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I think that one memory from the start of the pandemic to now that stands out would be when quarantine first started happening. I was living in 1300 with three other roommates. We all began to talk about what was happening and how bad it was getting. Connor and I shared one room and Nate and Kevin shared the other. Connor was the first one to leave. We helped him clean out all of his stuff, which was kind of all over the place since Connor was a bit of a slob. Nate and Kevin were out the next day. It all happened so fast. One second all of us are there going to class and hanging out and the next I was the last one in the dorm room. It was weird seeing my stuff how it was the week before and everyone else’s’ stuff disappeared. We lived on the first floor, so it was not very difficult to move everyone out. My friends on the second floor were still there the day I left. They helped me take out all of my stuff which I had packed up the night before. Surprisingly, all of my stuff fit in the back of my mom’s SUV. While packing it all up I began to think we would need to take another trip. I said goodbye to my friends, and we took one last picture together, none of realized how long we would be away from each other for. The car ride pack home was not very long. However, it gave me enough time to reminisce about my time at Temple and with my friends. It ended up being a sad trip home. We got home and unpacked my stuff from the car. I remember my things from my dorm room being thrown about in my bedroom. There was a lot of stuff on top of my bed and I moved it all to the ground so that I could get in bed and nap. It was such a blur of events that occurred in those three days and I just needed to sleep.

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