New Year: New Databases and E-Books

More new electronic resources for the New Year:

  • Biblical Archaeology Society Archive: The BAS Archive contains the editorial content of each issue of the bimonthly magazines Biblical Archaeology Review (1975-2003), Bible Review (1985-2003) and Archaeology Odyssey (1998-2003), as well as five books published by the Biblical Archaeology Society.
  • World Development Indicators: Provides direct access to more than 600 development indicators (full list of indicators), with time series for 208 countries and 18 country groups from 1960 onward.
  • Oxford Digital Reference Shelf : 10 more e-books have been added to this collection. They are individually searchable or accessible through our new Oxford Reference Online service.
    • Encyclopedia of Evolution
    • Encyclopedia of Global Change
    • Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment
    • Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
    • Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
    • Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance
    • Oxford Encyclopedia of American Literature
    • Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt
    • Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History
    • Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation
  • Smithsonian Global Sound: Includes the published recordings owned by the non-profit Smithsonian Folkways Recordings label and the archival audio collections of Folkways Records, Cook, Dyer-Bennet, Fast Folk, Monitor, Paredon and other labels. It also includes music recorded around the African continent by Dr. Hugh Tracey for the International Library of African Music (ILAM) at Rhodes University as well as material collected by recordists on the South Asian subcontinent from the Archive Research Centre for Ethnomusicology (ARCE), sponsored by the American Institute for Indian Studies. Recordings can be streamed (requires Macromedia Flash Player and Windows Media Player [PC] or Macromedia Flash Player [Mac]) at either 22kbps (default) or 64kbps. Users can create their own playlists after free registration.
  • Encyclopedia of African American Society: This two-volume reference work details the ways in which the tenets and foundations of African American culture have given rise to today’s society. Approaching the field from a “street level” perspective, these two volumes cover topics such as rap music, sports, television, cinema, racism, religion, and literature, among others.
  • Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices: Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices presents detailed information on current religious practices around the world, with an emphasis on how religion impacts the daily lives of its followers. Entries cover everything from central doctrines and sacred texts to dietary customs and significant holidays. The three-volume set explores 13 major religions, plus 24 sects, and spans Asia and Oceania, Europe, the Americas, Africa, and the Middle East. Also includes 300 illustrations, belief tables showing how individual religions are unique and what they share with other religions, a glossary, maps, a cumulative index, and much more.

All these items are listed and linked on our new New Electronic Resources page.

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