Easier Database Access Now @ Your Library

You can now start your web-based research directly from all of the Libraries’ web services even if you’re off-campus. All you need is your browser and your AccessNet ID. Access to the Libraries’ restricted resources has never been easier! When you click on a link to a restricted resource in the Diamond catalog or anywhere on the Libraries’ web site, you’ll see the LibProxy login page. Simply enter your AccessNet username and password, — the same username and password you use for email or TUportal — click the “login” button, and search. Beginning August 29, JournalFinder will also be accessible this way. Your login will be valid until you end your session and close your browser. That means you only have to login once to search our entire selection of databases and ebooks. Off-campus users can still gain access to the restricted resources via TUportal or previous methods. If you use those, or are anywhere on campus, you won’t notice anything different. We hope you’ll find LibProxy makes your off-campus research much easier. If you have any questions, just contact Brian Schoolar, our Electronic Resources Librarian, at 215-204-3258 or jbrian@temple.edu. –Byron C. Mayes

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