Author Archives: Haijun Liu

A paper in collaboration with Dr. Albert Kim accepted by IEEE Access

In collaboration with and led by Dr. Alert Kim, our paper on the “In vitro Study on Smart Stent for Autonomous Post-Endovascular Aneurysm Repair Surveillance” has been accepted by IEEE Access. We seek to develop a smart stent that can minimize the post-EVAR complications by providing diagnostic information to patients and physicians. Congratulations to Xiaolei and our collaborators.

Dr. Liu receives an INTERN supplemental grant from NSF

Dr. Liu receives an INTERN supplemental grant from NSF for $55,000. It will be used to support Ph.D. student Qian Dong to intern at the Mass and Force Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD. Pending approval, Qian will start to work at NIST for six months starting in Nov., 2019. Big thanks to the support from NSF and our sponsors Dr. Akobuije Chijioke and Dr. Nick Vlajic!

Qian’s paper on fiber optic sensors published by Journal of Acoustics and Vibration

Ph.D. student Qian Dong’s work on graphene-based fiber optic acoustic pressure sensors has been published by Journal of Acoustics and Vibrations. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4042929]. It seeks to enhance the sensitivity by two approaches: (1) using a graphene-silver composite film to enhance the optical sensitivity; (b) increasing the volume of backing cavity to enhance the mechanical sensitivity. Congratulations, Qian.

Dr. Liu gives an invited talk at Northeastern

Dr. Liu gives an invited talk as an MIE Seminar Series speaker at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of Northeastern University on Mar 23, 2018. The title of his talk is Transforming Acoustic Sensing Technology: from Bio-inspiration to Metamaterials. See the details here.

Paper accepted by Metrologia

A paper co-authored by Dr. Liu with his collaborators at National Institute of Standards and Technology is accepted by Metrologia. The title of the paper is “Towards Traceable Transient Pressure Metrology”.

Dr. Liu organizes a new topic on Human Perception of Acoustics for IMECE 2018

Dr. Liu is a topic organizer on Human Perception of Acoustics for IMECE 2018. Please see below for the description of the program:

  • Track 1: Acoustics, Vibration, Phononics
    • Topic 1-10: Human Perception of Acoustics

The Noise Control and Acoustics Division (NCAD) is sponsoring a symposium on human perception of acoustics. This symposium is intended to bring together researchers and engineers from various disciplinaries to discuss ideas related to the scientific study of human perception of sound (e.g. loudness, noise, pitch, and source location), and how the study leads to enhanced fundamental understanding and/or improved engineered hearing devices/systems. The study can be experimental, numerical, or theoretical in nature. Topics of interest include but are not limited to wave propagation in hearing animals and organs, auditory signal processing, noise detection, cancellation, and mitigation, sound localization and separation, speech recognition, and biomimetic hearing devices.