Web of Science access now available back to 1974

Our Web of Science coverage has been expanded! With the use of one-time funds, the library has just purchased 15 more years of access to this premier database. Indexing is now available from 1974 to the present. The Web of Science database covers over 8700 scholarly peer-reviewed journals from three major indexes: Science Citation Index covers 5900 journals Social Sciences Citation Index covers 1725 journals Arts & Humanities Citation Index covers 1144 journals It also provides access to current and retrospective bibliographical information, abstracts, our online catalog, and cited references in all the above subject areas. You may search by author, keywords, journal title, and institutional affiliation. Researchers may also track a known relevant author or paper and find more recent papers that cite it, thus discovering who is doing current research on the topic of the older article. Expanded search options include the ability to: locate all cited authors (not just first authors), track times cited information, and follow hot links to cited references. Entries are linked to the library’s holdings in our online catalog, Diamond. The index is updated weekly. Note: This database is licensed for 10 concurrent users, so please hit the “Logout” button when finished to free up access for other Temple colleagues.

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