
Matthew M. Headley, “Creating Interdisciplinary Work Across Institutional Siloes: Best Practices for Creating Collaborative Projects,” Temple University, History Department, MA in public history defended May 2024 (chair).
Lauren Marie Griffin, “Feeding Temple Town: A Digital Project Exploring Food, Politics, and Community in North Philadelphia,” Temple University, History Department, MA in public history defended April 2023 (chair).
Margaret Sanford, “In Their Footsteps: Tracing the Lineage of Resistance Against the Philadelphia Body Trade, 1765-2021,” Temple University, History Department, MA in public history defended April 2022 (chair).
Jeanette Bendolph, “Transformative History: American Monument-Making and the Road to Inclusive Public Commemorations for Black American Veterans,” Temple University, History Department, MA in public history defended April 2022 (chair).
Paige Bartello, “Primary Source Learning for K-12 Students and Educators: Rethinking the Role of the Archive,” Temple University, History Department, MA in public history defended April 2022 (chair).
Lauren Kennedy, “A Minor Tour in a Major City: Walking Through the History of Childhood in Philadephia,” Temple University, History Department, MA in public history defended April 2022 (chair).
Makuc, Joseph, “Growing Open Data: A Guide to Making Open Historic Data for Community Gardens,” Temple University, History Department, MA in public history defended April 2021 (committee).
McManus, Ariel Marie, “A Study in Influenza: Ways Historical Institutions Can Enhance Science Literacy,” Temple University, History Department, MA in public history defended April 2021 (committee).
Steven, Isabel, “Uncovering Queer Domesticity: Intuition and Possibility as Methods of Intervention into the Historic House Museum and Archive,” Temple University, History Department, MA in public history defended April 2021 (committee).
O’Gorman, Alexander Ryan, “Teedyuscung, a Man, a Statue: Folklore, Stories, and Native American Commemorative Statues and Monuments,” Temple University, History Department, MA in public history defended April 2021 (chair).
Jessica R. Locklear, “Leaving the Only Land I Know: A History of Lumbee Migrations to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,” Temple University, History Department, MA in public history defended April 2020 (committee).
Alanna Shaffer, “From the Frontline to the Picket Line: Public History and the Cultural Labor Revolution,” Temple University, History Department, MA in public history defended April 2020 (chair).
Joseph T. Humnicky, “Curated Ground: Public History, Military Memory, and Shared Authority at Battle Sites in North America,” Temple University, History Department, MA in public history defended April 2020 (chair).
Cynthia F. Heider, “Sympathy and Science: Social Settlements and Museums Forging the Future Through a Usable Past,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended July 2018 (committee).
Charlie Hersch, “Sourcing Liberty: Using Artifacts to Teach About Religions Freedom,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2018 (committee).
Theodore Maust, “’Most Historic Houses Just Sit There’”: Activating the Present at Historic House Museums,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2018 (chair).
Chelsea C. Read, “Locating Philadelphia Jazz: The Intersections of Place, Sound, and Story in the Classroom,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2018 (committee).
John E. Smith, III, “The Art of the Airport: Using Public History and Material Culture to Humanize and Interpret the American Airport,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2018 (chair).
Derek Duquette, “Queering Significance: What Preservationists Can Learn from How LGBTQ+ Philadelphians Ascribe Significance to History Sites,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2018 (committee).
Maegan A. Pollinger, “Planting Seeds of Change: Garden Spaces and the Survival of Historic House Museums in Crisis,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2017 (chair).
Alaina McNaughton, “More Than Road Trips and Rangers in Flat Hats: Recognizing Millennial Perceptions of the National Park Service to Effectively Engage the Next Generation of Park Stewards,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2017 (chair).
Patrick Shank, “Below the Depths with USS Becuna: Reintroducing Cold War History Through Submarines and Cartoons,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2017 (chair).
Sarah Catherine Sutton, “Pennhurst: An Exploration of Exhibition and Collection Care Inside a Haunted Asylum,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2016 (committee).
Stephanie Danielle Williams, “Art at the Airport and the Intersection of Public Art and Public History,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2016 (committee).
Joana Arruda, “The National Park Service Division of International Affairs: A History of International Cooperation as a Call to Action, 1916-2016,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2016 (chair).
Gail Freidman, “Remembering DEL-AWARE Community Activism and Eco-Politics in Bucks County Pennsylvania, in the Age of Reagan,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2016 (chair). Published as “Dumping the Pump: Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Community Activism and Eco-Politics in the Age of Reagan.” Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies85, no. 3 (2018): 299-332.
