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Classic editor – Edit page by HTML

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WordPress authors have the option to create pages and posts in a Visual Editor or a Text Editor. While the Visual Editor does a reasonably good job with its toolbar options and easy editing environment, the use of the Text Editor allows maximum flexibility on how to organize content.

Let me explain not just why you’d want to use the Text Editor (in place of the Visual Editor), but how easy it can be to use.

How To Use WordPress HTML Editor image

Why might you prefer the Text Editor?

  • Your content will make more sense for your readers and search engines.
  • You only need to know a few HTML tags to make the Text Editor very useful.
  • You can apply CSS style properties directly to your HTML code.

What Happens When You Use The Visual Editor?

When you add copy, media or links to your Visual Editor you’re really adding HTML to your page or post. It all takes place under the hood.

Not sure what I mean? Try this.

Add some content by copying and pasting something in the Visual Editor. Then select the Text tab. What you’ll be looking at is HTML. Just like with the Visual Editor, you can edit your HTML code directly with the Text Editor.

In fact, you can do a lot more with the Text Editor than you can with the Visual Editor. This makes working in text mode not just more productive but more satisfying too. You’ll be able to more accurately markup your content which will benefit your readers and boost your SEO efforts.

HTML is about as straightforward as it gets. Every web page, including those generated by WordPress, use it.