
The American Society of Civil Engineers

The American Society of Civil Engineers represents more than 150,000 members of the civil engineering profession in 177 countries. Founded in 1852, ASCE is the nation’s oldest engineering society.

ASCE stands at the forefront of a profession that plans, designs, constructs, and operates society’s economic and social engine – the built environment – while protecting and restoring the natural environment.

Through the expertise of its active membership, ASCE is a leading provider of technical and professional conferences and continuing education, the world’s largest publisher of civil engineering content, and an authoritative source for codes and standards that protect the public.

Temple ASCE

Here at Temple’s ASCE chapter, we strive to promote what ASCE is known for worldwide. By bridging the gap between academia and the engineering profession, we enhance the personal and professional development of our members.

We work closely with the ASCE Philadelphia Younger Member Forum (YMF) to organize service and networking events with young professionals and nearby college student chapters. By joining Temple’s Chapter of ASCE, these fun and beneficial events become available to you!