Grace DiAgostino, “The Cemetery Project: A Model for Teaching Historical Understanding and Public History in an Age of Teaching to the Test,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2016 (committee).
Mary O’Neil, “Old Stories and New Visualizations: Digital Timelines as Public History Projects,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2015 (chair).
Lyell Funk, “Beyond the Powels: Alternative Narratives as Primary Solutions for the Powel House,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2015 (chair).
Erin Bernard, “History Truck Unlimited: The New Mobile History, Urban Crisis, and Me,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended April 2015 (chair).
Megan H.P. Miller, “Making History: Applications of Digitization and Materialization Projects in Repositories,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in history defended October 2, 2014 (chair).
Sara A. Karpinski, “Contested Spaces: Imagining Berlin’s Divided Past Through Debated Sites of Heritage Tourism,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in history defended July 2014 (committee).
Jenifer Lee Baldwin, “Revival of the Sweetest: Retro-artisanal Entrepreneurship as Historical Exhibition,” Temple University College of Liberal Arts, qualifying paper for Master of Liberal Arts submitted March 2014 (committee).
Erin E. Shipley, “Friends of Franklin: Conflicted Transatlantic Interpretation of Benjamin Franklin in London,” Temple University, Department of History, MA in public history defended May 2014 (chair).
John Pettit, “Digital History and Community Engagement: In Theory and in Practice,” Temple University, Department of History, MA thesis defended April 2012 (chair).
Lyndsey Brown, “Founding Force, Forgotten Focus: A Case Study of Gender Influence in the Preservation of Historic House Museums,” Temple University, Department of History, MA thesis defended April 2012 (chair).
Bayard Miller, “When Old Media Was New: Learning from the Past, Archiving for the Future,” Temple University, Department of History, MA thesis defended April 2012 (chair).
Jenna Marrone, “Inspiring Public Trust in Our Cultural Institutions: Archives, Public History, and the Philadelphia President’s House,” Temple University, Department of History, MA thesis defended April 2012 (chair).
Devin Manzullo-Thomas, “Born-Again Brethren: History as Identity and Theology in the Cultural Transformation of a ‘Plain People’,” Temple University, Department of History, MA thesis defended April 2012 (chair).
Sara Borden, “An Examination of How Archives Have Influenced the Story of Philadelphia’s Civil Rights Movement,” Temple University, Department of History, MA thesis defended April 2011 (chair).
Steven Greenstein, “Re-envisiong the 1876 Centennial Exhibition: New Exhibit Solutions for an Old Interpretive Problem,” Temple University, Department of History, MA thesis defended April 2011 (chair).
Jessica C. Clark, “Women’s History in House Museums: How Using Local Archives Can Improve their Histories,” Temple University, Department of History, MA thesis defended April 2011 (chair).
Javier Garcia, “Re-remembering the Royal Theater: Public History, Place, and Urban History,” Temple University, Department of History, MA thesis defended April 2011 (chair).
Dana Dorman, “Searching for Vision: The Beginning and End of the Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies,” Temple University, Department of History, MA thesis defended April 2009 (chair).
Heather Isbell Schumacher, “Culture, Community, and Commerce: Odunde and the Use of Festival on South Street,” Temple University, Department of History, MA thesis defended November 2009 (chair).
PhD Qualifying Exams
Donald Dostie, History (Temple), field: teaching, 7 July 2022.
Dilmar Mauricio Gamero Santos, Documentary Arts And Visual Research (Temple), field: memory and historical method, 4 December 2020.
Devin Manzullo-Thomas, History (Temple), Chair, field: Public History, 10 May 2017.
Keri Sensevere, Anthropology (Temple), field: US History and Material and Social Analysis of Historical Pottery, 27 July 2016.
Alli Straub, History (Temple), field: US History to 1865, 23 May 2015.
Levi Fox, History (Temple), Chair, field: Public History, Material Culture, and Digital History, 7 Nov. 2014.
Deirdre Kelleher, Anthropology (Temple), field: Material Culture, 3 April 2013.
Sara Karpinski, History (Temple), field: U.S. Public History, 26 April 2012.
Workshop for Dr. Marla Miller’s “Writing Material Culture” seminar, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 25 April 2023.
“Lost on the Freedom Trail,” in conversation with Michael Creasey, General Superintendent of the National Parks of Boston, and Susan Fainstein, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Massachusetts Historical Society (online), 26 January 2022,
Panelist, “Interpreting Skill in Museum Settings: Why This History Matters to the Past, Present, and Future,” Industrial Crafts Research Network inaugural 2021 symposium, online, 14 November 2021.
