Trial: Counseling and Therapy in Video

Temple Libraries has a trial to Counseling and Therapy in Video, from Alexander Street Press, through June 22, 2009.  According to Alexander Street:

Counseling and Therapy in Video provides the largest and richest online collection of video available for the study of social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling—400 hours and more than 330 videos on completion. The collection’s wealth of video and multiplicity of perspectives allow students and scholars to see, experience, and study counseling in ways never before possible. Counseling and Therapy in Video‘s suite of tools—searches and browses powered by Semantic Indexing™ and searchable transcripts synchronized to video—give the ability to drill down in seconds to find the footage of interest from hundreds of hours of video.

The videos in this collection, drawn from the catalogs of Microtraining Associates,, and the University of Manchester Department of Psychiatry, have been created by a variety of organizations and individuals dedicated to the advancement of education and training in counseling and therapy. Several types of videos have been chosen to provide a well-rounded collection that will be of interest to students, academics, and professionals alike. [More Info]

Don’t forget that Temple Libraries already subscribes to a complementary resource from Alexander Street, Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Client Narratives, and Reference Works.

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