
Primary Project:  Autler Townes Spectroscopy:
In collaboration with Prof. Frank Spano, Dr. Teodora Kirova, Dr. Ergin Ahmed, Dr. Peng Qi and Dr. Angelos Lazoudis

Coherence and Quantum Interference effects in the laser molecule interaction and their applications.

  • Absolute magnitude of the molecular electronic transition dipole moment and its internuclear distance dependence.
  • High resolution quadruple resonance spectroscopy, a coherently driven five level system and its applications.
  • Control of valence electron spin polarization through modification of singlet triplet mixing coefficients of pair of rovibronic levels mixed by spin-orbit interaction.
  • The role of Doppler effect in quantum interference effects e.g. laser wavelength ratio dependence of AT splitting and EIT in the cascade excitation system.

Funding from the National Science Foundation.
Awards NSF PHY 0555608

Other collaborative projects:
With Prof.  Svetlana Kotochigova, Prof. Tom Bergeman, Dr. Amanda Ross, Dr. Houssam Salami, Dr. Sylvie Magnier, Prof. Li Li, Prof. John Huennekens and Feng Xie

  • High resolution IRIR double resonance spectroscopy of Cs2and Rb2 – RbGlobal Deperturbation Analysis of the A1Σu+– b3Pu States
  • Spin-orbit Interaction, Dipole Moments and Polarizabilities of Alkali Dimers