“Teaching with Museum Collections,” Colonial Academic Alliance Museum Leadership Project, Lenfest Center for Cultural Partnerships, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, 13 October 2021.
Chair, “Material Culture: Nostalgia, Performance, and the Early Modern World,” James A. Barnes Club Graduate Student Conference, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 10 April 2021.
Panelist, “Reimagining the Disposable Assignment: Open Pedagogy in Action,” OpenCon 2019, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 1 November 2019.
Panelist, “Toward a Healthy Craft Ecosystem,” annual meeting of the American Craft Council, Philadelphia, PA, 12 October 19.
“The Lesley Documentation Project,” Lunch and Learn Series at the Independence Seaport Museum, Philadelphia, PA, 21 July 2018.
“The Cruiser Olympia and the Making of Modern Philadelphia,” Lunch and Learn Series at the Independence Seaport Museum, Philadelphia, PA, 17 October 2017.
Panelist, “NPS 101 Workshop: National Parks as Historical Field Schools,” annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians, New Orleans, LA, 8 April 2017.
Chair, “Every Text is a Thing: The Language of Material Sources,” James A. Barnes Club Graduate Student Conference, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 25 March 2017.
“Encouraging Collaborative History,” with April Antonellis, Northeast Regional History Program, National Park Service, Philadelphia, PA, 22 March 2017.
“Citizen Soldier: USS Olympia,” with James Delgado and John Brady, Pritzker Military Museum and Library, Chicago, IL, 20 March 2017.
“Locating the Freedom Trail in Postwar Boston,” University of Delaware History Workshop, Newark, DE, 6 December 2016.
“NPS at 100: History, and the Future of the National Park Service,” a public webinar in conversation with Marla Miller and Anne Mitchell Whisnant, sponsored by the NPS Northeast Regional Office history program and the NPS Washington Office Park History program, 19 September 2016.
“Looking in the Mirror: Learning to See Memory in the American Past,” Evidence of Commemoration Symposium, Daughters of the American Revolution Museum, Washington, D.C., 11 March 2016.
Guest participant in Anth 05: The Presence of the Past session on “Making Histories, Making Nations,” at Boston’s Faneuil Hall, Prof. Cathy Stanton, Tufts University, Boston, MA, 9 November 2015.
Panelist, “New Park Voices for the Second Century,” Urban Parks and the National Park Service of the Future Symposium, The University of Pennsylvania School of Design, Philadelphia, PA, 30 October 2015.
Comment, “History and Memory: Pennsylvania as Symbol,” annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical Association, Philadelphia, PA, 8 November 2014.
“Bill Pencak’s Classroom Legacy,” plenary session celebrating the legacies of Bill Pencack, annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical Association, Philadelphia, PA, 6 November 2014.
“History as a Pillar of Civic Life,” final remarks for “Scholarship and Partnerships: The State of History in the National Parks” forum, Rutgers University-Camden, Camden, NJ, 6 November 2013.
Panelist, “Public History Initiative,” Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 5 November 2013.
Panelist, “Cliveden Conversations: New Interpretations for a Historic Philadelphia House,” annual meeting of the National Council on Public History, Ottawa, Canada, 18 April 2013.
“War and Memory in Early America,” ANTH 5180: Historic Sites in Archaeology Seminar, Prof. David Orr, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 19 March 2013.
“Witnessing Washington’s Birthplace,” HPSS S732 and FURN 2451: ‘Witness Tree Project: Presidents, Place, and Public History,’ Profs. Daniel Cavicchi and Dale Broholm, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, 8 November 2010.
Moderator, Digital Humanities Workshop, Center for the Humanities at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 27 November 2012.
Panelist, “Public History Programs at the Undergraduate and Graduate Level: Success, Problems, and Questions,” annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical Association, Harrisburg, PA, 2 November 2012.
“Nantucket and the Rise of the American Maritime Museum,” Whaling Museum of the Nantucket Historical Association, Nantucket, MA, 25 October 2012.
“Born in the U.S.A.: Why Birthplaces Matter,” Alice Paul Institute at Paulsdale, the birthplace of Alice Paul, Mount Laurel, NJ, 28 September 2012.
“Birth and Commemoration in American Public Memory,” Center for the Humanities at Hood College Annual Colloquium, Hood College, Frederick, MD, 19 September 2012.
Interpretation workshop, “Toward a History of Toeing the Line at Boston National Historical Park,” Boston National Historical Park, Boston, MA, 14 September 2012.
Comment and chair, “Museums and Makers: Intersections of Public History and Technology Buffs from Steam Trains to Steampunk,” joint annual meeting of the National Council on Public History and the Organization of American Historians, Milwaukee, WI, 19 April 2012.
