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Managing Site Privacy

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Go to Settings->Reading in the admin area to manage your site visibility. Here are the available options:

  • Allow search engines to index this site
  • Discourage search engines from indexing this site
  • I would like my blog to be visible only to registered users of Temple University Sites
  • I would like my blog to be visible only to registered users I add to “Temple University Sites”
  • I would like “Temple University Sites” to be visible only to Admins.

Allow search engines to index this site

This setting will make your site open to the entire world. Search engines will be able to crawl your site and send users to your content.

Discourage search engines from indexing this site would like my blog to be visible only to registered users of Temple University Sites

This setting will still make your site open to the entire world, but it will tell search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo! not to send users to your site. So, unless someone guesses your URL, the site is hidden from the world, but anyone with a link can still access your site. This is a good option to select while you are still building your site but are not ready for primetime.

I would like my blog to be visible only to registered users of Temple University Sites

This setting will make any user login with their Temple AccessNet username and password before accessing your site. No search engines or outside users will be able to see any content.

I would like my blog to be visible only to registered users I add to “Temple University Sites”

This is a good option for private group collaboration. Only users at Temple who you select will be able to login and view your site. No search engines or outside users will be able to see any content.

I would like “Temple University Sites” to be visible only to Admins

At this point, your site is completely locked down. No search engines or users will be able to see any content other than site administrators.