Tag: Naxos Music Library

  • Great News from Naxos Music Library!

    Arguably the most extensive representation of the classical music repertoire in online streaming audio, Naxos Music Library just got even better by adding Sony Classical recordings to its offerings.  Sony Classical is the label for many legendary artists such as Joshua Bell, Lang Lang, Placido Domingo, Yo Yo Ma, Glenn Gould, Vladimir Horowitz, Leonard Bernstein,…

  • Suffering from Olympics Withdrawal Syndrome?

    Celebrate with some olympic music!  Music enveloped the entire 2012 London Olympics event, showcasing, highlighting, and, of course, advertising the musical talent of Great Britain.  Spectators and viewers from around the world heard everything from the London Philharmonic, to the Spice Girls,  Paul McCartney,  Mr. Bean (?!) and much more. As customary, controversies accompanied the music…

  • Naxos Music Library adds EMI Classics, Virgin Classics, and Blue Note Records

      from Nick D’Angiolillo at Naxos:       Naxos Music LIbrary and Naxos Music Library – Jazz are adding the entire catalog of EMI Classics, Virgin Classics, and Blue Note Records to its (already vast) online streaming audio services.   So far, more than 225 albums from EMI Classics, are be available in NML…