“Using Public History to Promote Racial Equity and Justice,” session four of the Making History Matter series sponsored by the PEW Heritage Philadelphia Program and coordinated by Phillip Seitz, Philadelphia, PA, 14 April 2012.
Guest participant, “Program Leadership: Public History,” What is Public History?,” HIST-GA 2011 Internship Seminar, Prof. Peter Wosh, New York University, New York, NY, 6 February 2012.
“Going Public with Critical Culture Studies,” keynote, annual meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Popular / American Culture Association, Philadelphia, PA, 5 November 2011.
Comment, “Houses as History: Construction of Place and Past in the American South,” annual meeting of the Southern Historical Association, Baltimore, MD, 29 October 2011.
Panelist, “Global Collaborations in American Studies: Learning from Practitioners,” annual meeting of the American Studies Association, Baltimore, MD, 20 October 2011.
“George Washington’s Birthplace and the Problem of Building X,” Cliveden of the National Trust, “Cliveden Conversations” series, Philadelphia, PA, 7 July 2011.
“Preservation and Public History in Philadelphia,” Temple University College of Liberal Arts alumni event, Grand Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, PA, 26 March 2011.
“Careers in Public History,” James A. Barnes Club Graduate Student Conference, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 25 March 2011.
“History, Memory, and the Birth of George Washington,” Hiram Lodge, Philadelphia, PA, 9 March 2011.
“History versus Memory—What’s the Difference?,” Temple University Metro-Engagement Forum, Philadelphia, PA, 23 February 2011.
“Witnessing Washington’s Birthplace,” HPSS S732 and FURN 2451: ‘Witness Tree Project: Presidents, Place, and Public History,’ Profs. Daniel Cavicchi and Dale Broholm, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, 8 November 2010.
“National Monuments and American Memory,” Legacies of Liberty, Teaching American History Grant in partnership with the History Project at UC Davis and the Sacramento City Unified School District, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 28 June 2010.
Faculty and tour leader, “Revisiting Virginia’s Past: Eight Sites, One Bus, Hundreds of Stories!,” Heritage Philadelphia Program Spring Study Trip, The Pew Center for Arts and Heritage, June 9-11, 2010.
“Remembering George Washington at the Sites of his Birth,” American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, PA, 16 April 2010.
“What is Public History?,” Temple Undergraduate History and Social Sciences Association, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 23 March 2010.
“What is Public History?,” for MSEM 601: ‘Museum Seminar,’ Prof. Aaron Goldblatt, The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, 3 March 2010.
“Public History and Memory,” for AmSt 2900: ‘Sounds of a Revolution,’ Prof. Bryant Simon, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 22 February 2010.
“Top Tech Tips for Research, Teaching, and Success on the Job Market,” Barnes Club Professional Development Series, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 13 October 2009.
Chair/comment, “Memory and Nostalgia in Pennsylvania History,” annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical Association, Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania, 23 October 2009.
“Negotiating the Academic Job Market,” Barnes Club Professional Development Series, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 6 April 2009.
Panelist, “Educating a Nation: The National Park Service and Revolutions in Historical Interpretation,” National Council for History Education annual meeting, Boston, MA, 13 March 2009.
“Material Culture and Consumerism: Why We Buy Things We Don’t Need,” Maple Woods Community College Fellowship of Free Thought, 29 February 2007.
Panelist, “Remembering George Washington: His Commemoration and Legacy,” Scholar’s Roundtable on History, George Washington Birthplace National Monument, Wakefield, VA, 22 May 2006.
“The Creation of the George Washington Birthplace National Monument,” for the Park’s 75th anniversary, George Washington Birthplace National Monument, Wakefield, VA, 23 January 2005.
“Histories of Bygone Objects,” for History 311: ‘History of Virginia,’ Professor James Spady, University of Mary Washington, 20 September 2004.
“Defining Self and Other in Colonial America: The Case of Ethnohistory,” panel commentator, National Bonds, National Boundaries: American Citizenship and the Public/Private Divide, Second Annual William & Mary American Culture Conference, February 7-8, 2003.
“Monuments in Play: A Hands-On Conversation,” with Laura A. Macaluso, Annual Meeting, National Council on Public History, Hartford, CT, 30 March 2019.
“What is Public History?,” Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 2 June 2018.
Co-facilitator, “Roundtable: Imperiled Promise,” annual meeting of the National Council on Public History, Ottawa, Canada, 18 April 2013.
