Tag: women in music

  • POSTPONED: 3/18/2020 Concert, Elisabeth Jacquet de LaGuerre

    The concert originally planned for 3/18/2020 of beautiful music by Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre has been postponed. Stay tuned for rescheduling information. Thank you for your understanding and support. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de La Guerre and the Dance Culture of Versailles   Music of Elisabeth Claude Jacquet de la Guerre Wednesday, March 18th, 12:00pm…

  • From the Margins to the Fore

    From the Margins to the Fore

    A Modern Reveal An Eclectic Compilation of Vocal Music by Women Composers, 1560-present Wednesday, October 30, Noon Charles Library Event Space Light refreshments served. Boyer recital credit given. Historiography has marginalized the contributions of women in many spheres of endeavor, and musical composition is no exception. Even as the names of contemporary female musicians found…