Temple Book Club–Discussion and Meet and Greet with Author Ronald Gauthier

Temple Book Club Presents a Conversation with Ronald Gauthier Crescent City Countdown December 4, 1:00 p.m., Paley Library, Lecture Hall 1210 W. Berks Street, Philadelphia, PA Ronald Gauthier is the author of a trilogy of mystery novels set in New Orleans. His latest book, Crescent City Countdown, weaves a crime story with commentary on the troubles facing a post-Katrina New Orleans. Gauthier was a life-long resident of the city before Hurricane Katrina displaced him. He brings his love for the city and background as a counselor and educator to his books, giving them a socio-political grounding that is unique to the mystery genre. Join the Book Club and Gauthier to discuss Crescent City Countdown.

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