Panel organizer and chair, “Adrift on the Shoals of Memory: Maritime Museums in the Twenty-First Century,” and presenter, “Don’t Sink the Ship: The USS Olympia and Maritime Memory in Late-Twentieth-century Philadelphia,” annual meeting of the National Council on Public History, Ottawa, Canada, 18 April 2013.
Co-facilitator, “Imagining New Careers in History,” a working group of the annual meeting of the National Council on Public History, Milwaukee, WI, 20 April 2012.
Panelist, Undergraduate Research Roundtable Discussion, annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical Association, Johnstown, PA, 15 October 2011.
“Partnering to Preserve the U.S.S. Olympia,” International Congress of Maritime Museums, Newport News, VA, 13 October 2011.
Session leader, “What would a Delaware Valley Digital Humanities Center look like?” THATCamp Philly, Philadelphia, PA, 24 September 2011.
Panelist, “Strategies for Decision-Marking in Federal Agencies: Effectively Writing and Using Administrative Histories,” annual meeting of the National Council on Public History, Pensacola, FL, 8 April 2011.
Panelist, “Preparing the Professional Historian,” annual meeting of the National Council on Public History, Portland, OR, 13 March 2010.
“George Washington Parke Custis and American Public Memory,” research colloquium, Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, VA, 5 August 2009.
Panelist, “So you’re Teaching in a Public History Program,” annual meeting of the National Council on Public History, Providence, RI, April 2009.
“Doing Museum Microhistory: The Case of Washington’s Birthplace,” annual meeting of the National Council on Public History, Santa Fe, NM, April 2007.
“Unlikely Historians and the Birth of George Washington,” annual meeting of the American Historical Association, Atlanta, GA, January 2007.
“Exploring the Riverine Atlantic World: Marginality, Empowerment, and the Role of Black Rivermen,” Race, Ethnicity, and Power in Maritime America (1st Annual REPMA Conference), Mystic Seaport, Connecticut, 14 September 2000.
“Memory of Materiality and the Problem(s) of Reclamation,” Memory, Autobiography and DNA—Second Annual Graduate Student Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence, 14 April 2000.
“The Shenandoah River Gundalow and the Politics of Material Reuse,” Shenandoah Valley Regional Studies Seminar, James Madison University, 18 February 2000.
“Western Railway of Alabama (WofA) Rail Shops Recording Project,” a public presentation of project findings, Montgomery, AL, 12 August 1999.
“The Pennsylvania Boatbuilders Project: Shaping a Tradition,” Tenth National Conference on Undergraduate Research, The University of North Carolina at Asheville, 1996.
Exhibit development adviser, the Hamilton Collections Gallery, a new core exhibit opened November 2024 in celebration of the Franklin Institute’s 200th anniversary, Philadelphia, PA, fall 2023.
Critique of graduate student exhibit schematic presentations, Museum Exhibition Planning and Design (Prof. Keith Ragone), University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, 23 September 2021.
Consulting historian, Inequality in Bronze, Historic Stenton in partnership with the Pew Center for Arts and Heritage, Philadelphia, PA, spring 2019.
Consulting historian, Roebling Museum Incubator Grant, Roebling Museum in partnership with the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, Roebling, NJ, fall 2018.
Critique of graduate student exhibit schematic presentations, Museum Exhibition Planning and Design (Prof. Keith Ragone), University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, 6 December 2018.
Critique of graduate student exhibit schematic presentations, Museum Exhibition Planning and Design (Prof. Keith Ragone), University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, 20 September 2018.
Technical advisor, Audience Embedded, a joint project of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and Taller Puertorriqueno, and funded by the Pew Center for Arts and Humanities, summer-fall 2018.
Community Partners Dinner at Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia, PA, 18 June 2018.
1876 Centennial Innovations Charrette, The Please Touch Museum, Philadelphia, PA, 6 April 2018.
Critique of graduate student exhibit schematic presentations, Museum Exhibition Planning and Design (Prof. Keith Ragone), University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, 7 December 2017.
Content adviser and reviewer for Pirates and Patriots, a permanent exhibit at the Independence Seaport Museum, Philadelphia, PA, fall 2014 through fall 2015.
Critique of graduate student exhibit schematic presentations, Museum Exhibition Planning and Design (Prof. Keith Ragone), University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, 10 December 2015.
Contributor, allTURNatives: Form + Spirit, exhibit at the Center for Art in Wood, Philadelphia, PA, 7 August 2015 to 26 September 2015, featured at
Mass Incarceration Programming Summit: Exhibits, Public Programs, Publications for 2016, Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site, Philadelphia, 30 July 2014.
