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Refereed Journal Articles

Recent papers

Yang, Y., Altschuler, B., Liang, Z. & Li, X. Monitoring the global COVID-19 impact on tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. (Accepted). (research note) [SSCI] Link

He, Z., Deng, N., Li, X. & Gu, H. How to “read” a destination from image? Machine learning and network methods for DMOs’ image projection and photo evaluation. Journal of Travel Research. (Accepted). [SSCI]* Link

Zhang, Y., Li, X., Cardenas, D. & Liu, Y. Tourism demand and attractiveness energy: Calculation through reverse gravity model and particle swarm optimization. Journal of Travel Research. (Accepted). [SSCI]* 

Tan, K.P.S. & Li, X. To guilt or to vacation: Constraining effects of guilt on vacation decisions. Journal of Travel Research. (Accepted). [SSCI]* Link

Wang, Y. & Li, X. Human territoriality in P2P accommodation: An examination of guest experience. Journal of Travel Research. (Accepted). [SSCI]* Link 

Liu, H. & Li, X. How travel earns us bragging rights: A qualitative inquiry and conceptualization of travel bragging rights.Journal of Travel Research. (Accepted). [SSCI] Link 

Chen, N., Hsu, C. & Li, X. Resident sentiment toward a dominant tourist market: Scale development and validation. Journal of Travel Research. (Accepted). [SSCI] Link

Tan, K.P.S., Li, X. & Lee, S. Exploring the determinants of hotel operating performance stabilization in emerging markets: Deciphering the myth. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. Accepted. [SSCI]* Link 

Zou, S. Tan, K., Liu, H., Li, X. & Chen, Y. Mobile versus PC: Does device type affect online survey response quality in tourism research. Current Issues in Tourism. Accepted. [SSCI]* Link 

Hao, J., Fu, Y., Hsu, C., Li, X., & Chen, N. (2020). Introducing news media sentiment analytics to residents’ attitudes research. Journal of Travel Research. 59 (8). 1353-1369. [SSCI] Link 

Yu, Q., McManus, R., Yen, D. Li, X. (2020). Tourism boycotts and animosity: A study of seven events. Annals of Tourism Research. 80.  [SSCI] Link 

Han, B., Wang, L. & Li, X. (2020). To collaborate or serve? Effects of anthropomorphized brand roles and implicit theories on consumer responses. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 61(1). 53-67. [SSCI]* Link

Li, X. & Chen, G. (2019). Debates and boundaries: A commentary on developing tourism- related indigenous research in China. (本土化研究的争议与边界——兼论对中国本土化旅游研究的 几点思考). Tourism Tribune, 2019, 34(10). 12-20. (In Chinese) 

Zhou, Q. & Li, X. (2019). Logic in writing empirical quantitative research articles in tourism. (旅游定量研究论文写作逻辑性的思考). Tourism and Hospitality Prospects. (Invited paper). (In Chinese)

Jin, M., Li, X. & Wu, L. (2019). A comparative analysis on tourist’s revisit intention based on the Theory of Reasoned Action, Theory of Planned Behavior, and Model of Goal-directed Behavior. (基于TRA, TPB, MGB比较分析的旅游者重游意向研究). Tourism Forum. 12(2). 33-40. (In Chinese)

Fu, Y., Hao, J, Li, X., & Hsu, C. (2019). Predictive accuracy of sentiment analytics for tourism: A metalearning perspective on Chinese travel news. Journal of Travel Research. 58(4). 666-679. [SSCI] Link

Wang, Y. & Li, X. (2019). Procrastination of travel: The effect of crowdedness. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 43(3). 447-460.* [SSCI] (research note). Link

Chen, Z., Wang, Y., Li, X. & Lawton, L. (2019). It’s not just black or white: Effects of ambivalence on residents’ support for a mega-event. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 43(2). 283-313* [SSCI] Link

Zhang, Y., Li, X., & Wu, T. (2019). The impacts of cultural values on bilateral international tourist flows: A panel data gravity model. Current Issues in Tourism. 22(8). 967-981* [SSCI] Link

Liu, H., Wu, L., & Li, X. (2019) Social media envy: How experience sharing on social networking sites drives millennials’ aspirational tourism consumption. Journal of Travel Research. 58(3). 355-369* [SSCI] Link

