Roper Center / iPOLL Update

New Datasets include:

Selected studies recently added to iPOLL:

Title: Time/Rockefeller Foundation/SRBI A Women’s Nation Poll [August, 2009]
Source: Survey by Time, The Rockefeller Foundation.
Methodology: Conducted by Abt SRBI, August 31-September 15, 2009 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult including oversamples of blacks and hispanics sample of 3,413. The sample included 446 African Americans and 383 Hispanics. Results were weighted to be representative of a national adult population. The results of this survey appeared in ‘The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything.’
Search for: Topic: ‘women’; Organization: ‘Time’; Date: from ’08/31/2009 to 08/31/2009′

Title: Healthcare Through Women’s Economic Lenses Survey [October, 2009]
Source: Survey by The Independent Women’s Forum.
Methodology: Conducted by The Polling Company, October 19-October 25, 2009 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult women who are registered to vote sample of 800.
Search for: Topic: ‘women’; Date: ’10/19/2009 to 10/19/2009′

Title: Public Views of the H1N1 Vaccine Shortage Survey [October, 2009]
Source: Survey by Harvard School of Public Health.
Methodology: Conducted by Social Science Research Solutions/ICR-International Communications Research, October 30-November 1, 2009 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult including oversamples of blacks and hispanics sample of 1,073. There were 107 African Americans, and 141 Hispanics. Results are weighted to be representative of a national adult population.
Search for: Topic: ‘health’; Organization: ‘Harvard School of Public Health’; Date: ’10/30/2009 to 10/30/2009′

Title: Transatlantic Trends 2009 Survey [June, 2009]
Source: Survey by German Marshall Fund of the US and the Compagnia di San Paolo, Italy, with additional support from the Luso-American Foundation, Portugal, Fundacion BBVA, Spain, and the Tipping Point Fdtn., Bulgaria.
Methodology: Conducted by TNS Opinion and Social Institutes, June 9-July 1, 2009 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult sample of 1,000. Interviews were conducted in the US by Leger Marketing of Montreal. Parallel surveys were conducted in Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Spain, Slovakia, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Romania. All fieldwork was coordinated by TNS Opinion and Social Institutes.
Search for: ‘climate’; Date: ’06/09/2009 to 06/09/2009′

Title: Public Agenda Foundation A Place to Call Home: What Immigrants Say About Life in America Survey [April, 2009]
Methodology: Conducted by Public Agenda Foundation, April 23-June 7, 2009 and based on telephone interviews with a national foreign-born adults sample of 1,138. Interviews were conducted by ICR-International Communications Research. Foreign-born adults are described as adults 18 years or older who currently live in the US and came to the US at the age of five or older. The survey was funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Search for: Organization: ‘Public Agenda Foundation’; Date: ’04/23/2009 to 04/23/2009′

Title: Transatlantic Trends Immigration Survey [August, 2008]
Source: Survey by German Marshall Fund of the US, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation of the US, the Compagnia di San Paolo, Italy, and the Barrow Cadbury Trust, United Kingdom.
Methodology: Conducted by TNS Opinion and Social Institutes, August 29-September 29, 2008 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult sample of 1,000. Interviews were conducted in the US by Leger Marketing of Montreal. Parallel surveys were conducted in Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Poland.
Search for: ‘immigrat% not McCain’; Topic ‘immigration’; Date: ’08/29/2008 to 08/29/2008′

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