Consultant, Reminder Days Exhibition Charrette, William Way Center, Philadelphia, PA, 7 May 2014.
Critique of graduate student exhibit schematic presentations, Museum Exhibition Planning and Design (Prof. Polly McKenna-Cress), University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, 21-22 March 2013.
Participant, charette on university collaboration, Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia, PA, 13 November 2012.
Critique of graduate student exhibit schematic presentations, Museum Exhibition Planning and Design (Prof. Keith Ragone), University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, 8 November 2012.
Proposal Reviewer, Community History Gallery, Philadelphia History Museum, Philadelphia, PA, June 2012.
Consultant, The Cliveden Project (interpreting slavery), Philadelphia, PA, 2010.
Consultant and course coordinator, First Person Arts People’s Museum Project ($3000 to Temple University Center for Public History), Philadelphia, PA, 2009.
Critique of graduate student exhibit schematic presentations, Museum Exhibition Planning and Design (Prof. Keith Ragone), University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, 15 October 2010.
Consultant, “It Sprang from the River! Everyday Objects with Maritime Secrets,” Independence Seaport Museum, Philadelphia, PA, 26 March 2010 to 3 January 2011.
Consultant, Envision Peace Museum, Philadelphia, PA, fall 2008.
Site Review and Scholars’ Forum, Boston National Historical Park, sponsored by the National Park Service in cooperation with the Organization of American Historians, Boston, MA, 20-22 June 2011.
Programming review, Philadelphia Society for the Preservation of Landmarks, Philadelphia, PA, 12 April 2010.
Site Review and Scholars’ Forum, Minute Man National Historical Park, sponsored by the National Park Service in cooperation with the Organization of American Historians, Concord, MA, 29-31 October 2009.
Place-in-Time stakeholder roundtable, hosted by the PEW Heritage Philadelphia Program and City Lore, Philadelphia, PA, 6 October 2011.
The Enterprise Center Discovery Charette (site of American Bandstand), Philadelphia, PA, 16 June 2011.
The Lutheran Theological Seminary of Philadelphia Muhlenberg 300 WEB Planning Group, 13 August 2009.
Consultant and course coordinator, “Germantown Works” Pew Charitable Trusts Heritage Philadelphia Program, summer and fall 2009.
Philadelphia Documentary Civic Engagement Committee, September 2008.
Ashby M. Larmore Research Fellow, “A Pre-History of Public Memory on Maryland’s Eastern Shore” ($3,000), Maryland Center for History and Culture, Baltimore, MD, 2024-25.
Principal investigator, “Lost on the Freedom Trail: The National Park Service and Urban Renewal in Postwar Boston” ($6,000), Summer Stipend, National Endowment for the Humanities, 2020.
Principal investigator, with Terence Christian, “Honor to the Soldier and Sailor Everywhere” ($150,659), Battlefield Planning Grant from the National Park Service’s American Battlefield Protection Program, 2019.
Research Fellowship, Boston National Historical Park Administrative History ($65,000), the Organization of American Historians in partnership with the National Park Service, fall 2015 to spring 2019.
Philadelphia Experience (PEX) Partnership Stipend ($500), General Education Program, Temple University, September 2017.
Principal investigator, “Discovering the Public Humanities at Temple University” ($10,000), 2014-15 Temple University Presidential Humanities and Arts Research Program, May 2014.
2015 Windgate ITE Residential Fellowship, The Center for Art in Wood, Philadelphia, PA.
Principal investigator, “The Philadelphia Public History Truck,” The Barra Foundation ($85,000), July 2014.
Geoffrey and Elizabeth Thayer Verney 2012 Residential Research Fellowship, Nantucket Historical Association, Nantucket, MA.
Planning for the Public History Future, Temple University Faculty Senate Seed Money Grant for program review ($10,000), December 2010.
Temple University College of Liberal Arts Research Council Travel Grant ($500) to participate in the annual meeting of the National Council on Public History, December 2010.
Philadelphia Experience (PEX) Partnership Stipend ($500), General Education Program, Temple University, January 2010.
Virginia Historical Society, Mellon Research Fellowship, August 2009.
Subvention grant for Born in the U.S.A., College of Liberal Arts Research Council, Temple University, April 2009.
2024 Annual Teaching Award, History Department, Temple University.
Editor’s Choice Award for Lost on the Freedom Trail, Historical Journal of Massachusetts, 2023.
Society for History in Federal Government (2023) Book Award for Lost on the Freedom Trail.
Presidential Faculty Teaching Award (2023), College of Liberal Arts, Temple University.
Research Sabbatical, fall 2020.