Yang, Y., Liu, H. & Li, X. (2019) The world is flatter? Examining the relationship between cultural distance and international tourist flows. Journal of Travel Research. 58(2). 224-240.* [SSCI] Link

Li, H., Xu, Y., Li, X., & Xu, H. (2019). Failure analysis of corporations with multiple hospitality businesses. Tourism Management. 73. 21-34. Link

Wang, Y., Wu, L., Xie, K., & Li, X. (2019). Staying with the Ingroup or Outgroup? A cross-country examination of international travelers’ home-sharing preferences. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 77. 425-437. * [SSCI] Link

Yang, Y., Li, D. & Li, X. (2019). Public transport connectivity and inter-city tourist flows. Journal of Travel Research. 58(1).25-41. [SSCI] Link

Yang, Y., Tan, K. & Li, X. (2019). Antecedents and consequences of home-sharing stays: Evidence from a nationwide household tourism survey. Tourism Management. 70. 15-28* [SSCI] Link      

Wang, Y. & Li, X. (2018). Tourism destination image research in the era of New Media. (新媒体时代 目的地形象研究的几点思考). Tourism Tribune. (Special column on “Destination image research in the new era”). 33(3). 8-10. (Invited commentary). (In Chinese)

 Kirilenko, A., Stepchenkova, S., Kim, H., & Li, X. (2018) Automated sentiment analysis in tourism: Comparison of approaches. Journal of Travel Research. 57(8). 1012-1025. [SSCI] Link

Yang, Y., Liu, H., Li, X., & Harrill, R. (2018). A shrinking world for tourists? Examining the changing role of distance factors in understanding destination choices. Journal of Business Research, 92, 350-359. * [SSCI] Link

Liu, H., Li, X., Cardenas, D. & Yang, Y. (2018). Perceived cultural distance and international destination choice: The role of destination familiarity, geographic distance, and cultural motivation. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 9, 300-309.* [SSCI] Link

Wang, Y., Li, X. & Lai, K. (2018). A meeting of the minds: Exploring the core-periphery structure and retrieval paths of destination image using social network analysis. Journal of Travel Research.57(5). 612-626.* [SSCI] Link

He, Z., Wu, L., & Li, X. (2018). When art meets tech: The role of augmented reality in enhancing museum experience and purchase intentions. Tourism Management 68. 127-139.* [SSCI] Link

Zhou, Q., Zhang, J., Zhang, H., & Li, X. (2018). Is all authenticity accepted by tourists and residents? The concept, dimensions and formation mechanism of negative authenticity. Tourism Management. 67. 59-70. [SSCI] Link

Chen, N., Hsu, C. & Li, X. (2018) Feeling superior or deprived? Attitudes and underlying mentalities of residents towards Mainland Chinese Tourists. Tourism Management. 66. 94-107. [SSCI] Link              

Deng, N. & Li, X. (2018) Feeling a destination through the “right” photos: A machine learning model for DMOs’ photo selection. Tourism Management. 65. 267-278. [SSCI] Link

Chen, Y. & Li, X. (2018) Does a happy destination bring you happiness? Evidence from Swiss inbound tourism. Tourism Management. 65. 256-266. [SSCI] Link

Li, C., Li, X., Li, Y., Guo, W., Gao, J. (2017). Preliminary discussion on relationship between DRD4 genetic polymorphism and tourist behavior – An exploration of theory & research methodology on novelty-seeking motive (DRD4 基因多态性与旅游行为关联性初探-以旅游“探求新奇”动机研 究为桥梁的理论构建及研究方法初探). Tourism Tribune. 32(11). 1161-26.  (In Chinese)

Ma, T., Li, X. & Xie, Y. (2017). Old wine in new bottle? The myth of tourist satisfaction measurement. (换汤不换药?游客满意度测量的迷思). Tourism Tribune. 32(6). 53-63. (In Chinese)

Zeng, L., Weng, S., Li, X. & Zhang, Y. (2017). Deliberative purchase or impulsive shopping? An investigation of the “high consumption” phenomenon among Chinese outbound tourists. (有计划 购买还是冲动消费?出境旅游高消费现象探析). Tourism Tribune. 32(5). 26-35. (In Chinese)

