The content on this webpage has been designed to provide aspects of our program for a sense of what we do, what students have accomplished as part of our program, and a little personality of the program itself.

Welcome to Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Program’s 8th Floor Home
Our program fosters community-building and belonging. Community building and community engagement, for the purpose of developing and applying empathy. Our courses provide brave spaces in which students can encounter and engage with topics ….
Want to be added to the GSWS newsletter in order to stay current on current events and program information? Email your name to Dr. J:
Check out our official University page for program requirements, etc.:
Our upcoming newsletter will be published here. In the meantime, be on the lookout for information concerning:
Sex Ed week, at the beginning of April
Trans Day of Visibility events at the end of March/beginning of April
GSWS Research Symposium, Thursday, April 17th!
Congratulations to Professor Windhauser on the publication of his academic book: The Queer Coming of Age Film Genre (from Lexington Books)