
Graduate students

There is one open Ph.D. student position for Fall, 2023. – This position has been filled.

The student will work on one of our on-going sensor-related research projects, for example, to develop a distributed strain sensor system for continuous head motion monitoring in highly localized radiation therapy, or to develop a solution for pickleball sound mitigation.

Ph.D. students who are interested in joining my group should email Dr. Liu ( with your CV, transcripts, English test scores (GRE/TOEFL/IELTS), and a cover letter that states your research of interests. The minimum requirement to join Listen Lab is 3.0/4.0 of GPA, 160 of GRE Quantitative, 6.5 of IELTS or 79 of TOEFL.

Applicants who has a Master’s degree, relevant research experience in solid or wave mechanics, or is presently in the U.S. are particularly encouraged to apply. Dr. Liu will work with exceptional candidates to waive GRE if he/she does not have one.

Undergraduates and visiting scholars

Undergraduate students, Master’s students, and visiting scholars are very welcome in the group to gain research experiences. Please email Dr. Liu ( for opportunities.