Arthur Schmidt Award for Departmental Service (2018), History Department, Temple University.
Research Sabbatical, spring 2014.
Outstanding Faculty Service Award (2013), Office of the Provost and Faculty Senate Steering Committee, Temple University.
Honorary Research Fellow of the Nantucket Historical Society, 5 November 2012 to present.
Eleanor Hofkin Award for Excellence in Teaching (2012), College of Liberal Arts, Temple University.
The College of William & Mary Distinguished Dissertation Award in Humanities, for “Birthing Washington: Objects, Memory, and the Creation of a National Monument,” May 2007.
Phi Alpha Theta National History Honors Society, The Pennsylvania State University, 1997.
The Pennsylvania State University Scholars Program, 1995-97.
Polin Cohanne Award in American Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, 1996
Phi Beta Kappa, The Pennsylvania State University, 1996.
Ben Finley, “How Presidents Day went from George Washington’s modest birthday to big sales and 3-day weekends,” AP News, 18 February 2024,
Jonny Hart, “What is a food truck? A Temple public history research project is finding out,” Temple Now, 21 November 2022,
Interview with Jake Sconyers concerning Lost on the Freedom Trail, HUB History (episode 251), podcast audio, 15 June 2022,
Rayna Lewis, “Five Unique Ways to Experience Philadelphia’s Past,” Temple Now, 17 September 2021,
Simmone Shah, “America Has Always Struggled to Memorialize Tragedy. Some Communities are Trying to Do Better for COVID-19,” TIME, 10 September 2021,
Gillian Brockell, “Historians: No, to removing Jefferson, Washington monuments. Yes, to contextualizing them,” The Washington Post, 2 September 2020,
Kim Fischer, “Beyond Repair: Ten History Students Strive to Save a Jersey Shore Treasure,” Temple Magazine(Spring 2018): pp. 31-35. Online at
Temple University Strategic Communications, “Beyond Repair: History Students Bring Damaged Boat to Life,” a video documentary of my fall 2017 teaching partnership with the Independence Seaport Museum, 11 June 2018,
Temple University Strategic Communications, “History Professor Shows Students North Philadelphia Factory,” a video short documenting my fall 2017 American Revolutions course and our visit to a local textile factory, 16 November 2017,
Peter Crimmins, “Project underway to get Philadelphians to see public monuments in new way,” WHYY NewsWorks, 13 September 2017,
Carr Henry, “Temple History Course Focuses on National Parks,” The Temple News, 7 February 2017,
Samantha Melamed, “Eastern State Tackles True Terror: Mass Incarceration,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 4 May 2016,
Sara Curnow Wilson, “Throwing Clay for the Humanities,” College of Liberal Arts News, Temple University, 29 March 2016,
“George Washington and Presidents’ Day,” Academic Minute, WAMC Northeast Public Radio, 17 February 2014,
Alexa Bricker, “Celebrating the life of a home”“A Funeral for a Home” is a program that commemorates the histories of row homes,” The Temple News, 12 November 2013,
Panelist, “Imperiled Promise: The State of History in the National Park Service,” The Journal of American HistoryPodcast, April 2013,
Richard Anderson, “What “Counts” as a Public History Dissertation? Some Views from the Field,” History @ Work(blog), National Council on Public History, 10 August 2012,
Peter Crimmins, “Setting sale: USS Olympia now on the market,” newsworks, 31 March 2011,
Peter Crimmins, “Site of Historic Presidential Home Stirs Controversy,” All Things Considered, National Public Radio, 15 December 2010,
Peter Crimmins, “A president and his property,” WHYY Philadelphia, 15 December 2010,
Kerry Grens, “Haunted house at mental hospital stirs debate,” WHYY Philadelphia, 24 September 2010,
Dianna Marder, “Memoir rooted in cherished, storied objects,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 8 April 2010.
Kim Fischer, “Classes explore city history beyond the Liberty Bell [with slideshow and audiocast], Temple University Office of News Communications (27 October 2009).
Peter Crimmins, “Civil War collection may leave city,” WHYY Philadelphia, 28 July 2009.
Peter Crimmins, “Betsy Ross reputation flagging in 21st century,” WHYY Philadelphia, 27 April 2009.
Kim Fischer, “Celebrating Presidents Day: Historian Seth Bruggeman explores why we honor past presidents,” Temple University Office of News Communications (9 February 2009).
Kim Fischer, “What we talk about when we talk about the past” [with audiocast], Temple University Office of News Communications (2 February 2009).
Alex Schmidt, “Old Visitor Center is New Battle of Gettysburg,” Morning Edition, National Public Radio, 7 October 2008.
