
AnthroSource joins the list of more than 300 databases which Temple University Libraries provides to Temple faculty, students, and staff for research. Developed by the American Anthropological Association (AAA), it is “the premier online resource serving the research, teaching, and professional needs of anthropologists”. AnthroSource provides online access, with full-text, keyword, phrase, and Boolean searching, to the current issues of 15 of AAA’s peer-reviewed publications through the end of 2006; these include American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, and Medical Anthropology Quarterly. AnthroSource also serves as an electronic archive, with more than 100 years of anthropological material online, for all of AAA’s 31 journals, newsletters and bulletins. Click here to view holdings information. AnthroSource uses CrossRef to dynamically link article PDF files to other publications within and without AnthroSource. All databases are linked from the Temple University Libraries website. Please contact me if you have any questions. If you would like to have AnthroSource and other social science databases demonstrated to a class, please call me at 215-204-4581 or email me to set a date for a Library User Education class. —Gregory McKinney Subject Specialist for Anthropology Temple University Libraries Temple University

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