Cold-Water Coral Reefs of the World
volume available now from Springer Publishing
What we study
DEEP-SEA CORALS (except some are not really deep sea, so we could call them cold-water corals, except not all of them are in cold water – so, we study CORALS).
COLD SEEPS (except they are not all cold, so we can call them hydrocarbon seeps, but other things can seep up through the crust in the deep sea, so let’s just call them SEEPS)
SEAMOUNTS (they are mountains, except under the sea)
THE DEEP SEA (yes, it is deep, and yes, it is the sea)
Where we work
CORALS: Gulf of Mexico, Southeast U.S., Caribbean, Costa Rica, Phoenix Islands
SEEPS: Gulf of Mexico, Southeast U.S., Costa Rica
SEAMOUNTS: Caribbean, Costa Rica, Phoenix Islands
THE DEEP SEA: is everywhere – the largest habitat on Earth
Tools we use
Manned submersibles (HOVs), ROVs, AUVs, CTDs, oceanography, marine aquaria, physiology, phylogenetics, population genetics, RNAseq, community ecology, population ecology, statistical analysis, predictive habitat modeling
Issues we are tackling
Oil and gas industry impacts and management
Global ocean change (climate change, but in the ocean – warming, ocean acidification, deoxygenation)