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One thing that I learned about myself from doing online classes this year is that I am able to handle a large workload.  I was able to balance my schoolwork along with working between thirty and forty hours a week. I also learned that I am pretty good at time managing. I did a pretty good job of doing all the times I like such as hanging with friends, painting, playing basketball, and playing videogames with school and work. What I missed the most about being in in-person classes is being able to really interact with my classmates. In online classes it is kind of hard to meet people because you only talk to your classmates if your professor puts you into breakout rooms, but other than that it is almost impossible to meet you people. I think I am looking forward to being on campus next year and being able to interact with my classmates. I am also looking forward to being able to go out to parties and other social events. However, I think the thing that I am looking forward to the most is living in an apartment with one of my best friends next year. I think one positive thing that I will take from my online learning experience is time management. I think that time management is one of the most important things to have when you are a college student. It is what allows you to be able to go out on weekends and not have to worry about schoolwork. One valuable thing that this pandemic has taught me is to follow the rules. If we followed what the CDC said all of this would have been over a long time ago, but because people insist on going out and not wearing masks, we are still dealing with it. But, then again what do I know. All I know is to follow the rules because it will get me where I want to be faster.

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