Paley Open 24/7 Through Finals

To provide Temple students with an around-the-clock study environment and all hours access to our collections, the Paley Library will be open 24 hours a day starting 8 am on Monday, December 8 and will remain open 24/7 until 5 pm on Saturday, December 20. The staff of the Paley Library is available to provide assistance with any last minute research needs, help finding hard-to-locate information, or whatever our students need to complete their assignments successfully. As always, when in the Library please watch your personal belongings at all times. Avoid leaving cell phones, electronic devices and book bags unattended.

Please also be aware that the Paley Library will be closed starting Wednesday, December 24 and will not re-open until Monday, January 5, 2009. Normally the Library would be open several days during the winter break. However, the University has scheduled a major electrical infrastructure upgrade for the Library that requires all power in the building be shut for at least four days. Though we understand this closure will inconvenience some members of our community, this is clearly the best time to shut down without causing a major inconvenience to a large number of library users. We will be publicizing this closure in a variety of ways.

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