Li, C., McCabe, S., & Li, X. (2017) Digging deeper into decision-making of Chinese long-haul outbound tourists: Combining choice-set and preference estimation approaches. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. 6(3). 267-275. [SSCI] Link

Cohen, E., Cohen, S. & Li, X. (2017). Subversive Mobilities. Applied Mobilities. 2(2). 115-133. Link

Zhang, Y., Li, X., & Su, Q. (2017). Does spatial layout matter to theme park tourism carrying capacity? Tourism Management. 61. 82-95*. [SSCI] Link

Yan, G., Kloeppel, M., & Li, X. (2017). Producing extreme metal festivals: Insights and challenges through Lacan’s gaze. Tourism Management. 59. 579-589. [SSCI] Link

Zhang, Y., Li, X., Su, Q., & Hu, X. (2017). Exploring a theme park’s tourism carrying capacity: A demand-side analysis. Tourism Management. 59. 564-578.* [SSCI] Link 

Yang, Y., Liu, H., & Li, X. (2016). The Influences of national cultural distance on international destination choice of Japanese and Chinese residents. (文化距离对旅游目的地选择的影响——以日本和中国大陆出境游为例). Tourism Tribune. 31(10). 45-55. [This paper won the 2016 Tourism Tribune Article of Excellence Award]  (In Chinese) 

Wang, X., Weaver, D., Li, X., & Zhang, Y. (2016) In Butler (1980) we trust? Typology of citer motivations. Annals of Tourism Research. 61. 216-218.* (Research Note). [SSCI] Link

Sun, P., Li, X. & Martin, D. (2016). Cross-functional conflicts, effectiveness, and innovation performance: A symbiotic approach. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science. 26(3). 227-247. Link

Lai, K. & Li, X. (2016). Tourism destination image: Conceptual problems and definitional solutions. Journal of Travel Research.  55(8). 1065-1080 [SSCI] Link

Wang, X., Li, X., F. Zhen, & J. Zhang. (2016). How smart is your tourist attraction? : Measuring tourist preferences of smart tourism attractions via a FCEM-AHP and IPA approach. Tourism Management. 54. 309-320. [SSCI] Link


Before 2015

Wassler, P., Li, X., & Hung, K. (2015). Hotel theming in China: A qualitative study of practitioners’ views. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 32(6). 712-729* [SSCI] Link

Li, X., Hsu, C. & Lawton, L. (2015). Understanding residents’ perception changes toward a mega-event through a dual-theory lens. Journal of Travel Research. 54(3). 396-410. [SSCI] Link

Li, X., Cheng, C-K., Kim, H., & Li, X. (2015). Positioning USA in the Chinese outbound travel market. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 39. 75-104. [SSCI] Link

Smith, W.W., Li, X., Pan, B., Witte, M. & Doherty, S. (2015). Tracking destination image across the trip experience with smartphone technology. Tourism Management. 48. 113-122. [SSCI] Link

He, L., Li, X., Harrill, R. & Cardon, P. (2014). Examining Japanese tourists’ U.S.-bound travel constraints. Current Issues in Tourism. 17(8), 705-722.* [SSCI] Link

Stepchenkova, S. & Li, X. (2014). Destination image: Do top-of-mind associations say it all? Annals of Tourism Research. 45 (March). 46-62. [SSCI] Link

Li, X. (2013). Conference report: International Academy for the Study of Tourism 2013 Biannual Conference. (2013年国际旅游研究院双年会简述). Tourism Tribune. 28(10). 126-127. (Invited conference report). (In Chinese)

Li, X. (2013). Tourism destination image research in WEIRD countries. (目的地形象研究WIERD化 及其在亚洲的适用性). Tourism Tribune. (Special column on “Destination branding and marketing”). 28(2). 20-22. (Invited commentary, title provided by the guest editor). (In Chinese)    

Li, X., Li, X. & Hudson, S. (2013). The application of generational theory to tourism consumer behavior: An American perspective. Tourism Management 37. 147-164. [SSCI] Link

