New Lit Reviews from Web of Science

Historical Conditions, Ideological Struggles, and State Policies Toward Religion “Why do secular states pursue substantially different policies toward religion? The United States, France, and Turkey are secular states that lack any official religion and have legal systems free from religious control.” Aesthetics Surgery and Religion: Islamic Law Perspective “Even if it clearly considers “changing the creation of Allah” as unlawful, Islamic law is ambiguous regarding cosmetic surgery. Its objection to cosmetic surgery is not absolute.” Empire by invitation: Greek political strategies and Roman imperial interventions in the second century BCE “Greek politicians in the second century B.C.E. increasingly turned to Roman authorities in order to defeat their political opposition.” The Integration of Western Modernism in Postcolonial Arabic Literature: a study of Abdul-Wahhab Al-Bayati’s Third World Poetics “Transforming Western modernist strategies into a revolutionary construct, Al-Bayati aims to challenge internal oppression and external hegemony.” Disappearing origins: Sephardic autobiography today “Focusing on memoirists of Spanish-Portuguese background, however attenuated, I read the tarnished but treasured place of Sefarad in these recent works and interpret the authors’ often ambivalent self-location with regard to Sephardic identity.” The busy countryside of Late Roman Corinth – Interpreting ceramic data produced by regional archaeological surveys (Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey) “Using data generated by the Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey, the author examines the evidence for the frequently attested “explosion” of Late Roman settlement in the Corinthia…” History, power, and electricity: American popular magazine accounts of electroconvulsive therapy, 1940-2005 “This article analyzes the popular accounts over time, particularly the ways in which the debates over ECT have revolved around different interpretations of ECT’s history and its power dynamics.” ————————————————————————————————————– Subject Guides Classics // Islamic Studies // Jewish Studies // Philosophy // Religion ————————————————————————————————————–

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