Welcome to our New Blog

Welcome to Temple University Libraries’ new blog. We started this to improve communication with you, providing news on library events, new acquisitions to our collection, information on useful resources, tips on researching, and whatever else we’d like to tell you about.

You can leave comments on any of the entries (beneath the entries is a link), or you can email one of the contributors directly (we are listed to the left). As this is a new and ongoing development, we’d appreciate any feedback: comments, criticisms, or suggestions.

New to blogs? Blog is short for weblog, and the Oxford English Dictionary (one of our many fine online resources) defines it as:

“A frequently updated web site consisting of personal observations, excerpts from other sources, etc., typically run by a single person, and usually with hyperlinks to other sites; an online journal or diary.”

That’s a fairly general definition. For a much more detailed look, see the Wikipedia entry on weblogs.

We’ll be adding posts regularly, so please stop back in.

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