Lai, C., Li, X. & Harrill, R. (2013). Chinese outbound tourists’ perceived constraints to visiting the United States. Tourism Management 37. 136-146.* [SSCI] Link

Li, X., Meng, F., Uysal, M. & Mihalik, B. (2013). Understanding the Chinese long-haul outbound travel market: An overlapped segmentation approach. Journal of Business Research. 66(6). 786-793. [SSCI] Link

Li, X. & Kaplanidou, K. (2013). The impact of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on China’s destination brand: A U.S.-based examination. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 37(2). 237 – 261 [SSCI] Link

Li, X. (2012). Examining the “relative image” of tourism destinations: A case study. Current Issues in Tourism. 15(8). 741-757. [SSCI] Link                   

Bliss, B., Li, X., Meng, F. & Harrill, R. (2012). Applying causal mapping to tourist research: A case study of American college students’ experiences in China study abroad programs. Tourism Analysis. 17(1). 1-14. [The first three authors contributed equally to the article. The authors’ names appear in alphabetical order.] Link

Stepchenkova, S. & Li, X. (2012). Chinese outbound tourists’ destination image of America: Part II. Journal of Travel Research. 51(6). 687-703. [SSCI] Link

Li, X. & Stepchenkova, S. (2012). Chinese outbound tourists’ destination image of America: Part I. Journal of Travel Research. 51(3). 250-266. [SSCI] Link

Hudson, S. & Li, X. (2012). Domestic medical tourism: A neglected dimension of medical tourism research. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management. 21(3). 227-246. [An updated version of the article was included in a book as: Hudson, S. & Li, X. (2012). Domestic medical tourism: A neglected dimension of medical tourism research. In F. DeMicco (eds.). Medical Tourism and Wellness: Hospitality Bridging Healthcare (H2H). Waretown, NJ: Apple Academic Press/CRC Press- Taylor & Francis Group] Link

Wang, S., & Li, X. (2011). Stakeholder relationships in making sustainable rural tourism policies: A social network perspective. (基于社会网络视角的可持续乡村旅游决策探究——以山东省潍 坊市杨家埠村为例). Chinese Rural Economy. 27(3). 59-69. (In Chinese with abstract in English).

Zhong, S., Zhang, J., Li, X. (2011). A reformulated directional bias of tourist flow: An analysis of domestic travel of rural residents in China. Tourism Geographies. 13(1). 129-147.* [SSCI] Link

Li, X., Lai, C. Harrill, R., Kline, S. & Wang, L. (2011). When East meets West: An exploratory study on Chinese outbound tourists’ travel expectations. Tourism Management. 32(4). 741-749.* [SSCI] Link

Pan, B. & Li, X. (2011). The long tail of destination image and online marketing. Annals of Tourism Research. 38(1). 132-152. [SSCI] Link

Cheng, C.-K., Li, X., Petrick, J. F., & O’Leary, J. T. (2011). An examination of tourism journal development. Tourism Management. 32(1). 53-61. [SSCI] Link

Wang, S., Hu, R. & Li, X. (2010). The use of importance-performance analysis for evaluating China as an international tourist destination—based on American leisure tourists’ perception. (美国休闲游客对中国作为国际旅游目的地的评价: 基于 IPA 方法). Tourism Tribune. 25(5). 44-50. (In Chinese with abstract in English).

Li, X. (2010). Loyalty regardless of brands? Examining three non-performance effects on brand loyalty in a tourism context. Journal of Travel Research. 49(3). 323-336. [SSCI] Link

Hung, K., Li, X., Pan, B., & Petrick, J. (2010). Knowledge dissemination in tourism education: A case of tourism marketing. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 27(5). 519–532. [SSCI] Link                         

Li, X., & Petrick, J. (2010). Towards an integrative model of loyalty formation: The role of quality and value. Leisure Sciences. 32(3). 201-221. (Lead article). [SSCI] Link                                      

Li, X., & Petrick, J. (2010). Revisiting the commitment-loyalty distinction in a cruising context. Journal of Leisure Research. 42(1). 67-90. [SSCI] Link       

Li, X., Harrill, R., Uysal, M., Burnett, T., & Zhan, X. (2010). Estimating the size of the Chinese outbound travel market: A demand-side approach. Tourism Management. 31(2). 250-259.* [SSCI] Link

