Renato is presenting at ACC’23

Renato presented at the ACC’23, American Control Conference, IEEE.

Title: Discovering Governing Equations of Li-ion Batteries Pertaining State of Charge Using Input-Output Data

Abstract: Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have complex electrochemical behaviors, which result in nonlinear and high-dimensional dynamics. The modeling of this complex system often requires models involving PDEs, which are costly to develop and require invasive experiments to identify battery parameters. Here, we propose a data-driven technique to discover nonlinear reduced-order models that govern state-of-charge (SOC) dynamics from non-invasive input/output data. Accurate SOC estimation is paramount for increased performance, improved operational safety, and extended longevity of LIBs. The SOC model is developed from a library of candidate terms via a sparsity-promoting algorithm and data generated by the Doyle-Fuller-Newman (P2D) model with a thermal model to characterize the cell’s thermal effects. We tuned the model’s performance and sparsity by exploring different combinations of candidate terms (basis functions) and data sampling rates. Using current, voltage, and SOC, the model was trained and validated on the UDDS city driving cycle. It achieved a predictive performance (RMSE) of 3e-5% and 0.22% for training and model validation, respectively. The generalizability of the model was assessed via cross-validation on the US06 highway driving cycle, where an RMSE of 0.47% was achieved. The modeling technique includes explicit physics-inspired terms, which allows for interpretable and generalizable models. Furthermore, the procedures and methods developed in this research are generic and can guide machine learning modeling of other dynamical systems.

Rodriguez, R., Ahmadzadeh, O., Wang, Y., & Soudbakhsh, D. (2023, May). Discovering governing equations of li-ion batteries pertaining state of charge using input-output data. In 2023 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 3081-3086). IEEE

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