
My latest peer-reviewed publication is Robert P. Gilles, Marialaura Pesce, and Dimitrios Diamantaras,The Provision of Collective Goods through a Social Division of Labour”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 178 (October) (2020), 287—312. First appearance online 2020-08-11.

My latest working paper, jointly written with Robert P. Gilles, is available as a preprint on It is also available as a Department of Economics at Temple University working paper. I presented an earlier version of this paper in the Economics Department research seminar series in November 2012.

NEW: My book review of Tilman Börgers’s “An Introduction to the Theory of Mechanism Design” was published in the Journal of Economic Literature, 54 (June 2016), pp. 589-591, doi:

My book review of Sylvia Nasar’s “Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius” was published in the Journal of Economic Psychology, 33 (2012), pp. 435-436, doi:10.1016/j.joep.2011.11.005. Here is the the final draft.

A recent working paper, joint with Robert P. Gilles, applied the theory of games with players who feel ambiguity about their expected utility to the question of the tragedy of the commons, and works into the model a degree of social influence on the players’ degrees of optimism and pessimism. This paper has been published as: Dimitrios Diamantaras and Robert P. Gilles, “Ambiguity, Social Opinion and the Use of Common Property Resources”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 80(2011): 210-222, doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2011.03.008. Here is a PDF of the submitted version: socialopt-2011-02-01

I have also worked recently on the economics of networks, here is a working paper (PDF). It has been published as: Robert P. Gilles, Tabitha James, Reza Barkhi and Dimitrios Diamantaras, “Simulating Social Network Formation: A Case-Based Decision Theoretic Model”, International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, October-December 2009, 1(4): 1-20.

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