Dr. Florent Dauchy

Dr. Florent Dauchy

Florent Dauchy received his Ph.D. from Cranfield University (UK) in nano and micro technologies under the supervision of Prof. Roger Whatmore and Dr. Rob Dorey.Florent has been employed by AFM Ltd. a start up spinning out of the Institute of Cancer Research (London)/ Birmingham University/ Dundee Hospital. He was a Research fellow for this project. His role is to find the material properties of submicrons PZT, and to fit and use these properties for biotechnologies. One of his most recent focuses is high frequency ultrasound for cancer cells imaging and biosensors.Florent is now involved in a full time MBA at Imperial College. Because of its location, this MBA is highly focused on technologies. He took on a major in Venture Capitalist Finance and Private Equity. He planned on finishing in September 2011. During his MBA, Florent set up, with three partners, the ultra-portable medical devices start-up “Scottson Ltd.” The partners involved were Prof. Sandy Cochran (Dundee Uni. UK), Mark Walsh (CEO, PCT Ltd.), Jonathan Marsh (Envision Design).


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