Zhang, L., Pan, B., Smith, W. W., & Li, X. (2009). An exploratory study of travelers’ use of online reviews and recommendations. Information Technology and Tourism. 11(2). 157-167. Link

Smith, W. W., Pan, B., Li, X., & Zhang, L. (2009). Conceptualizing the impact of geographic knowledge on online trip planning. Tourism Geographies. 11(3). 350-368. [SSCI] Link

Li, X., Pan, B., Zhang, L. & Smith, W. W. (2009). The effect of online information search on image development: Insights from a mixed method study. Journal of Travel Research. 48(1). 45-57. [SSCI] [This paper won the 2009 Journal of Travel Research Charles R. Goeldner Article of Excellence Award] Link

Denizci, B., & Li, X. (2009). Linking marketing efforts to financial outcome: An exploratory study in tourism and hospitality contexts. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 33(2). 211-226. [SSCI] [Both authors contributed equally to the article. The authors’ names appear in alphabetical order.] Link

Li, X., & Petrick, J. (2008). Reexamining the dimensionality of brand loyalty: The case of the cruise industry. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 25(1). 68-85. [SSCI] Link

Li, X., & Petrick, J. (2008). Examining the antecedents of brand loyalty from an investment model perspective. Journal of Travel Research. 47(1). 25-34. [SSCI] Link

Li, X., Petrick, J. & Zhou, Y. (2008). Towards a conceptual framework of tourists’ destination knowledge and loyalty. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism. 8(3). 79-96. (Research Note). Link 

Li, X., & Petrick, J. (2008). Tourism marketing in an era of paradigm shift. Journal of Travel Research. 46(3). 235-244. (Lead article). [SSCI] [This paper was one of the Top 10 JTR articles (April 2008 – April 2009) in terms of online full-text accesses] Link

Li, X., Cheng, C-K., Kim, H., & Petrick, J. (2008). A systematic comparison of first-time and repeat visitors via a two-phase online survey. Tourism Management. 29(2). 278-293. [SSCI] Link        

Pan, B., Li, X., Zhang, L., & Smith, W. (2007). An exploratory study on the satisfaction and barriers of online trip planning to China: American college students’ experience. Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing. 16 (1/2). 203-226. Link                    

Petrick, J., Li, X., & Park, S. (2007). Cruise passengers’ decision-making processes. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 23(1). 1-14. (Lead article). Link              

Li, X., & Petrick, J. (2007). Benchmarking destinations via DMO websites: A methodological process. Tourism Analysis. 12(4). 271-285. Link 

Li, X., & Petrick, J. (2006). A review of festival and event motivation studies. Event Management. 9(4). 239-245. (Research Note). doi: 10.3727/152599506776771526 Link

Li, X., & Vogelsong, H. (2006). Comparing methods of measuring image change: A case study of a small-scale community festival. Tourism Analysis. 10(4). 349-360. doi: 10.3727/108354206776162769 Link

Huang, Z, & Li, X. (2002). On the image perception and promotion pattern of tourist destination. (旅 游目的地形象的认知与推广模式). Tourism Tribune, 17(3), 65-70. (In Chinese with abstract in English).

Li, X., & Huang, Z (2002). Theoretical understanding on destination image resource and its development. (旅游地形象资源的理论认知与开发对策) . Human Geography, 17(2), 42-46. (In Chinese with abstract in English).

 Li, X., & Huang, Z. (2000). A study on the temporal characteristics of Nanjing tourist flow. (南京旅游 客流时间分布特征分析) Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Natural Science), 23, 130-135. (In Chinese with abstract in English).

 Li, X., & Huang, Z. (1999). Image resources: A new understanding of tourist resources. (形象资源–对城市旅游资源的又一种认知).Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Special Issue: Tourism), 22, 10-15. (In Chinese with abstract in English).

Huang, Z., Ding, Z., & Li, X. (1999). Preliminary study on combined tourism development strategy of Taihu Lake Tourist Belt. (环太湖旅游带旅游业联合发展战略初探). Economic Geography, 6, 114- 117. (In Chinese with abstract in English).