Associated Press Images

TU Libraries is pleased to announce the addition of AP Images to its collection of databases.

Capturing the greatest moments in history, news, sports, and entertainment as seen by the Associated Press, AP Images (formerly AccuNet/AP Multimedia Archive) is one of the largest collections of historical and contemporary news photographs, containing over 3 million images from the 1840s to the present, with thousands more added daily. In addition to AP’s iconic photographs, the collection also includes over 50,000 graphics, containing logos, graphs, maps, and timelines.

Worldwide in scope, AP Images is a first-rate resource for all researchers interested in the impact of media on society or those simply in search of superb primary source photographs. Searching capabilities include the ability to search by keyword, person, date, or event, in addition to browsing feature photograph collections. All content from AP Images may be downloaded and used for educational purposes.

Please feel free to contact me at for further information about this resource.

– Kristina De Voe

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