Alex Schmidt, “In Gettysburg a preservation battle looms over original home of cyclorama painting,” WHYY Philadelphia, 26 September 2008.
Peter Crimmins, “Memories of 9/11 remain strong even as number of ceremonies dwindle,” WHYY Philadelphia, 11 September 2008.
Rob Hedelt in “Visitors Can Get Bit of History,” The Free Lance-Star (Fredericksburg, VA), 20 January 2005, sec. C, p. 1.
Caroline Hutchinson, Community Focus, Southeast Public Radio, Montgomery, AL, 15 September 1999.
Caroline Hutchinson, Panorama, Southeast Public Radio, Montgomery, AL, 19 September 1999.
To Field(s)
Tenure referee for the Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Appalachian State University, and the University of Louisville.
Article and/or manuscript referee for Early American Studies, Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Oral History Review, Journal of Southern History, Winterthur Portfolio, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Public Art Dialogue Journal, Wiley-Blackwell, Routledge, UMass Press, Temple University Press, and New York University Press.
Editorial board, History in Public Perspective, a UMass Press book series, 2015 to present.
Public History Program Proposal Reviewer, University of Nebraska at Kearney, April 26-28, 2022.
Program committee co-chair, with Cathy Stanton, the 2019 annual meeting of the National Council on Public History, Hartford, CT, summer 2018 to spring 2019.
Member, Organization of American History Committee on National Park Service Collaboration Committee, fall 2016 to spring 2018.
Balch and Greenfield Fellowships Review Committee, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, spring 2018.
Program reviewer, American Studies Program, Penn State-Abington, 31 March 2015.
Reviewer, Revised Promotion and Tenure Guidelines (to recognize collaborative and engaged scholarship), Department of History, Virginia Tech University, October 2014.
Local arrangements committee, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical Association.
Review Panelist, America’s Historical and Cultural Organizations Planning and Implementation Grants, National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D.C., 9 April 2013.
National Council on Public History 2012-13 Book Award Committee.
Judge, National History Day, National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, PA, 29 March 2012.
Editorial Board, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 2011 to 2013.
Co-organizer with Charlene Mires and Robert Kodosky of the 2011 Public History Community Forum (PUBCOM), Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 29 April 2011.
Museum review coordinator, Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas (2010-11).
Council member, Pennsylvania Historical Association, January 2011 to January 2014.
List Editor, H-Amstdy, H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine, September 2004 to January 2006.
To Temple University
College of Liberal Arts, Committee on Instruction, spring 2021 to spring 2023, chair during 2022/23.
College of Liberal Arts International Summer School Collaborative with the University of Göttingen, fall 2019 to present.
Temple University Press Board of Review, summer 2018 to summer 2019.
College of Liberal Arts Strategic Planning subcommittee on Research, fall 2016.
Proposal Reviewer, Temple University-Wagner Free Institute of Science Humanities and Arts Research Alliance, Presidential Humanities and Arts Research Program, fall 2016.
Ad Hoc Career Credit Committee, College of Liberal Arts, fall 2015.
College of Liberal Arts Tenure Committee, 2013-2016.
Library and Learning Commons Working Group, Provost Master Planning Initiative, Summer 2013.
Temple Contemporary (Tyler School of Art Gallery) Advisory Council member, 2013-14.
Advisory Board Member, Center for the Humanities at Temple, 2012 – 2014.
To Temple Department of History
Director, Center for Public History, 2008 to 2015; 2018 to present.
Graduate Committee, fall 2009 to spring 2011, fall 2018 to present.
General Education Recertification Coordinator, History 831: Immigration and the American Dream, 2023-24.
Hiring committee, African American History, spring 2019.
60-Book US History Exam Committee, 2017-18.
Personnel Committee, fall 2017-18.
Chair’s Advisory Committee, fall 2017-18.
DPAA Postdoctoral Fellowship hiring committee, spring 2017.
External review coordinator, Center for Public History, fall 2016 to spring 2017.
Strategic Review Pre-planning Ad Hoc Committee, spring 2015.
MA Coordinator, fall 2012 to spring 2014.
External review coordinator, Center for Public History, spring 2011.
History MA Public History Concentration created, fall 2009.
Redesigned department website, fall 2009.
Undergraduate Committee, fall 2008 to spring 2013.
Chair’s Advisory Committee, fall 2008 to spring 2009.
To Temple American Studies Program
Curriculum exchange, University of East Anglia program consortium, Norwich, UK, May 10-13, 2010.
Redesigned program website, spring 2009.
American Studies Council, fall 2008-13.